Damon Nitzsche

Damon Nitzsche



  • Priest Priest

    Damon 2022-01-19 08:01:46

    More complicated than imagined

    At that time, this movie was indeed very bold. However, although the subject matter involved and the issues discussed are very sensitive, this film does not give an absolute and one-size-fits-all evangelistic answer, but after fully considering the complexity of the gay topic, it discusses it very carefully and in depth. Regarding issues such as religion, tradition, human instinct and nature.

    Unlike many other gay-themed movies, this movie does not simply and naively oppose all...

  • Peter Rabbit Peter Rabbit

    Damon 2022-01-10 08:01:56

    It’s worth seeing the beauty of the English countryside

    The scenery of the English countryside is so beautiful. A few rabbits are actually too much. In order to justify the rabbit's behavior, at the beginning of the movie, a section where humans occupy the rabbit territory and kill Peter Rabbit's father is added, which is more vulgar than the original. The heroine is the prototype of Miss Potter, the author of "Peter Rabbit". When she saw the picture of Peter Rabbit in her studio, she was inexplicably moved. The love line is very sweet, and the...

  • Nowhere Boy Nowhere Boy

    Damon 2022-01-09 08:02:20

    Boys from nowhere: why John Lennon became the John Lennon of the Beatles

    Nowhere boy, the English name is nowhere boy. I didn’t read English at the beginning and will deal with it as a virgin, sweat!

    The movie is very simple and talks about John Lennon’s life before he became an adult. Don’t tell me that you don’t know John Lennon (I think this is basic common sense).

         The reason why he became the lead singer of the Beatles, or the Beatles, has become an unforgettable person in the hearts of countless people.

    In fact, when you look...

  • Ivan's Childhood Ivan's Childhood

    Damon 2022-01-09 08:01:14

    Ivan's childhood is in a dream

    The movie is called "Ivan's Childhood", but Ivan's childhood was gone when his mother fell.

    The movie depicts a child who has been decayed due to war, unable to fight back in the face of a sudden disaster, with scars on his back. After losing his parents, only hatred remained, and he had to grow too fast. His father became Captain Holling, and his home became a battlefield. This is a child with nothing, a distortion of violence under the war machine, full of accusations against human...

  • Before I Wake Before I Wake

    Damon 2022-01-07 15:53:22

    The biggest fear comes from your heart

    This is a film where warmth and fear coexist. In the film, Cody is a coexistence of angels and demons, but the kind-hearted Cody has always wanted to get rid of demons. He would rather be an ordinary child and pursue his inner roots. real.

    The beginning of the story is similar to the methods of many American horror movies. An ordinary family has set off a bloody storm because of the arrival of a child. The most similar plots are the two thrillers I have seen before, "Orphan...

  • Blood Father Blood Father

    Damon 2022-01-06 08:01:19

    Very cool and bitter gangster movie

    It is also a good movie with a very human touch and affection and charm.

    An old man who has been in the underworld has been released from prison on parole, he has been converted to justice, and he lives in a remote desert with a group of friends who have the same experience, and leads a normal life of poverty but stability.

    In order to save the daughter who went astray, she had to go back out of the arena, and sacrifice herself to save her daughter.

    Mel Gibson, the older he...

  • In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night

    Damon 2021-12-31 08:01:57


    On this hot night, a homicide occurred in a small town in southern Mississippi. The white Colbert who built a factory in this small town to provide people with job opportunities was killed, so the police began an investigation. Seeing a black Vicker on the side of the road, he arrested him and determined that he was the murderer. People in the police station had a bad attitude towards Vickel, and his status as a policeman couldn't change them, and all the white people in the town had an...

  • Titans Titans

    Damon 2021-12-16 08:01:03

    Prose Poems of Young Heroes-"Titan Season 1"

    Today we will talk about the American drama "Titan Season 1".

    The title is Titans Season 1 (2018).

