Erika O'Hara

Erika O'Hara



  • A Clockwork Orange A Clockwork Orange

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:01

    A clockwork orange by Kubrick '72

    Kubrick's A clockwork orange in 1972
         is another film that makes people think Vision for a new life The movie of the era that is not very far from us seems to be about the European version of the post-80s generation.
         Everyone has a devil inside of them, it just manifests in different ways. Some people like violence, like the hero in A Clockwork Orange. The simultaneous enjoyment of sex and violence is the main theme of the first half of the movie. Sex and violence, remove...

  • Scoop Scoop

    Erika 2022-04-22 06:01:02

    Next stop, troubadour

    I still didn't go to Ireland, but went to New York. I didn't perform with U2, but saw Woody Allen walking down Forty-Fifth Street.
    --- Huang Shujun "Change 1995"

    "Exclusive News", as the follow-up to "The End of the Game", the second part of the London trilogy, it is impossible not to attract attention. "The End of the Match" is Woody Allen's first work when he leaves the United States and travels abroad. It really doesn't look like his style. There is no self-deprecating humor,...

  • The Horse Whisperer The Horse Whisperer

    Erika 2022-04-21 09:02:56

    "pilgrim" pilgrimage

      Every time I watch a good movie like this, there are thousands of words and emotions in my heart, but there are thousands of exits in front of me, but I can't find a shortcut. Maybe, I can still get myself out of it. Can't get around is a "small fresh", although always.
      I borrowed "The Horse Whisperer" from the library and put it at hand, but remembered that the movie had a young Scarlett. What a beautiful girl, looking at her, I feel that the world is beautiful, and many years...

  • Leviathan Leviathan

    Erika 2022-04-21 09:02:50

    monster of power

    When you look up, you can't see God at all except for the dome. Even when weeping, God remains indifferent. Because God is powerless in the face of a Leviathan like power. Just waiting to be devoured. When the house was finally demolished at the end of the film, the shock was no less than the scene in Tarkovsky's "Sacrifice" where the house was burned down. Although the proposition of the old tower is about war, for individuals, facing the boulder of power, the struggle is actually no less than...

  • A Serious Man A Serious Man

    Erika 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    Serious Men, Not Serious Movie Reviews

    Intuitive judgment with endowment comes from a deep understanding of life, which is the source of wisdom.
    In contrast, the tendency to rational judgment, serious restraint and prudence, this is the source of wisdom.
    Boys and girls of the same age, girls are usually more mature thinking, Freud's theory is that girls have more insecurities than boys, which gives birth to female intelligence.

    Are wisdom and intelligence the same thing?

    After watching the absurd film...

  • Rango Rango

    Erika 2022-04-21 09:01:38

    None of us can escape our own stories

    A mediocre lizard pretended to be a hero and became a local sheriff. At the climax of the story, when Rango brought everyone back to find water, he was exposed by the big boss-Ringtail?, so he was forced to leave in despair~! So I'm thinking about who I am and where I'm going. When it says "None of us can escape our own story, I am me", I am very emotional. The current me, the current story is what is really happening. , to live out the best look at the moment first, in order to have a better...

  • The Thin Red Line The Thin Red Line

    Erika 2022-04-21 09:01:30

    You feel dull because you didn't read the movie

    Many people say they can't watch this movie, because the plot is too boring, or there are no fierce battle scenes, not enough bullets, not enough people fighting, and occasionally interspersed with literary and artistic memories, and preaching, so, do you think , it's a bad movie.

    Maybe, you just don't understand it.

    First of all, all war movies are about anti-war, I don't think it's arguable. And this film actually interprets the war from the perspective of a single soldier...

  • Mr. Church Mr. Church

    Erika 2022-04-20 09:02:45

    companionship and love

    This is a story of companionship and healing. They take care of each other when they need help the most without relatives or reasons. This should be the warmest thing in the world. A ten-year-old girl, Charlie, lives with her mother who has breast cancer. In Charlie's heart, her mother is the most beautiful and elegant woman in the world. That's why I was very hostile to Mr. Church, who was entrusted to come here. Every time I saw a person, I said that there was a cook in my house. He was a...

  • Perfect Strangers Perfect Strangers

    Erika 2022-04-20 09:02:05

    I heard it's very similar to the night the comet came

    The first Italian film in the year of consciousness is dedicated to it. Thanks to Uncle Yu for his recommendation. After watching it, my heart is full of emotions, and I don't know where to start.
    This morning I listened to a radio program about "Animal Hehe Le". Two male and two female anchors chatted around the topic of animal hehe for two hours, from crustaceans to mammals, but the only thing that impressed me was that , Monogamy does not exist in the mammalian world, elephants,...

  • Vantage Point Vantage Point

    Erika 2022-04-20 09:01:40

    Assassination stronghold

    Hijacking the President? Hehe, I just finished watching [Assassination of Kennedy] a few days ago, so as far as the subject matter is concerned, it's not particularly novel to me, but it's still pretty good. The narrative structure of the film is very interesting, but the previous experience of different characters at the same moment slowly entangles things together, which also allows the audience to see things more clearly from a personal character, and then "meet" through a little girl. At...

  • Les Misérables Les Misérables

    Erika 2022-04-20 09:01:15

    Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see

    As a critically ill patient with "never read the adaptation syndrome if you haven't read the original book", I didn't plan to watch this film at first, because a certain person is too sensitive and his emotions are too intense, so he almost never watched the movie. I still keep the original words: "I strongly recommend that you go to the cinema to watch Les Miserables. Emma's lyrics are so beautifully written! The layering of the original work is highlighted! Various singing methods make the...

