Sonia Farrell

Sonia Farrell



  • Desperate Housewives Desperate Housewives

    Sonia 2022-12-24 16:36:36

    Catch up from the first season to the eighth season in one breath, including spoilers! ! !

    I swiped the part of Xiaomei on Douyin, and then went to everyone to chase it in one go.

    1 About Susan. In the first season, because of mike's appearance, in the process of Susan and Edie robbing mike, I thought that Susan was good and Edie was evil. But at the beginning of the second season, I started to hate Susan very much. The more I look at her, the more I hate her. He looks very much like the Monkey King in Journey to the West. With all the shots, she...

  • M. Butterfly M. Butterfly

    Sonia 2022-12-23 18:14:38

    Emotional cues for sets and props (technical)

    After watching this film, it took a long time to calm down. The story is moving, the soundtrack is clever, and the protagonist's acting skills are outstanding. The setting and lighting are quite delicate, rich and restrained, but also hidden in mystery.

    1. Opening

    The title is very oriental, the paper is simple and elegant, and the pattern is simple. Interestingly, butterflies, dragonflies, thin plums (explained below), pipa,...

  • The Dreamlife of Angels The Dreamlife of Angels

    Sonia 2022-12-15 03:35:07

    You have to do this all your life, go on!

    The final ending shook my heart, like a clot in my heart preventing the blood from being transported smoothly. Suffocated, breathless.

    You have to do this all your life, go on! This sentence made the originally quiet and peaceful blood flow all of a sudden.

    The lovely angels are absolutely kind. ISA meets marie in her ignorant exploration of the world, and slowly understands the true meaning and value of this life in her living state. They are at the bottom of the society...

  • And Then There Were None And Then There Were None

    Sonia 2022-12-13 13:38:10

    Tampering with the ending falls short

    In the past, I have always been opposed to very old movies, because the pictures are simple, the technology is backward, the performances are exaggerated and so on. But as the number of films watched grew, I found that old films had their own charm. The rudimentary picture reflects other features of the film, such as the careful staging and editing, which are increasingly mediocre in contemporary films that focus too much on visual effects. The 1945 version of "No Survival" has a stage-like...

  • Una Una

    Sonia 2022-11-02 08:48:17

    stigma girl

    It was released in New York on October 5, 2017, and Taipei was lucky to launch it in March, when it was invited by the filmmaker to watch the test film.

    Rooney Mara (Rooney Mara) did not get the Chinese title of the two films in a row, but what really made me frown was the newspaper announcement of "Una", the title keywords are always concentrated in "C milk, milk ring" , live eroticism", it seems that if everyone does not do this, there is no way to attract attention....

  • The Incident The Incident

    Sonia 2022-10-21 08:42:50

    let me tell you the truth

    I just watched the movie and read the analysis and comments of many people. I always feel that there are some details that do not fit the plot of the movie. Other movie reviews have not explained some details about the movie, such as why there is an explosion in every space. Daniel Why did the police car laugh, the bamboo knot thrown by the stepfather and the playing card torn by Dennis. The following are my personal opinions combined with the details I have paid attention to, connecting the...

  • The Wire The Wire

    Sonia 2022-10-13 19:51:09

    the wire

    The ending is a bit unexpected, maybe this is the reality? Two thugs who want to start over, one is shot, and the other chooses a life in prison due to family pressure. Some police officers will stuff the stolen money into their pockets when handling cases, and some police officers will be promoted by making reports. The murderer of several lives took all the charges on himself and got a life sentence. The villain continues to run his own drug den, and the decent is sent to the department he...

  • The Brass Teapot The Brass Teapot

    Sonia 2022-10-13 05:26:50

    Picturesque turned into rotten tea dregs

    The magical brain hole, self-masturbation can exchange money, and the high-value appearance of the hero and the heroine plays the role of dick silk, but it also has a different flavor.

