Sonia Farrell

Sonia Farrell



  • Mindhunter Mindhunter

    Sonia 2022-01-27 08:05:48

    You may not be able to go to heaven when you die, but you are witnessing hell every day when you are alive

    The first time I read "Boundaries Disappear" in My Brilliant Girlfriend, I didn't quite understand what a life experience this moment that meant so much to Lila really was. Until one day, on a dark, silent night, I was lying in bed reading a novel, and suddenly I was surrounded by a huge fear—I felt the “boundary disappearing.”

    That novel was Blatty's The Exorcist.

    Of course, it is not the so-called demon possession that is terrifying, but when the young godfather tries to...

  • Il Mare Il Mare

    Sonia 2022-01-22 08:02:42

    A detailed explanation of the time and space sequence of the untouchable lovers

    The feeling of watching this movie for the first time is beautiful, which is regrettable. However, there are still many doubts in my heart. It seems that the time and space are not clear. I don't know if other people have such thoughts. I searched for related comments on the Internet and found that the explanation of time and space is not satisfactory. It is either incomplete or obviously wrong, or I chose to omit it. I am a person who doesn’t like to pass by. I want to figure out the...

  • Jeruzalem Jeruzalem

    Sonia 2022-01-22 08:02:02

    90-minute smart glasses ad

    If you have a pair of smart glasses that can watch movies, send WeChat messages, play games, and even video chat, do you want them? Such a tall pair of glasses became the carrier of the movie "Jerusalem". Generally speaking, the carriers of pseudo-documentaries are cameras, and "Jerusalem" uses this pair of smart glasses with camera functions throughout, which I have to say is a fantastic idea of ​​the director.
           The director’s more whimsical idea lies in transforming the holy city...

  • Truman Truman

    Sonia 2022-01-22 08:01:34

    What do you do if i'm gone

    What do you do when I'm gone—Appreciation of the movie "Trueman"

    "Oh! Forgot to bring its toothbrush and its clothes. By the way, I haven't bathed it in a long time?" The old dog Truman was determined by the sudden conversation. Julian suddenly became a masterless. This old man who has accompanied him for most of his life hastily entrusted him. The emotion in Julian's heart came out of his eyes. As the line said in the play: "Death is actually a new beginning". The story begins with a...

  • Joshua Joshua

    Sonia 2022-01-21 08:01:26

    Those childhood hurts

    A nine-year-old boy fell out of favor because of the birth of his sister. After that, a series of misfortunes occurred in his family, and the situation gradually developed in the direction that people did not want. Even the optimistic father could not reverse the bad luck.

    This movie is about The wonderful thing is that it doesn't tell you the truth. It just creates an atmosphere to let your imagination go into the dark, making you suspect the mother's suspiciousness, the baby's...

  • A Dog's Way Home A Dog's Way Home

    Sonia 2022-01-17 08:04:13

    Bella's way home

    I just watched the last dog film of the Year of the Dog, and I feel that it did not meet the expectations of the public. Bella’s lines trigger human thinking and also contain human warmth. A dog cleverly finds its way home through various difficulties, reunites with its owner, and gains friends along the way. Many people say that a person may have many dogs in his life, but the dog's life is you. "Do you know that I am looking for you? I have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and...

  • Future Diary Future Diary

    Sonia 2022-01-17 08:03:37

    Let me comment (tu) price (ge) next (cao)

    Then my short comment continued.
    Even if there is a HappyEND that looks handsome and complete, I will not forgive the behavior in front of the scumbag.
    It is said that having milk is actually the male version of Lelouch. Such character, will and strength should be the attributes of the male protagonist.
    God can't resurrect people (It's better to return to the soul witch, Angelbe Adorice), this kind of god who masters the law of cause and effect is simply scum! ! ! (But when you...

  • Basic Instinct 2 Basic Instinct 2

    Sonia 2022-01-10 08:01:22

    Instinctive contest

        "Instinct 2: Fatal Temptation" was still starring the sexy and charming Sharon Stone in 2006. She personally selected the director and co-actors to set the tone of the film. The filming process was full of ups and downs, and even due to several scuffles between the director and the leading male actor, he almost died a few times. But "Instinct"'s impressive box office in 1992 was a big temptation after all. The sequel's script completely continued the style of the first episode, except...

  • Sex and Death 101 Sex and Death 101

    Sonia 2021-12-30 17:18:19

    Two big philosophical issues

    It is this topic that attracted me...
       From the perspective of personal philosophical issues, this simple title contains two major philosophical issues, which many people are confused about.
       Sex is a beautiful snake that entangles people. He is born with it. It is not the so-called evil thoughts in Christ and Buddhism in the early years. He is neutral, or has two sides.... One is that it is very difficult for people to control themselves, and the other is, Can bring people,...

  • Mommy Mommy

    Sonia 2021-12-27 08:01:31

    A tragic song of love-based on the understanding of some details of the movie "Mummy"

    A tragic song of love-based on the understanding of some details of the movie "Mommy", I

    don’t object to analyzing the film from the director’s personal life experience and his previous work style, but I always feel that the film cannot be just a person The duplication of life experience will not be a simple repetition of the style of previous works, otherwise the film will not be called art, because "copy" and "repetition" are the taboos of art. The question I keep asking myself...

