Erika O'Hara

Erika O'Hara



  • Through a Glass Darkly Through a Glass Darkly

    Erika 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Final dialogue:

    One can't live in two worlds. One has to choose. I can't go on moving from one to the other all the time.
    One draws a magic circle around oneself – to keep everything out that doesn't fit one's secret games . Each time life breaks the circle, the games become puny and ridiculous. So one draws a new circle and builds new defences.
    Poor little dad, who has to live in the real world.

    Reality cracked and I fell out. Anything could happen. Anything! I can't live in a new world....

  • The Dead Don't Die The Dead Don't Die

    Erika 2022-01-05 08:02:06

    Yeah, boring and hard to understand.

    In 2019, the comedy horror movie " The Dead Don't Die | The Dead Don't Die "

    From all aspects, such as the poster and the movie name, it reveals a strong feeling of a B-level horror movie.

    The one who surprised me more was Gu Yi Mage, I thought at first I was wrong. .

    Master Gu Yi’s acting skills are really excellent, and her participation has brought the whole movie to a higher level.

    There are a lot of my own...

  • The Haunting in Connecticut The Haunting in Connecticut

    Erika 2022-01-02 08:01:48

    Always attracted by the truth

    Watched this movie on the recommendation of a friend. Because I knew it was adapted from real events, I watched it very carefully. Although the movie itself was shot in accordance with the usual routines of American movies: family conflicts, family relationships, sick children, strange rooms... But I still have to say that it is not bad. Mainly because I am attracted by the truth.
    After watching the movie, I was not addicted to it, so I searched for the original documentary of Discovery...

  • Truth or Dare Truth or Dare

    Erika 2021-12-27 08:02:01

    My truth is, don’t expect to go to the movies, maybe it will be better

    If you don’t speak the truth, you will die, and if you don’t follow the big adventure, you will die! My truth is, don’t expect to go to the movies, maybe it will be better

    [Stupid Games] The evil taste of horror movies

    I kept thinking: how to introduce this movie? In keeping with the spirit of learning, we still have to break out some intellectual content.

    The origin of Truth or Dare, one said it came from ancient Greece. The king would let...

  • Good Time Good Time

    Erika 2021-12-21 08:01:03

    "Good Times": the reality of images, Pattinson's subversion

    In "God Knows" by the Savedy Brothers, you can see a kind of images close to the style of Kasawitz with the camera placed in the distance and using a telescope or telephoto lens to shoot the street scene and close-ups of the actors. Due to the shaking of the handheld camera, the film looks more real by looking directly at people on the margins of society and the urban life full of drugs and sex.

    The directors Savedy Brothers also brought this kind of realistic image to "Good...

  • Persepolis Persepolis

    Erika 2021-12-15 08:01:06

    Indulgence is not freedom

    I like the pale and weak in the historical background, but I don’t like the perspective chosen in the film. Naturally, I don’t like the female protagonist who holds that perspective. Although they have the right to choose their destiny that others do not have, they have never become the hope or hope of this society. It is a shining point, but it becomes a parasite and escaper.
           Perhaps this film is not a political film, but the heroine is just annoying. She seems strong but she is...

  • Halloween Halloween

    Erika 2021-11-30 08:01:25

    Too many slots. . Do not vomit uncomfortable

    Remember to find an organization if you have something to do! It's really not a crowded place to stay! A movie with no logic at all, it’s nice that the hero doesn’t have to recite the lines (•̀⌄•́) on the importance of making up. . . . . . The thief is so important! ! ! People have killed people serially in the United States. The human rights of the United States really pay tribute to the delicious food and drink, and chat with a doctor to relieve boredom. I just want to know what the...

  • Hail, Caesar! Hail, Caesar!

    Erika 2021-11-26 08:01:42

    What support do you rely on to survive?

    Coen brothers' easy and freehand work. The male protagonist is a confident and decisive Hollywood producer. He has troubles all day long. Some actors cannot speak lines, some are secretly kidnapped by communists, and two reporters threaten to do so. The scandal of the big star broke the news, and the female star had an extramarital affair and became pregnant. The family hoped that he would go back for dinner, but he did not have time. The headhunters of the aviation industry used the...

  • Cinderella Man Cinderella Man

    Erika 2021-10-22 14:34:41

    Man's standard

    This is a true story that took place in 1935. In the context of the hardship of the American people during the Great Depression, a man tried to challenge his successive dooms in order to fulfill his promise to his wife and children, and finally became a boxing champion. Throne, his efforts not only freed the family from the predicament, but also gave hope to the American people who were in a sluggish spirit and life at the time.

    When I got the original name of "Tekken Man":...

