Freddy Feest

Freddy Feest



  • The Last Station The Last Station

    Freddy 2022-03-24 09:03:09

    I wish those who are separated from flesh and blood die without a lover in front of the hospital bed

    Great people fight against the world to maintain their ideals and careers. But that's not enough. When they win the world, they can turn around and shoot at their supporters. People should always be independent individuals. If they are surrounded by followers all day long Then I can no longer walk the road I want to go, and the voice can no longer drown out the fanatical people who think they know themselves better than themselves. Always stay awake, fight with yourself, fight with your...

  • Population 436 Population 436

    Freddy 2022-03-24 08:01:03

    I imagined a place like this

    So this film looks interesting to me. I like this type of horror film
    , artificial, cult-like themes. Although it sometimes seems far from reality, it feels very fresh. There is not much to say about the content of the film. Although several characters have their own characteristics, compared with other horror films of the same type, they do not have much characteristics, but one thing that needs to be emphasized is the role of the police officer, Bobby. I think it is quite realistic to...

  • My Octopus Teacher My Octopus Teacher

    Freddy 2022-03-23 09:02:37

    "My Octopus Teacher":


    That man stepped into the beautiful sea one quiet morning.

    In the shallow seabed, he met a free octopus.

    Men were once tired of life and wanted to find answers in the sea of ​​their hometown.

    The little, slippery octopus girl meets him and unloads the burden for him.

    He called it "she," so sure enough, she became, his...

  • Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

    Freddy 2022-03-23 09:02:27

    or gossip

    After watching the ending, I heard those murmurs and guessed: So all the dead adults are these goblins? Died because of the love for your child, so you have an obsession with your child? So I want to eat your teeth because I love you? oh, my~ This doesn't rub (deliberately drop) the classic plot of Japanese supernatural comics - Earthbound Spirit? Bound because of love, lost because of love.
        After watching this film, the most impressive thing is actually the little girl's acting...

  • Midway Midway

    Freddy 2022-03-22 09:02:16

    Be your best self in the unpredictable

    In war, in the ocean, and in the sky, warriors are like mayflies in the sky and a drop in the ocean. Whether the war will break out, when the war will start, where the situation will evolve, what the enemy's intentions, how the local side will respond, whether the bullet will pass through the chest, whether the bomb will fall on the side, all can't be controlled. All they can do is be the best version of themselves. When a pilot drives a fighter jet toward an enemy warship, the...

  • Ninja Assassin Ninja Assassin

    Freddy 2022-03-22 09:02:11

    One word: cool

    The plot of this film is super simple, and even the mentally retarded is not an exaggeration, but it is such a mentally retarded movie Laomei that can make people's adrenal glands secrete crazily.

    To put it simply, this is a similar movie that relies entirely on pictures and actions. It can be compared to the recent "2012" and "Transformers 2", but the difference is that the story of this movie is very compact, and it is a Flesh and blood are flying—no exaggeration, the director is...

  • Casino Casino

    Freddy 2022-03-22 09:01:03

    A movie that people can learn a lot

    1 The casino mechanism makes you leave at a loss. What do those managers and personnel do? Whose does your money belong to? 2 A bitch is always a bitch, because she knows that the body is a free cost, and she will still be derailed when it is time to derail. 3 In the end, good friends will inevitably mess up the relationship because of women, not because of money, because money is not necessarily worth it at that time. 4 The person who is cautious will live to the end, because everything he...

  • Good Night, and Good Luck. Good Night, and Good Luck.

    Freddy 2022-03-21 09:01:59

    Beautiful "Meteor"

    When a meteor crosses the night sky, it is brilliant and beautiful, which is unmatched by any celestial body, because it is the beauty that the meteor has exchanged for its short life. Edward R. Morrow has been called "a shooting star in the history of journalism", in other words, there is no more. He once said in the film, "Having explored my conscience and my experience, I am not sure whether I have always been right or wise, but I have always been diligent in seeking the truth and reporting...

  • Bicycle Thieves Bicycle Thieves

    Freddy 2022-03-21 09:01:40

    bland story

    This is a particularly bland story! It's like the stories happening around, a little funny, and more cruel in life.

    The male protagonist does not have a job. In order to get a new job, he spends all his family savings to buy a bicycle. But it was stolen, and they searched hard with their son, and went through a lot of twists and turns. In the end it was not found. The wickedness in his heart came out, and he was walking along other people's bicycles, but was caught on the spot....

  • The Vampire Diaries The Vampire Diaries

    Freddy 2022-03-21 09:01:21

    Finished watching three seasons of The Vampire Diaries in two days

    Apart from Twilight, this theme was the first time I came into contact with it. Many friends recommended it to watch it. The plot of the story is actually somewhat similar to Twilight. The main line is the romance between a vampire and a high school student. However, because the vd is a TV series, it is more complicated, with more characters and more tangled relationships, but it is precisely because of this that the story is clearly told and more exciting .
       Use and trust feel like the...