  • The Book of Eli The Book of Eli

    Erika 2022-04-20 09:01:14

    Kindness and love, unique epitaphs of human beings

    The apocalypse destroyed people's material foundations, and the spirits of the surviving survivors also regressed to a wild state.

    In such a world, people have abandoned the beauty accumulated in the long civilizations of the past, and become a beast that shatters nature like the cat at the beginning of the movie. All activities are only for survival. At the beginning, the director tells a small satire: human corpses are preyed on by cats, humans hunt cats,...

  • My Summer in Provence My Summer in Provence

    Erika 2022-04-19 09:03:06

    Worry comes from

    Nineteen years, destined to be remembered in life. When I walked out of the barn at night, the sky was hard and cold, and sadness came suddenly. I put on a hood, put my hands into my pockets, and tried to isolate myself as much as possible. The red and green neon lights rotate and flash, struggling to the death. Everything is broken. Everything is painful. Every day, with the crowd of dark crowds, you have to eat, sleep, talk, study, desks, floors, buildings, pedestrians, shoes... all seem...

  • Phobia Phobia

    Erika 2022-04-19 09:03:02

    4th ending.

    I saw that some friends do not understand the hand of the flight attendant PIM at the end. I think it seems to be distorted. The general understanding is that the captain locked the hand of the flight attendant, so it fell.

    But I don't think so, I still remember the princess right at the beginning What did PIM say: "In my country, the third person will be BLA BLA BLA.. Before dying, I have to kneel down to apologize to the original spouse and ask for forgiveness" So ah. The hand at...

  • For a Lost Soldier For a Lost Soldier

    Erika 2022-04-19 09:02:56

    Teenage ~ love ~ light color

    The boy went to find an officer in the reed field by the sea. The boy stepped on the gaps in the grass like a bird. The music played a playful rhythm, like the mood of a person in love. "Romance can actually be as simple as that." The
       officer drove the jeep, saw the boy, followed him, and chased after him; the boy was ashamed and stepped up; the officer was also anxious and stepped up. Ma Zi; the boy was even more embarrassed and walked back backwards; the officer was more lovely and...

  • Erika 2023-09-27 08:39:12

    Good!! Great!!!...As expected of the Lord of the Rings....I want to review the trilogy and read the book..By the way, what kind of character is the elf who turned around and left while watching the dwarf kingdom being attacked by dragons ah don't understand

  • Erika 2023-09-21 06:07:37

    The style of calmness, alienation and omission in this film not only expresses the mental state of modern Japanese youth, but also has a political metaphor, namely the relationship between Okinawa and the Japanese mainland, through the aphasia of Yashu and friends in Okinawa, and The plot arrangements such as driving African-American women out of the car and shooting American men, also not shy about revealing their distaste for American colonial behavior

  • Erika 2023-09-08 03:48:00

    "The Shape of Water" + "The Great Wall"... Two people guard a lighthouse almost every night VS hundreds of thousands. Are your guns infinite bullets?

  • Erika 2023-08-19 14:54:35

    You don't have to lose weight after seeing this. . .

  • Erika 2023-08-12 14:39:22

    Change the heroine and pass it (perhaps more).

  • Erika 2023-08-12 00:55:21

    Middle-aged men's unhappiness, single or not, is always laughable. Damage is like that, and so are close strangers.

  • Erika 2023-08-08 12:10:23

    Maybe Cage didn't make a bad movie that year. There is nothing to choose from in the acting, and the plot is really without passion. I don't know why the director arranged for the male protagonist and the supporting actress to kiss, saying that they had a leg and they didn't start it. Even if this scene was cut off, it would not affect the plot. This film could have had no female characters. When the end was about to end, the enemy he was clearly facing was let go again, and he had to wait for the other party to counterattack before counterattacking. The content is boring and boring╮(╯_╰)╭, no matter what, we can be regarded as moral support in anti-terrorism and anti-extremism activities. The ending is an elderly retired agent who dies in a traffic accident. When they met, their old rivals were also terminally ill, which was probably the only bright spot in the whole film.

  • Erika 2023-08-07 00:32:59

    Some of the footage in the remake has been cut off, but the picture is really much better! Compared with the comics, the degree of reduction is also higher~ Besides, Qiqi, little angel! ! ! (It's really unnecessary to wear old glasses to remake a low score. In more aspects, the remake is better. It's a fact. It's a low score for the feelings, hehe. Like all those who scold FJ.)

  • Erika 2023-08-01 16:22:52

    The story is very moving, the plot is also very good, when I watch it, I think this is the best one ever

  • Erika 2023-07-21 12:11:14

    It's cheating. . . . . Hannah is the lover of Uncle Ham in Madman. . . . . .

  • Erika 2023-07-21 11:32:22

    After thinking about it, I feel that it is not good. It has become a hodgepodge of elements and forgets the narrative itself. It has a strong desire to express and the film failed to support so much performance. The light tubes are from NWR, the headlights are from Audi, the actors are from Mr. Bi Gan, and the environment is as distracting as the one in Director Jia, and finally I lost myself. Hu Ge's meal made the whole hall hungry.

  • Erika 2023-07-10 01:58:19

    The core of the mother-daughter relationship is very oriental. At first glance, the director is indeed Chinese. My mother has a strong heart, and she bravely went to Los Angeles without money in her pocket. Susan Sarandon is so appropriate to play such an "unreliable" mother.

  • Erika 2023-07-05 18:24:24

    After watching this film, I suddenly wanted to eat apples, and I also thought that 1900 stopped when he was about to get off the boat and never left again. Relentless pursuit or relentless pursuit? Good night, Princes of Maine, and fellow citizens of New England.

  • Erika 2023-06-24 18:01:44

    A group of old dramas... I can't watch it anymore...

  • Erika 2023-06-14 20:11:23

    Could this be a comedy?