  • Paprika Paprika

    Sonia 2021-12-24 08:01:45

    Analyze the classic shots of "Red Pepper"

       Director Jin Min is my favorite animation director. His animation films are not only ups and downs in plot, but also have profound ideological significance; they are also a model of experimental innovation in the audiovisual language of the lens. Here, I will analyze the audiovisual language of "Red Pepper", and I won't say much about the plot ideas. His powerful lens capabilities are indeed admired.

       The first paragraph of "Red Pepper" is also one that I personally...

  • The Mummy The Mummy

    Sonia 2021-11-24 08:01:24

    Universe competition: This is how Universal played dead mummies and himself

    Eye-warming is a common problem of human beings. Since the birth of private ownership in the Stone Age, when you see that others have something you don't have, you will inevitably be "envious, jealous, and hate" in your heart. From this perspective, there is little difference between Universal Pictures and the ancestor cavemen. Iron Man is like the singularity of the Marvel universe. After the big bang, it did not stop its expansion. Fans were spread from all corners of the earth to the...

  • They Live They Live

    Sonia 2021-11-19 08:01:45

    In order to get my daughter to quit buying and buying, I forced her to watch the most hanging alien movie in the 80s

    In the 1980s, the United States.

    Nada is a blue-collar worker who just lost his job during the economic crisis and wanders around with his luggage.

    He came to Los Angeles, got a job on a construction site, and became friends with Frank, a black man, and lived in a slum together.

  • Sonia 2023-08-22 00:03:05

    If the U.S. had not killed Wu Tingyan at the beginning, and finally betrayed his promise, South Vietnam would never have been reduced to a land of subjugation, just like the Republic of China that was betrayed back then. The last scene of Americans helping the South Vietnamese people to evacuate is tragic and heart-rending, but this last "compassion" and last "humanitarian" will never pay off the debt they owe to the Vietnamese.

  • Sonia 2023-08-16 02:13:25

    Walk Hard’s John C. Reilly met his opponent Too Bad’s Jonah Hill, and became John Malkovich’s Catherine Keener. There is no way for actors with acting skills to encounter directors and general scripts who are not rigorous on the camera. A love of electronic music 'S child is trying to fight his stepfather

  • Sonia 2023-08-14 00:28:21

    Is there anyone better at lying than criminals? Of course it's the police

  • Sonia 2023-08-03 10:11:33

    The rhythm and horror elements are really good, but many places are not clear, so in the end, it can't be rounded up, obviously the sacrifice was interrupted, but it was successfully possessed by others and reincarnated... It's a bad end.

  • Sonia 2023-07-27 05:45:37

    It's a movie that is meant to win an award

  • Sonia 2023-07-26 15:21:59

    I like margot robbie more and more... I can choose movies, can do comedies, and can also perform traditional dramas. When I walked in, I didn't know much about Tonya Harding's story, and when I walked out, I was very sympathetic to this character. 2017 top 10... 9.5/10

  • Sonia 2023-07-01 16:41:18

    The fifth episode was dark enough, and the sixth episode awakened the dark pleasure of the more violent carnage of cyberbullyers, darker.

  • Sonia 2023-06-23 08:32:17

    Change the soup but not the medicine~

  • Sonia 2023-06-11 00:08:11

    so cliche once eachother disappeared with amnesia. But if we can love each other once, we must be able to love each other again. Two big youth idols. Movies are average.

  • Sonia 2023-06-10 10:22:29

    Watching two gay guys with the same length play the trick of catching love between straight men... After 20 minutes, they don't exist, how can they still recognize it, and they won't be addicted to breaking the mirror and reuniting, and the shelf life can't exceed three ten years. . .

  • Sonia 2023-06-05 13:56:10

    When the Japanese do American Westerns, they are also very rampant. The story of vampires is suitable for expressing indistinguishable good and evil, and with the addition of a mixed-race obstacle, the two ends are neither human nor ghost, and no one loves them. The visual impact is full, and the first shot sucks people in. The art shape is too beautiful, a lot of bonus points. The love burning in the sun, the flowers after a hundred years of horror, and the soundtrack at the end are very moving. 7/10

  • Sonia 2023-06-03 02:09:25

    Always sell copies of backlit shots, messy plots, all kinds of bang bang bang, racing, explosions, very tired.

  • Sonia 2023-06-01 11:09:51

    The exaggerated and lively story of India's coming out of the closet is very refined to let the audience understand the gay people, experience their plight, and see their desire for love and understanding. May this story make the world more tolerant.

  • Sonia 2023-05-27 11:23:20

    abandoned. . so boring. .

  • Sonia 2023-05-22 01:59:25

    Finney had a few moments that were almost indistinguishable from Churchill. Dowson made a soy sauce, and Mr. Downton was a little bit cheap.