Erika O'Hara

Erika O'Hara



  • Doctor Strange Doctor Strange

    Erika 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Doctor Strange

    Doctor Strange. When evaluating an actor, if it is called a "model worker", in addition to referring to the large number of works, it also points out that the quality of his works is mostly average. Among the domestic actors, the well-deserved model worker is Andy Lau, while the foreign actors are probably none other than Benedict Cumberbatch. In Doctor Strange this time, Juan Fu wanted to show his usual cold play, and also wanted to add some funny elements, but in my opinion, the combination...

  • The Simpsons Movie The Simpsons Movie

    Erika 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    The Simpsons

    American longevity cartoons ran to the big screen and turned out to be a political allegory, an animated version of "1984" or a contemporary version of "Animal Farm." How stupid a politician is. Centralization is cruel. President Schwarzenegger confronted the five proposals presented by the environmental protection director, and he clicked on one easily, and he was confident: I am here to be a leader, not to read it. Environmental protection has become a sensitive topic. The residents of the...

  • The Red Shoes The Red Shoes

    Erika 2022-03-16 09:01:08

    The personal tragedy of a talented dancer

    The biggest victim and victim is Peggy, this silly girl who sacrifices herself for art and love.

    When I was watching the movie, I kept guessing which era the movie was from, and which era and which country it was about, but there was no answer from the beginning to the end. Maybe this is the genius of the creator, deliberately downplaying the factors of the real times, so that you can feel the joys and sorrows of a dancer without any distractions. And...

  • Akira Akira

    Erika 2022-03-14 14:12:23

    Akira: Japanese Cyberpunk Pioneer, Records of the Eighties, and a Little Thought

    Akira can be said to be the heavyweight work of the world's science fiction film and television, at the same time the pioneer of Japanese cyberpunk, the artwork of the golden age of Japanese animation. After reading Akira, I organized my thoughts into a short article. In general, I talked about the influence of Akira in the world, the cyberpunk culture, the background of the times, my praise for Akira's music, setting and painting, as well as the...

  • The Painted Bird The Painted Bird

    Erika 2022-03-06 08:01:05

    smeared bird

    The following text is excerpted from Baidu

    The name The Painted Bird literally derives its name from Eastern European folklore, a brutal entertainment favored by local farmers: catch a bird, paint its feathers, and release it back into the flock. Painted birds are considered a threatening heresy by their fellows and are attacked to death. This work is clearly different from most "Holocaust literature" and survivor works. Its story space is neither a battlefield nor a concentration...

  • Cyborg She Cyborg She

    Erika 2022-02-07 14:56:07

    May there be two of me in this world【Part One of Guo Zairong's Girlfriend Trilogy】

    Which came first, the robot or the female student? If there is no female student robot, what is the opportunity and time?

     On November 22, 2008, the lonely Jiro ushered in his birthday again, but this time, he had a little more expectation. It all stemmed from the fact that on his birthday a year ago, the angelic girl brought to his boring life. Surprise and full of memories. Although only one day, he still has the expectation of seeing each other again even after a year The...

  • Friend Friend

    Erika 2022-02-07 14:53:03

    life and death

    I don't really want to say much about the movie itself. Vendettas between gangsters, friendships between best friends, conversations between boring men, and love triangles that can't be flooded anymore. In Korean movies, many of them develop in these well-established plots. However, for the feelings in the middle, the description is more delicate.

    Therefore, when I first watched "Friends", I went to Jang Dong Gun because he is my idol.

    I am an idol worshiper, and like most...

  • The Terrorizers The Terrorizers

    Erika 2022-02-07 14:49:10

    Everyone is a complicit, no one is an island

    This is the third time I've watched "Terrorist". The author fell into a drowsy state during the first two viewings of this film, and the intermittent images remained in my mind, which were unclear like half a dream. In 2016, it has been thirty years since the film was released, and it is not until you have actually finished watching it. There are many characters in the film, which at first seem unrelated, but as the plot progresses, the clues become clear. Several branches are tangled...

  • Heavy Trip Heavy Trip

    Erika 2022-01-24 08:07:12

    Simple and beautiful

    I really like the bunch of flowers bandaged by the young lady. It seems very messy. It looks really good, but I can't find the photos. It seems that I have to take a screenshot by myself. Those with long hair are not necessarily bad boys, but docile little brothers. No matter what others think of them, or laugh at them, they never refute. Wearing headphones is immersed in the happy world of heavy metal. Simple and beautiful people never care about the opinions and ridicule of others, because...

  • Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále

    Erika 2022-01-22 08:02:45

    Change the hotel to become rich, look at the beauty of the wind and the wind-my life has little to do with the King of England

    It’s a weird title. It’s a bit of a copycat when I first saw it, but after reading the introduction and its results, it’s not obvious!
    The museum pushed the miracle of the tsunami in exchange for this. It happened to be a Czech movie that was rarely watched.

    Let me start with one point: if you want to take this title to watch, you will be super disappointed. There is no gorgeous Buckingham Palace inside, and there is no heavily guarded battlefield.

    The whole film tells...

  • Hunting and Gathering Hunting and Gathering

    Erika 2022-01-21 08:01:24

    "Just Together": Love is under the same roof

    Time: June 11, 2007
    Venue: Quartier Latin Theater
    Event: "Just Together" Ensemble, c'est tout

    before watching the premiere , I feel that this combination is still quite attractive-"Love the Beauty" Audrey Tatu partnered with "Two Little No Guess" Gyome Carnet, will "Love the Beautiful" continue her ghostly spirit? And what kind of love will be made by Gyöm Cane?

    I don't know if "Love the Beauty" lost weight again because of this drama, or just resorted to makeup,...

