Sonia Farrell

Sonia Farrell



  • The Servant The Servant

    Sonia 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    The Servant movie script

    The Servant movie script

    Text / [UK] Harold Pinter

    Translated by Li Ershi and Mei Feng

    EXTERNAL, Knightsbridge Square, October, daytime

    A quiet square in the distance of Knightsbridge. winter sun. Bare woods. Lots of parked cars.

    Barrett appeared at the far end of the square. The camera shoots him coming from a distance from a height. He stopped on the side of the...

  • The Diving Bell and the Butterfly The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

    Sonia 2022-03-21 09:01:59

    "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" from splendor to introspection

    Julian Schnabel is making his third film, this time for the autobiography "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" by former Elle editor-in-chief Jean-Dominique Bauby, a A patient who is paralyzed after a stroke and can only communicate with others by blinking his only left eye that can move. Bauby said to himself that his immobile body was like a diving bell, but his mind was as free as a butterfly.

     The story has been told thousands of times. The original novel once became a hot topic,...

  • The Expendables The Expendables

    Sonia 2022-03-21 09:01:21

    The world's macho hierarchy

    After watching this heroic and chivalrous movie full of muscular men, I can only understand that you can watch this "killing and killing" movie from any fragment without thinking about it, and even those who are "infected" can be hooked; You can also be like me, insisting on extracting the spirit of the film, that is, the hero may start to fight for money, but he will eventually work hard to save the beauty, because this is...belief, the essence of the human heart. (In the film, orz)...

  • Spirited Away Spirited Away

    Sonia 2022-03-21 09:01:10

    Spirited Away Classic Lines Dialogue Quotations

    1. "Don't say that you want to go home and don't want to work. You must say that no matter how hard you work, you are willing to wait for the opportunity to work."

    2. "Are they sick? Or are they injured?" "No, they are sleeping too much. They have forgotten that they are human."

    3. "I almost forgot after I slept. I thought I was Xiaoqian." "Once the name is taken away, there will be no way back home."

    4. "Mother-in-law, no, there is no my parents in it." "No? Is this your...

  • The Lion King The Lion King

    Sonia 2022-03-21 09:01:03

    Long Live the King!

    Today, I revisited the childhood classic, "The Lion King", and saw many plots that I had overlooked.
    In my impression, "The Lion King" is an animated movie that I liked to watch when I was a kid. To be honest, there is only one of Disney's works that I can't forget. In fact, it's not that the current works are not good, but they are also hard to reach the level of "The Lion King". This work has made me think about it for more than ten years.
    The last time I watched "The Lion King" is...

  • Air Strike Air Strike

    Sonia 2022-03-20 09:03:03

    Whether there is Fan Bingbing or not, "The Big Bomb" is destined to be a bad movie

    Some time ago, Cui Yongyuan reported tax evasion, and everyone must have heard of it. In the end, the law punished those who made mistakes. Today, instead of talking about tax evasion, we will talk about a movie "The Big Bombing" that was canceled due to tax evasion. When I first heard about the cancellation of "The Big Bomb", it was a Weibo post by its director Xiao Feng.

    The brief Weibo conveyed...

  • Long Shot Long Shot

    Sonia 2022-03-20 09:01:54

    Apolitical after card play

    The laughs in the whole film are okay, and it's not bad for a mindless comedy that all the male dicks love, but. . . I can't help but compare its plot to House of Cards.

    At this level of setting, to play romance, engage in feelings, and meet a god-level female NPC like an RPG game, and induce the opponent to kick a mentally retarded oolong when she is most vulnerable, I think the director is preparing to burn Have the money?

    In the end, the election was also won inexplicably,...

  • Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Sonia 2022-03-19 09:01:01


    Expectations are too high, leading to a little psychological gap and a little disappointment. Objectively speaking, it is really amazing to be able to make such a popcorn movie in 1981. The play is smooth, and the special effects are a bit fake, but they are also limited by that era, and compared with the current half-mao special effects, they are also very good. The snake cave section, for people with intensive phobias and snakes like me, was enough to make me sick and bad,...

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    Sonia 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    Seriously looking forward to the next two

    As a fan of Vinci, every one of his films has a feeling of intent after watching, but not every one of them can say something (except for Tucao of course), such as "Terror Space", which is so enjoyable to watch. It feels, but apart from Vinci's always very beautiful and accurate editing, soundtrack and a series of expert work, it seems a little pale. But "The Seven Deadly Sins" is a religious model, and it has a very talkative and opinionated feeling. After reading it, I really want to talk to...

  • Godzilla vs. Kong Godzilla vs. Kong

    Sonia 2022-03-16 09:01:04

    After reading this, I want my brothers to destroy humanity

    First of all, although I am an inexperienced monster fan, I love monsters very much. I watched this movie very seriously, and while watching it, I groped in the dark and wrote and took notes in my notebook. But this movie, hey. The following only express personal views.

    1. The opening soundtrack made me feel that something was wrong. Later, as long as King Kong has a personal shot, it is the soundtrack of this "girl from a distance". But the closest...

  • The World to Come The World to Come

    Sonia 2022-03-14 08:01:02

    I love you, this is doomed

    Abigail is lonely.

    Her loneliness was not due to the loss of her daughter—grief only deepened that loneliness. Her loneliness stems from the fact that no one can understand it, from being different. But she is not a person of radical resistance, she is just dim and alienated in the peaceful life that seems to accept fate day by day. Her heart beats for no reason, she just lives, fulfills the responsibility of a wife, lives the same life as the people...