    The Father The Father

    Damon 2021-12-16 08:01:02

    Who is at the end of the time tunnel, looking at me

    "Anthony, that's a good name." At the end of "The Father" (The Father), the 83-year-old British dramatist Anthony Hopkins murmured this line as an audience member. It’s difficult for us to distinguish between people in the play and outsiders.

    When the 40-year-old French playwright Florian Zeller conceived of adapting his representative work on stage into a movie, the actor candidate that came to mind was Anthony Hopkins. For this reason, he even used the...

  • Happy Feet Happy Feet

    Damon 2021-10-22 14:35:33

    Sorrow of too much joy

    "Happy Feet" was a film several years ago. I even watched the beginning on a long-distance bus. I always thought it was an old-fashioned American self-actualization of a light-hearted song and dance film. After that, I copied it to my classmates and kept it casually. I didn't want to be surprised if I turned it over today, and I couldn't help but feel the pain.

    The film tries to discuss too many topics, from self-realization to ecological balance, and even what role humans...

  • American Horror Story American Horror Story

    Damon 2021-10-20 17:31:33

    Every director has a great American horror story in his mind

    Starting with the concept of American novels, the ideal of American writers is to write a "the Great American Novel" (the Great American Novel).
    It must be literary, vivid, and fascinating; but more importantly, it must be "American things in this era written by Americans." The author, theme, and timeliness are all indispensable.
    The recognized great American novels listed on Wikipedia include Moby-Dick, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, The Grapes of...

  • Damon 2023-09-28 09:11:46

    The ending is quite perfect

  • Damon 2023-09-27 20:25:32

    It's a good movie like Jason

  • Damon 2023-09-25 01:47:44

    A lowly slave can become a protected person as long as he makes a real contribution to the villagers

  • Damon 2023-09-22 20:54:42

    Li Jun. This film is quite remote. Actually it's just a love class. Once people are moved to love, their weaknesses will be exposed.

  • Damon 2023-09-20 14:11:54

    [Watching the movie to make up the bid] The moment I opened it, I found that Da Fengche knew that the first thing I saw was just forgotten to mark it. It doesn't matter if the heroine I likes watched it again. Look for, look for, look for? The ring is actually looking for the lost love. I have seen their "Natural Couple" and I prefer the classic "Love Endless" (blu-ray discs are collected). I hope that the tree of beauty performance will last forever.

  • Damon 2023-09-07 15:08:58

    I like the old lady, and she amazed me when she appeared on the stage. She had a conflict with her daughter-in-law's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not only Chinese in foreign countries.

  • Damon 2023-09-07 02:39:16

    Who makes me laugh weird?

  • Damon 2023-08-18 23:45:53

    Happy people are all the same, and hard-pressed people have their own hardships, but don't take the illusions in hardships as love. ps French people are really screwed when it comes to love.

  • Damon 2023-08-15 15:29:02

    Watching this kind of movie is too tiring and boring. I'm too old to apply. I don't like watching too much.

  • Damon 2023-07-31 10:42:34

    It's still funny and entertaining, McCoy is still so handsome, but I really love it, Don Draper's wife is so suitable for a diamond man

  • Damon 2023-07-14 07:44:05

    An Zhe's film is too deliberate, whether it's the beautiful soundtrack or the first half of the performance.

  • Damon 2023-06-15 19:15:51

    A chick in the forest got lost in the cold and lonely winter. She was wounded and crippled, walking with sharp stubbornness, tossing and turning, just to find a place to live. She saw the raging fire of dry wood burning in the distance, although it was almost a choking fear, an impersonal threat. The bleak reality of being cold and invading the bone marrow is the corpse of a loved one and hated emanating from the frozen river. She can't afford to forgive, because she has never been extravagant.

  • Damon 2023-05-30 11:54:58

    Look at the meat. Meat. Meat. This kind of film already has a beautiful body, and what kind of plot is it demanding...

  • Damon 2023-05-28 05:12:46

    The beauty princess, the watery Tommy...and the special effects make-up really remind me of the old version of Journey to the West

  • Damon 2023-05-25 22:38:38

    It's a model of what the strange female teacher from the Ministry of Magic wears in Harry Potter.