  • Broken Blossoms Broken Blossoms

    Erika 2022-01-20 08:01:21

    Excellent skills, racist thinking makes people uncomfortable

    The character close-ups, scene layout and montage in the second half of "Remnant Tears" really show the advantages of the film. In other words, it allows the audience to see the difference between a movie and a stage play.

    The pain of Lucy's father's abuse, the brief happiness after falling in love with Cheng, and the despair of being taken home by his father at last, are all expressed through Lillian Gish's facial close-ups. As the ending, after the tragedy, Cheng confronted Battling,...

  • Still Walking Still Walking

    Erika 2022-01-19 08:01:15

    One shot one life

    That day was a tedious job, and the long night was so boring that I could finish watching a movie that I would like to know would be very peaceful.

    The light of Japanese movies is very special, especially refreshing, even when the filming is very hot, it can still make people feel cool and calm down. It reminds me of the tree-lined path that stretches from the riverside to the gate of Zhijiang campus. The fragrance of grass and trees and the gentle river breeze wipe away the...

  • Fast Food Nation Fast Food Nation

    Erika 2022-01-12 08:02:29

    The miserable world of food

    Mexican immigrants embarked on the path of pursuing the dream of the United States. What did they encounter?
    This is a comprehensive book of social criticism, for the weak, the tragic fate of Mexican migrant workers, abuse and self abuse, the fate of immigrant women, being sexually abused by supervisors, it seems that sex is always the greatest exploitation of women. The tragic fate of cattle, the flag of animal protectionists, the dirty history of food, how many secrets are in fast food....

  • Roger Dodger Roger Dodger

    Erika 2022-01-12 08:02:16

    Roger Dodger film review

    The plot is ordinary and not too turbulent, all the turning points and endings are expected, so that most of the night I want to sleep ~ and a lot of hand-held cameras shake people dizzy...
    But Roger from time to time shows a few words of wit and uniqueness. The point of view is quite interesting. It can be used as a small adjustment, but you don’t need to take it too seriously. After all, these so-called tips are more than enough to show up at parties, but in actual combat they are just...

  • Erika 2023-09-27 08:39:12

    Good!! Great!!!...As expected of the Lord of the Rings....I want to review the trilogy and read the book..By the way, what kind of character is the elf who turned around and left while watching the dwarf kingdom being attacked by dragons ah don't understand

  • Erika 2023-09-21 06:07:37

    The style of calmness, alienation and omission in this film not only expresses the mental state of modern Japanese youth, but also has a political metaphor, namely the relationship between Okinawa and the Japanese mainland, through the aphasia of Yashu and friends in Okinawa, and The plot arrangements such as driving African-American women out of the car and shooting American men, also not shy about revealing their distaste for American colonial behavior

  • Erika 2023-09-08 03:48:00

    "The Shape of Water" + "The Great Wall"... Two people guard a lighthouse almost every night VS hundreds of thousands. Are your guns infinite bullets?

  • Erika 2023-08-19 14:54:35

    You don't have to lose weight after seeing this. . .

  • Erika 2023-08-12 14:39:22

    Change the heroine and pass it (perhaps more).

  • Erika 2023-08-12 00:55:21

    Middle-aged men's unhappiness, single or not, is always laughable. Damage is like that, and so are close strangers.

  • Erika 2023-08-08 12:10:23

    Maybe Cage didn't make a bad movie that year. There is nothing to choose from in the acting, and the plot is really without passion. I don't know why the director arranged for the male protagonist and the supporting actress to kiss, saying that they had a leg and they didn't start it. Even if this scene was cut off, it would not affect the plot. This film could have had no female characters. When the end was about to end, the enemy he was clearly facing was let go again, and he had to wait for the other party to counterattack before counterattacking. The content is boring and boring╮(╯_╰)╭, no matter what, we can be regarded as moral support in anti-terrorism and anti-extremism activities. The ending is an elderly retired agent who dies in a traffic accident. When they met, their old rivals were also terminally ill, which was probably the only bright spot in the whole film.

  • Erika 2023-08-07 00:32:59

    Some of the footage in the remake has been cut off, but the picture is really much better! Compared with the comics, the degree of reduction is also higher~ Besides, Qiqi, little angel! ! ! (It's really unnecessary to wear old glasses to remake a low score. In more aspects, the remake is better. It's a fact. It's a low score for the feelings, hehe. Like all those who scold FJ.)

  • Erika 2023-08-01 16:22:52

    The story is very moving, the plot is also very good, when I watch it, I think this is the best one ever

  • Erika 2023-07-21 12:11:14

    It's cheating. . . . . Hannah is the lover of Uncle Ham in Madman. . . . . .

  • Erika 2023-07-21 11:32:22

    After thinking about it, I feel that it is not good. It has become a hodgepodge of elements and forgets the narrative itself. It has a strong desire to express and the film failed to support so much performance. The light tubes are from NWR, the headlights are from Audi, the actors are from Mr. Bi Gan, and the environment is as distracting as the one in Director Jia, and finally I lost myself. Hu Ge's meal made the whole hall hungry.

  • Erika 2023-07-10 01:58:19

    The core of the mother-daughter relationship is very oriental. At first glance, the director is indeed Chinese. My mother has a strong heart, and she bravely went to Los Angeles without money in her pocket. Susan Sarandon is so appropriate to play such an "unreliable" mother.

  • Erika 2023-07-05 18:24:24

    After watching this film, I suddenly wanted to eat apples, and I also thought that 1900 stopped when he was about to get off the boat and never left again. Relentless pursuit or relentless pursuit? Good night, Princes of Maine, and fellow citizens of New England.

  • Erika 2023-06-24 18:01:44

    A group of old dramas... I can't watch it anymore...

  • Erika 2023-06-14 20:11:23

    Could this be a comedy?