Erika O'Hara

Erika O'Hara



  • The Siege of Jadotville The Siege of Jadotville

    Erika 2022-08-06 23:16:34

    The darkest moment of the United Nations

    On September 18, 1961, the second UN Secretary-General, Hammarskjöld from Sweden, went to Congo to mediate the conflict. His special plane crashed in Zambia and no one survived. Basically at the same time, in the Katanga province of Congo, about 200 mercenaries belonging to Western mining companies raided a 150-man Irish infantry peacekeeping force stationed in Jadauville. The latter surrendered without resisting, with no casualties. Therefore, whether it is a historical documentary or a war...

  • Warm Bodies Warm Bodies

    Erika 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Turned into a zombie and still cute

    Saw this last night with Pervert Lu! This movie is so cute! Watched it because I wanted to watch a horror movie and it was classified as a horror movie but this movie was cute from the start! At the beginning, it was a confession of a stupid zombie. Although he became a zombie, he still has his own mind. He can still enjoy his favorite music or collect his favorite objects. It's really cute. The whole movie is very warm! It was very warm from beginning to end, and even the scene that I was...

  • Coherence Coherence

    Erika 2022-04-23 07:02:29

    The night the comet came

    Because I really liked this movie so much, I made a diagram...

  • Extraction Extraction

    Erika 2022-04-23 07:01:40

    On the father's love and family in the hail of bullets (good bloody topic)

    The main line of the story is clear, and the character setting and behavior logic are completely established. The action scenes and gun battle scenes are smooth and beautiful and have a strong sense of presence. Personally, I feel that from a certain point of view, it is not inferior to the action gun battle scene in the "Speed" series, especially during the first half of the rescue, there was a long shot of offensive and defensive battles in the buildings in the slums. It was very...

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Erika 2022-04-23 07:01:09

    me and my fairy tale world

    After watching the full episodes, I prefer to watch the first three Harry Potter movies, because there is no death, no killing, everyone is still happily living in this magical world. Every winter, I will open Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with little Harry Spend a warm winter and look back on my childhood The actors were the cutest when they first came to watch their childhoods and it was like going back to when I first watched Harry Potter For me it will always...

  • Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan

    Erika 2022-04-23 07:01:01

    war is for peace

    This is a war movie with a very high degree of scene reduction, and the humanities are also excellent, although I still feel resentment about the humanitarian feelings of the captain's squad.

    Matt Damon didn't attract my attention too much. Tom Hanks was very good, but what I admired most were the other characters with different personalities in the squad. Perhaps no matter how high their personal sentiments are, this "moral benchmark" "Class characters always make me feel sorry and...

  • Swordsman II Swordsman II

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:53

    When he let go of Ren Yingying's hand, I couldn't help pouring a glass of wine and went to the balcony

    If "Swordsman 1" is more concerned with politics, "Smile 2" is more about love.

    Yue Lingshan's tomboy is not a woman, and the fact she faces is cruel. She struggles, no matter how beautiful she is, she is not in love after all. In the end, when Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying are looking at each other, Linghu Chong slaps her head away.

    Ren Yingying has love, but she has too many burdens. Not only does he bear the religion of the gods, but he also has his own restraint. It's not...

  • #Alive #Alive

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:47

    The style before and after is extremely inconsistent.

    This film is too shattered in the later stage... In the early stage, when the male protagonist was trapped in the house and survived alone, all emotional changes were real and reasonable. At first, he didn't say goodbye to the delusion that everything was normal, to the desperation of being alone without water and food, the ecstasy of just calling his family, and then the next moment from hope fell into the abyss of the death of his family, he would suddenly bravely want to scream when he...

  • A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    Face your emotions and grow

    The most heartwarming movie I've seen this year! It is indeed the movie that this era needs! About emotions, about family, about growth, about self-reconciliation! Adapted from real events, it warms the heart and heals the soul!

    The rhythm of this film is not fast, but I personally think it is just right and it is the correct way to express emotions. The communication between the male protagonist and the role of Rogers played by Tom Hanks is full of deep torture of the heart, and it is...

  • The Skeleton Key The Skeleton Key

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Movies with endings that shock you

    Today, while working overtime, I chatted with my colleagues in the front and back seats about movies.
    I asked: "Do you have any good movie recommendations?"
    Some people said "Frozen", some people recommended "Storm" and "Hundred Thousands of Fire", and said a lot, but I don't particularly want to watch them.
    Then we didn't know how to talk about "The Devotion of Suspect X", and everyone agreed that the ending of the movie was really impressive,

    so I threw the second...

  • Face/Off Face/Off

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    face change

    Looking at it, I forgot that this is a film made by a Chinese director. I think he must know Hollywood very well and know how to make people like this kind of film. In his words, it is "using the American narrative to convey the Chinese spirit." This may be the reason why Chinese films have been unable to go out, because we don't know what foreigners are thinking. We didn't really get to know their lives like John Woo, like Ang Lee. John Woo said that Americans attach great importance to...

  • The Others The Others

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    unexpected ending

    I have watched this movie for a long time, but I still have a fresh memory of this movie. The design of the whole play is very ingenious, and it is advanced layer by layer. The final answer has a feeling that it is so, and it is a movie worth recommending. Originally, I felt average for the heroine, but this drama changed my mind. It was very realistic. I liked the heroine in this drama as the mother, the mother who loves her children, and the children in it. This is the first time to write...