  • Balance Balance

    Sonia 2022-02-25 08:02:32

    China needs balance! Learn Rational Cold and Strong Germany Full of Masculinity

    From this film, we can see the cooperative spirit and collective concept of the Germans.

    Germany is an incredible country. It pays attention to equality, unity, order, and cooperation. Therefore, it is terrible for them to unite. Everyone has seen this terrible. They love to read and learn, they are rational and intelligent, I always feel that the future of this country has unlimited potential, to dominate the world?

    They are not only materially developed, but their ideology...

  • Deathwatch Deathwatch

    Sonia 2022-02-20 08:02:39

    Not a battlefield, but a cemetery

    At first I thought it was a pure war film, and then I found out that I was wrong.
        This should be regarded as the intersection of war and horror films. Since the beginning of war, it has always been narrative with horror films. The film has to express more than just war. Now, I can remember a theme at the end, because I really help people can get freedom or life.
        The main place of the story is a cemetery, not just a trench. The corpses all over the floor, complete and...

  • Volcano High Volcano High

    Sonia 2022-02-07 14:53:32

    It's a lot of fun

    When I watched this movie, I just thought it was fun, and it was very lively. It seems that the lingering warmth of Hong Kong kung fu movies is still there. The plot is super empty, some small interesting points are appropriate, and the design of the martial arts part is very delicate. The tone is also more like a kung fu movie, and there are some scene settings that can be said to be very representative. For example, the part of collecting tea leaves into a can was borrowed by Jay Chou in the...

  • The Lodger The Lodger

    Sonia 2022-01-28 08:23:10

    The murderer's countermeasures

    First of all, be sure that the tenant was not imagined by the hostess, and the murderer must be a man, because when the murderer was stalking one of the prostitutes, the prostitute turned back and said, "You following me, sweetheart?" Obviously the prostitute thought the murderer would be A whore client, that means the murderer must be a man, not a mistress. Then the murderer is a highly intelligent criminal who considers the problem to the extreme. He has collected all the information about...

  • Sonia 2023-08-22 00:03:05

    If the U.S. had not killed Wu Tingyan at the beginning, and finally betrayed his promise, South Vietnam would never have been reduced to a land of subjugation, just like the Republic of China that was betrayed back then. The last scene of Americans helping the South Vietnamese people to evacuate is tragic and heart-rending, but this last "compassion" and last "humanitarian" will never pay off the debt they owe to the Vietnamese.

  • Sonia 2023-08-16 02:13:25

    Walk Hard’s John C. Reilly met his opponent Too Bad’s Jonah Hill, and became John Malkovich’s Catherine Keener. There is no way for actors with acting skills to encounter directors and general scripts who are not rigorous on the camera. A love of electronic music 'S child is trying to fight his stepfather

  • Sonia 2023-08-14 00:28:21

    Is there anyone better at lying than criminals? Of course it's the police

  • Sonia 2023-08-03 10:11:33

    The rhythm and horror elements are really good, but many places are not clear, so in the end, it can't be rounded up, obviously the sacrifice was interrupted, but it was successfully possessed by others and reincarnated... It's a bad end.

  • Sonia 2023-07-27 05:45:37

    It's a movie that is meant to win an award

  • Sonia 2023-07-26 15:21:59

    I like margot robbie more and more... I can choose movies, can do comedies, and can also perform traditional dramas. When I walked in, I didn't know much about Tonya Harding's story, and when I walked out, I was very sympathetic to this character. 2017 top 10... 9.5/10

  • Sonia 2023-07-01 16:41:18

    The fifth episode was dark enough, and the sixth episode awakened the dark pleasure of the more violent carnage of cyberbullyers, darker.

  • Sonia 2023-06-23 08:32:17

    Change the soup but not the medicine~

  • Sonia 2023-06-11 00:08:11

    so cliche once eachother disappeared with amnesia. But if we can love each other once, we must be able to love each other again. Two big youth idols. Movies are average.

  • Sonia 2023-06-10 10:22:29

    Watching two gay guys with the same length play the trick of catching love between straight men... After 20 minutes, they don't exist, how can they still recognize it, and they won't be addicted to breaking the mirror and reuniting, and the shelf life can't exceed three ten years. . .

  • Sonia 2023-06-05 13:56:10

    When the Japanese do American Westerns, they are also very rampant. The story of vampires is suitable for expressing indistinguishable good and evil, and with the addition of a mixed-race obstacle, the two ends are neither human nor ghost, and no one loves them. The visual impact is full, and the first shot sucks people in. The art shape is too beautiful, a lot of bonus points. The love burning in the sun, the flowers after a hundred years of horror, and the soundtrack at the end are very moving. 7/10

  • Sonia 2023-06-03 02:09:25

    Always sell copies of backlit shots, messy plots, all kinds of bang bang bang, racing, explosions, very tired.

  • Sonia 2023-06-01 11:09:51

    The exaggerated and lively story of India's coming out of the closet is very refined to let the audience understand the gay people, experience their plight, and see their desire for love and understanding. May this story make the world more tolerant.

  • Sonia 2023-05-27 11:23:20

    abandoned. . so boring. .

  • Sonia 2023-05-22 01:59:25

    Finney had a few moments that were almost indistinguishable from Churchill. Dowson made a soy sauce, and Mr. Downton was a little bit cheap.