    There are many welfare shots. We always meet some male gods and goddesses we admire. In fact, it is so difficult to join the society, just like the words of the landlord’s acid hostess: In high school, we all thought...

  • Catch-22 Catch-22

    Sonia 2022-10-12 22:21:11

    game room

    First there was a game, then they made the rules, then they cheated, guess what, they made a mistake, and it happened simply because they cheated under the rules they made, and for that they had to change the game . What is unique about black humor is that the stories it tells are often very real, but it adapts to a rule that what seems tragic at the time is usually humorous in the long run. And we need to remember that history is not that a certain technology or a certain...

  • Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

    Sonia 2022-10-06 18:51:15

    Dreams created by fantasy and love

    2007-06-22 14:09:00
      I saw this movie for the first time in my memory, as if it was when I was a teenager. It was played on CCTV's Zhengda Variety Show or a local movie station. The most impressive thing is that the heroine is with the computer Ensemble Baja's "The duel", although the ability to appreciate music has basically remained at the level of the third underground floor. The subdued and melodious melody of the cello and the wonderful combination of electronic synthesis musi

  • American Vandal American Vandal

    Sonia 2022-10-02 11:00:25

    I hope this drama can be popular, it's really nice and innovative

    I was caught by Amway on Weibo. I took time to watch the first episode and I was fascinated. After that, I watched the next seven episodes in one breath. The form of the play is very novel. It shoots a fictional event in the form of a documentary, just like the classic "This is a real event" by the Coen brothers. It is easy to confuse the audience. There have been few appearances before, so it is easy for people who do not know the show in depth to think that this is indeed an incident that...

  • The Bride with White Hair The Bride with White Hair

    Sonia 2022-09-30 04:22:04

    Embrace each other

    Lian Nishang is a carefree person. She grew up with the wolves. She is a peerless martial artist. The same free and uninhibited, the same yearning for freedom, he understands her, understands her helplessness, understands her disgust. Two people who love each other kill each other because of misunderstanding. She felt he had let her down, and the gray hair was a symbol of heartbreak. But when Zhuo Yihang was knocked to the ground by Ji Wushuang, Lian Nishang was still desperate to protect him....

  • I Am Mother I Am Mother

    Sonia 2022-09-26 06:21:09

    A human development plan that is doomed to fail forever

    A human extinction occurred, and AI began a new generation of human development plan. I don’t know if it’s a preset, or AI’s own ideas. AI wants to cultivate a new generation of human beings that are different from the old human beings.

    In the description of the woman who escaped from the outside, the human life outside is very miserable. They live in the mines. A group of humans was born, and the result was tragic and failed. The lack of food may be the...

  • The Comey Rule The Comey Rule

    Sonia 2022-09-21 11:52:59

    system and people

    The FBI belongs to the Department of Justice, and the Department of Justice belongs to the President, so the independence of the FBI will definitely be affected.

    Ordinary case handling may not have much impact, but when it comes to elections, it is really a test of people's hearts rather than the system.

    Comey is a professional bureaucrat, not a politician, so his handling of things is relatively simple. It can be said...

  • Manhunt Manhunt

    Sonia 2022-09-18 18:07:29

    He wanted to talk, but he said it was a cool autumn.

    Finished watching episode 22 of season 2.

    Not the finale, just the second season finale.

    I don't know what to say.

    Mountain darkly, vista. Then, again, the mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way out.

    For the third season? There is still a lot of suspense, unsolved. Suspended heart, so I can't put it down, I'm a little tired.

    The warmth on the boat is only for a moment. Freedom, it turned out to be just an illusion, passed by...

  • Sonia 2022-03-23 09:01:28

    Quite a legendary story, Julia Roberts' posthumous work - well deserved. It is worth mentioning that aaron eckhart's appearance in it is really handsome.