  • The Aviator The Aviator

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:03


    According to Howard Hughes, a biography of an American tycoon with a legendary experience, Leonardo has to face a character with obsessive-compulsive mental paranoia and absolute demands for perfection.

    But it is such a very rare character who has cast his extremely superb acting skills in an excellent restoration, making the struggle and loneliness that this character face vividly above the light and shadow.

    As a director, Martin Scorsese's textbook-like photography, editing and...

  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    Daydreaming is worse than just walking away

    The most popular resignation declaration in 2015 is: "The world is so big, I want to go and see it." And "Daydreamer" tells us that instead of daydreaming, lusting after the goddess, beating the boss... it's better to come and say go and leave The journey is just like the true meaning of "LIFE" magazine in the film: to know the world and overcome difficulties. Insight into all, close to life. Find true love and feel each other. This is the meaning of life. ([Version 2] Seeing the world,...

  • The Intouchables The Intouchables

    Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    put away your sympathy

    Sympathy refers to the emotional response of caring and understanding to the suffering and misfortune of others. To a certain extent, it is the innate human nature. Although the degree is different, no one, even a heinous prisoner, has the full confidence to say that he has no sympathy. Perhaps this is why this film was born and discussed. Whether sympathy is necessary, whether sympathy for the suffering of others is really just an expression of wishful thinking, and whether it is the best...

  • Erika 2023-09-27 08:39:12

    Good!! Great!!!...As expected of the Lord of the Rings....I want to review the trilogy and read the book..By the way, what kind of character is the elf who turned around and left while watching the dwarf kingdom being attacked by dragons ah don't understand

  • Erika 2023-09-21 06:07:37

    The style of calmness, alienation and omission in this film not only expresses the mental state of modern Japanese youth, but also has a political metaphor, namely the relationship between Okinawa and the Japanese mainland, through the aphasia of Yashu and friends in Okinawa, and The plot arrangements such as driving African-American women out of the car and shooting American men, also not shy about revealing their distaste for American colonial behavior

  • Erika 2023-09-08 03:48:00

    "The Shape of Water" + "The Great Wall"... Two people guard a lighthouse almost every night VS hundreds of thousands. Are your guns infinite bullets?

  • Erika 2023-08-19 14:54:35

    You don't have to lose weight after seeing this. . .

  • Erika 2023-08-12 14:39:22

    Change the heroine and pass it (perhaps more).

  • Erika 2023-08-12 00:55:21

    Middle-aged men's unhappiness, single or not, is always laughable. Damage is like that, and so are close strangers.

  • Erika 2023-08-08 12:10:23

    Maybe Cage didn't make a bad movie that year. There is nothing to choose from in the acting, and the plot is really without passion. I don't know why the director arranged for the male protagonist and the supporting actress to kiss, saying that they had a leg and they didn't start it. Even if this scene was cut off, it would not affect the plot. This film could have had no female characters. When the end was about to end, the enemy he was clearly facing was let go again, and he had to wait for the other party to counterattack before counterattacking. The content is boring and boring╮(╯_╰)╭, no matter what, we can be regarded as moral support in anti-terrorism and anti-extremism activities. The ending is an elderly retired agent who dies in a traffic accident. When they met, their old rivals were also terminally ill, which was probably the only bright spot in the whole film.

  • Erika 2023-08-07 00:32:59

    Some of the footage in the remake has been cut off, but the picture is really much better! Compared with the comics, the degree of reduction is also higher~ Besides, Qiqi, little angel! ! ! (It's really unnecessary to wear old glasses to remake a low score. In more aspects, the remake is better. It's a fact. It's a low score for the feelings, hehe. Like all those who scold FJ.)

  • Erika 2023-08-01 16:22:52

    The story is very moving, the plot is also very good, when I watch it, I think this is the best one ever

  • Erika 2023-07-21 12:11:14

    It's cheating. . . . . Hannah is the lover of Uncle Ham in Madman. . . . . .

  • Erika 2023-07-21 11:32:22

    After thinking about it, I feel that it is not good. It has become a hodgepodge of elements and forgets the narrative itself. It has a strong desire to express and the film failed to support so much performance. The light tubes are from NWR, the headlights are from Audi, the actors are from Mr. Bi Gan, and the environment is as distracting as the one in Director Jia, and finally I lost myself. Hu Ge's meal made the whole hall hungry.

  • Erika 2023-07-10 01:58:19

    The core of the mother-daughter relationship is very oriental. At first glance, the director is indeed Chinese. My mother has a strong heart, and she bravely went to Los Angeles without money in her pocket. Susan Sarandon is so appropriate to play such an "unreliable" mother.

  • Erika 2023-07-05 18:24:24

    After watching this film, I suddenly wanted to eat apples, and I also thought that 1900 stopped when he was about to get off the boat and never left again. Relentless pursuit or relentless pursuit? Good night, Princes of Maine, and fellow citizens of New England.

  • Erika 2023-06-24 18:01:44

    A group of old dramas... I can't watch it anymore...

  • Erika 2023-06-14 20:11:23

    Could this be a comedy?