  • Tidal Wave Tidal Wave

    Freddy 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Sad loophole disaster film

    Tragedy is not so easy to shape. After the tsunami, the protagonist didn't die, not to mention the decent CG animation, but the plot basically didn't follow common sense. The camera, the plot had to arrange for them to make the tsunami turn, so as not to hurt these protagonists. After all, the audience does not want to see the comedian disappear into the tsunami.
    But the audience is not a fool. Such a
    huge building can be knocked down The 100-meter tsunami caused the two "brothers and...

  • Rain Man Rain Man

    Freddy 2022-03-19 09:01:01

    "Rain Man": I can hold an umbrella for you, and you can stand under my umbrella.

    The seemingly bleak ordinary life of each of us actually lives like an autobiography and a movie.

    "Rain Man": I am willing to hold an umbrella for you, you can stand under my umbrella

    (The picture comes from a self-cutting movie)

    "Rain Man" is a feature film directed by director Barry Levinson in 1988. The...

  • 13 Going on 30 13 Going on 30

    Freddy 2022-03-18 09:01:03

    In fact, it is to cherish the 13-year-old, and to cherish every stage

    2019.1.29 I thought it was an imagination of 30 years old. I wanted to see what other people dreamed of being 30 years old. In fact, it is not, it is to cherish the 13-year-old. It made me always remember being 13 years old as being out of place and not fitting in, and then I was fitting in with new groups too, giving up a friend or two. It reminds me forever that 13 is just as precious. Those naivety and ignorance are precisely because we have the most precious emotions at that time, so...

  • 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men

    Freddy 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Look at the judicial system behind a criminal case

    "Twelve Angry Men" This movie is directed by Sydney. Lumant’s film debut. This movie is about: a teenager from a slum was accused of murdering his father. After the court’s complaint and defense, the 12 jury members who served as the case must discuss the case in the jury lounge before the case is closed, and they must always Only through the results of the discussion can the case be officially closed.

      The twelve jurors each have their own professions and lives. Among them are...

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    Freddy 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Feel a little messy

    It took a long time to watch the second episode. I watched the first episode three times at intervals.
    Although it is said on the Internet that the global box office of the second episode has exceeded 1 billion US dollars, it feels not as exciting as the first episode.
    The structure is too laid out and there are too many branches, which seems a bit chaotic.
    Not only are there many new characters added, but all the main characters in the first episode have taken various...

  • Freddy 2023-09-03 19:43:14

    "Revolution" is always unavoidable "blood sacrifice".

  • Freddy 2023-08-21 21:35:32

    The French are really open enough. . Couples can fuck. . From the movie, the two people use each other a bit, one editor and one writer. . Movies are boring. .

  • Freddy 2023-08-17 03:59:19

    Freud's psychoanalytic theory reappears

  • Freddy 2023-07-18 12:16:50

    Basically relying on the lines, but this line didn't feel anything to me, so I couldn't accept shooting a 90-minute subject for two and a half hours -- maybe because I thought it was an exploitative film because of the name, my psychological expectations were not right.

  • Freddy 2023-07-10 14:09:58

    The audience observes the two male protagonists from the perspective of the female protagonist. From this perspective, misleading and suspenseful can be said, but when the female protagonist is not present, the two male protagonists are still misleading the audience, which is very boring... Not to mention Originally, the story is almost like no, and the suspense is so thin that it is almost transparent

  • Freddy 2023-07-04 08:26:02

    The dislocation of mother and daughter roles, as well as the mutual projection of actor/screenwriter identity and life, enrich the story. An unforgettable scene is that the camera quickly pans with Binoche to the mother-daughter frame, and the words of snakes and scorpions, jealousy, and grudge are all shattered by the tender core. The play within the play is unique and the actresses are all beautiful.

  • Freddy 2023-07-01 21:51:20

    Watching it with my family, we were so moved, hallelujah!

  • Freddy 2023-06-17 19:12:43

    The pain that can be expressed is not pain, so Hong Sangxiu uses the heroine to express anger, remorse and regret, but it is just a sophistry to whitewash introspection. Kim Min-hee obviously saw through all of this, and ignored his tricks, instead of becoming a speaker for his confession, only showing the helplessness of alienation. I believe this is why Hong Sang Soo fell in love with her and won the Berlin Actress. They may never understand each other's loneliness, but no one can deny that they are deeply in love.

  • Freddy 2023-06-17 11:01:04

    The logic is a bit confusing. The white elf is simply the predecessor of Avatar, ha

  • Freddy 2023-06-15 14:33:21

    I don't know what to say, one star to Pepe

  • Freddy 2023-05-07 16:29:01

    Although the suspense is a little off, the atmosphere is created well, and the longline search is quite good

  • Freddy 2023-04-24 23:33:32

    The contrast between Bina and marina is very sharp. Women can't be too selfish and stupid. Sometimes revolutionary feelings can be praised. In times of war, children are like adults. I was shocked to see how strong the little child who lost his mother still gave his stepfather the silk scarf that his mother gave him.

  • Freddy 2023-03-30 10:01:37

    In fact, I am most interested in all kinds of gossip about Da Vinci...

  • Freddy 2023-03-27 17:25:04

    Outlaws, tangled! The two male protagonists should switch roles~Eduardo is mature~~~alone

  • Freddy 2023-03-18 21:30:55

    Why women love roofers