  • Sonia 2022-03-22 09:02:06

    Ten years ago, the target wanted to see it, and it passed in a flash. Thought it was a European movie, but it turned out to have a strong American flavor at the beginning, and the chicken soup routine is suitable for conservative Americans. Some of the laughs were forgotten in a blink of an eye. I just remember that Italian men are full of idiots with thick eyebrows and big noses, and they are bright assholes. The uncle of the intermediary said, please stop being depressed, or I will have to have sex with you, but I have never been unfaithful to my wife. Truly a living Buddha.

  • Sonia 2022-03-22 09:01:37

    We HAVE TO pay attention to what we did ignore. I must trasure what we have at hand.

  • Sonia 2022-03-22 09:01:36

    The supernatural horror films in the background of space are all old-fashioned. Going to rescue others ends up with all the rescue teams themselves, and at the end, you can still save three jobs for you. There are several bloody scenes, it is said that this is still after cutting. If you like horror movies, watch it

  • Sonia 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    I can't resist cute things, it's so cute, I like the nasty little white rabbits and little white dogs.

  • Sonia 2022-03-22 09:01:28

    It’s a bit of an epic film, and it’s also interesting to intercept the history before he became Rogue.

  • Sonia 2022-03-22 09:01:24

    let me just be completely honest with myself, i think i am in this very vulnerable moment so I even cry when I see this. But i think I will be Ok one day when I saw my writing of this. you have been loved

  • Sonia 2022-03-22 09:01:22

    An old British film in 1985, the story is even more 1984 than 1984, the photography NB is beyond imagination, shouting I C, while sleepy; dystopia, anti-government, anti-hero, cult sci-fi.

  • Sonia 2022-03-21 09:03:09

    In the end, it is human cannibalism

  • Sonia 2022-03-21 09:03:06

    A speicalized study of the 80's in the style of a period drama...

  • Sonia 2022-03-21 09:02:51

    The ending is meaningful. The subtitles of the girl who loves craftsmanship will be much better.

  • Sonia 2022-03-21 09:01:27

    Blu-ray reset. The island of Thailand in the movie is well chosen, and some of the filming methods are close to landscape documentaries. After re-watching, it still feels beautiful, and the original sound is also good. The translation name of "Psychedelic Beach" may be more suitable. Thailand here is not only a utopian secret, but also a degenerate place where tourists pour their desires (unfortunately, there is no more rehearsal), Boyle asked Xiao Li to perform a tribute to "Apocalypse Now" in the middle (the original film appeared directly in the front). ), but this section has no obvious connection with the previous and previous plots. The utopia here is in a tangle, often caught in the contradiction between modern productivity and supporting moral norms VS primitive lifestyle, and the companion who died after being bitten by a shark caused a moral controversy (unable to get modern medical treatment), sexual morality is still valid on the island (the four-corner relationship between Xiao Li and the heroine and others), they have to go to Thailand, which they despise to buy daily necessities, and the island where they desperately keep the coordinates is actually in the local area Under the control of drug dealers, people who rely on modern society have created an embarrassing third-world utopian corner. This irony is quite obvious, and it is also a good horror element. Either bright or confusing tones are quite in line with the plot

  • Sonia 2022-03-21 09:01:19

    Always calm down the face. .

  • Sonia 2022-03-21 08:01:02

    The recovery of college students in the 1980s is basically impossible. In terms of performance, the mother who jumps and dances is not bad. The heroine has never been seen before, she is almost a complex of the Silence Lamb and the Goddess of Twilight. The best-selling book at the time really caught up with depression. I think the author himself is actually against drug treatment and psychological counseling. Save yourself, save yourself.

  • Sonia 2022-03-20 09:02:36

    Adapted from a true story, a touching and admirable experience. Various NGOs and charitable organizations in Western countries have donated to Africa for many years. Not only have they not seen any improvement, they have also helped worse and worse. Aid for infrastructure construction is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is necessary to learn skills and have the ability to survive, otherwise they will all help. After eating and waiting to die, outsiders have become "walking wallets."