  • Sleepers Sleepers

    Erika 2021-10-22 14:34:15

    They are no longer sleepers

    Let’s talk about the performances of these big coffees. Robert De Niro, the old drama bone, started as a kind godfather, and gave us a warmth like a kind father De Niro in the terrible experience of the elder in the first half of the movie. There is such a kind of aura of revenge in the second half of the court trial. After the ideological struggle, when he was interrogated by Pete, he also had a calm face like Kevin Bacon. This is an actor that I like very much, who is not A coffee. Maybe...

  • The Ring The Ring

    Erika 2021-10-20 17:22:52

    List of Sadako's Books

    The timeline of my contact with "The Ring of Midnight":

    — When I was a child, I rented the 2002 US version of "The Ring of Midnight" DVD in a video store, and I went home and watched it secretly. Suspected of pirated discs, it may also be that the TV at home is too bad, and the image quality of the whole film is presented as the image quality of the horror video in the film. I was very impressed with the footage of the heroine pulling out the video tape from her throat. It is worth...

  • Erika 2023-09-27 08:39:12

    Good!! Great!!!...As expected of the Lord of the Rings....I want to review the trilogy and read the book..By the way, what kind of character is the elf who turned around and left while watching the dwarf kingdom being attacked by dragons ah don't understand

  • Erika 2023-09-21 06:07:37

    The style of calmness, alienation and omission in this film not only expresses the mental state of modern Japanese youth, but also has a political metaphor, namely the relationship between Okinawa and the Japanese mainland, through the aphasia of Yashu and friends in Okinawa, and The plot arrangements such as driving African-American women out of the car and shooting American men, also not shy about revealing their distaste for American colonial behavior

  • Erika 2023-09-08 03:48:00

    "The Shape of Water" + "The Great Wall"... Two people guard a lighthouse almost every night VS hundreds of thousands. Are your guns infinite bullets?

  • Erika 2023-08-19 14:54:35

    You don't have to lose weight after seeing this. . .

  • Erika 2023-08-12 14:39:22

    Change the heroine and pass it (perhaps more).

  • Erika 2023-08-12 00:55:21

    Middle-aged men's unhappiness, single or not, is always laughable. Damage is like that, and so are close strangers.

  • Erika 2023-08-08 12:10:23

    Maybe Cage didn't make a bad movie that year. There is nothing to choose from in the acting, and the plot is really without passion. I don't know why the director arranged for the male protagonist and the supporting actress to kiss, saying that they had a leg and they didn't start it. Even if this scene was cut off, it would not affect the plot. This film could have had no female characters. When the end was about to end, the enemy he was clearly facing was let go again, and he had to wait for the other party to counterattack before counterattacking. The content is boring and boring╮(╯_╰)╭, no matter what, we can be regarded as moral support in anti-terrorism and anti-extremism activities. The ending is an elderly retired agent who dies in a traffic accident. When they met, their old rivals were also terminally ill, which was probably the only bright spot in the whole film.

  • Erika 2023-08-07 00:32:59

    Some of the footage in the remake has been cut off, but the picture is really much better! Compared with the comics, the degree of reduction is also higher~ Besides, Qiqi, little angel! ! ! (It's really unnecessary to wear old glasses to remake a low score. In more aspects, the remake is better. It's a fact. It's a low score for the feelings, hehe. Like all those who scold FJ.)

  • Erika 2023-08-01 16:22:52

    The story is very moving, the plot is also very good, when I watch it, I think this is the best one ever

  • Erika 2023-07-21 12:11:14

    It's cheating. . . . . Hannah is the lover of Uncle Ham in Madman. . . . . .

  • Erika 2023-07-21 11:32:22

    After thinking about it, I feel that it is not good. It has become a hodgepodge of elements and forgets the narrative itself. It has a strong desire to express and the film failed to support so much performance. The light tubes are from NWR, the headlights are from Audi, the actors are from Mr. Bi Gan, and the environment is as distracting as the one in Director Jia, and finally I lost myself. Hu Ge's meal made the whole hall hungry.

  • Erika 2023-07-10 01:58:19

    The core of the mother-daughter relationship is very oriental. At first glance, the director is indeed Chinese. My mother has a strong heart, and she bravely went to Los Angeles without money in her pocket. Susan Sarandon is so appropriate to play such an "unreliable" mother.

  • Erika 2023-07-05 18:24:24

    After watching this film, I suddenly wanted to eat apples, and I also thought that 1900 stopped when he was about to get off the boat and never left again. Relentless pursuit or relentless pursuit? Good night, Princes of Maine, and fellow citizens of New England.

  • Erika 2023-06-24 18:01:44

    A group of old dramas... I can't watch it anymore...

  • Erika 2023-06-14 20:11:23

    Could this be a comedy?