Cara Bergstrom

Cara Bergstrom



  • Anatomy of Hell Anatomy of Hell

    Cara 2022-04-20 09:02:36

    Original sin is not PUSSY but the sin of human nature

    The shots are beautiful, the tone is mysteriously beautiful, the dialogue is also quite in place, and every sentence is like an evocative poem.

    The man first came to the woman's house with bewilderment and desire, and at first he forced himself to be disgusted with the woman's body. But in his eyes, there is naked desire, both confused and fiery desire. It is the most primitive, like instinct.
    The woman asked him, "Death and humiliation, what are you more afraid of?" Then she...

  • I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK

    Cara 2022-04-20 09:02:13

    Souls hurt by love are finally saved by love

    This is a lively hospital, and there are a group of schizophrenics who are different from ordinary people. They have no sense of security in real life, and have completely lost trust in the real world. They only lick each other's wounds in the small world of themselves. .One
        day a new person came to the hospital, `RAIN` wearing a bunny face mask saw the pale onion for the first time while playing table tennis.
        The film starts with chaotic scenes and inexplicable babble. Such...

  • Southpaw Southpaw

    Cara 2022-04-20 09:01:30

    Angry Tekken

    When it comes to boxing, the first thing that comes to my mind is the happy twist drama I've seen before - the shy iron fist. That drama has something in common with this film. The protagonists are all boxers who fell into a low point and wanted to take revenge and regain their honor and dignity. They even played fake punches. But in fact, both the plot direction and the emotional tone of the...

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    Cara 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    dragon tattoo

    After dawdling for an afternoon, I finally finished watching the remake of the girl with the Dragon Tattoo by David Finna in 2011. Watching the sound of the motor roaring at the end of the motorcycle, the heroine L disappeared into the darkness by herself, and suddenly she wanted to be wild again, like L, wearing a black vest, holding a cigarette in her hand, ruthless. He took a hard breath and spit it out slowly, brewing endless sadness and resistance in the darkness and silence.


  • Suspect X Suspect X

    Cara 2022-04-19 09:03:02

    Reason can never conquer emotion

    It explained who the murderer was at the beginning, but its excellence is not in the case, but in that it tells the story delicately and clearly, and can always capture the feelings of the audience. On the other hand, it explores the theme of "love" through a wonderful reasoning story. Tetsuya Shishen, played by Shinichi Tsutsumi in the film, is a genius mathematician, a person who seems to be absolutely rational, but when he meets the person he loves, the person who rescues his soul...

  • Kedi Kedi

    Cara 2022-04-19 09:02:43

    When you find a cat rubbing your trousers gently, that's life smiling at you

    I understand it as an urban documentary film with great depth and layers.

    Why not call it an animal documentary? Because the cat is only the carrier of the film's telling process, just as the movie said, "When you stare at it, it is like staring into a mirror", various people in the film tell what they understand from different angles "Cat", in essence, what their descriptions reflect is their unique understanding of a city and a period of life, and this is precisely the essence of...

  • Castle in the Sky Castle in the Sky

    Cara 2022-04-19 09:01:42

    groundbreaking work

    This is Hayao Miyazaki's first animated feature film after the establishment of Studio Ghibli, and it is also the foundational work for him to become a generation of animation masters in the future. In the eyes of many people, this animation filmed more than 30 years ago, It is Hayao Miyazaki's best work and the most classic of Ghibli.

    From my personal point of view, although the standard of this film is very high, it is also very eye-catching in that era. It is not an exaggeration to...

  • Alex Rider Alex Rider

    Cara 2022-04-16 08:01:01

    Looking forward to next season

    Alex has a friend, a nanny Jack, an uncle who died at the beginning, a girl who has a crush on a girl who didn't think about it, and a family whose parents died.

    He was born to be a spy and was trained by his uncle. After his uncle died, he independently investigated that his uncle did not die in a car accident. In order to get revenge, he was trained by the organization to go deep into the enemy school (point blanc), and he was handsome when sitting on the sofa when he was inspected...

  • The Bookshop The Bookshop

    Cara 2022-04-04 09:01:08

    Bookstore - something to say

    Click on Tencent Video to look through my collections, looking for the movies I want to watch. As always, those collections are still in the collection of other people's shares. I still put them aside and wait until someday to watch them - I searched today and the movie column has been scrolling down to see it. Bookstore - I'm downloading this movie with great interest. I'm going to watch it another day. I went to another place to open my notebook and I'm going to flip...

  • The One I Love The One I Love

    Cara 2022-03-29 09:01:06

    The real boss is a fake wife

    The most terrifying thing is that the fake wife doesn't love the fake husband anymore (after the fake husband fainted, the fake wife's first reaction turned out to be a smile), so when things are out of control (the real husband) She is too rational and smart to fall into the "trap" and is bewitched by her), trying to find a way to escape from here, so she will kiss the fake husband while pretending to be the real wife (the part where the fake husband confesses to the real wife) Showing a...

  • Samsara Samsara

    Cara 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    a great documentary

    The second time I watched "Reincarnation", I had a deeper feeling than the first time.
    Many of the shots are aerial shots, as if following the director to look down on the earth we live in from "God's point of view". The shots pass through the virgin forest and the modern bustling city, and the people in the city are represented by the acceleration lens, small and busy, in a hurry. Many people in China are busy without even knowing why, and their hearts are filled with confusion and...

  • Soul Surfer Soul Surfer

    Cara 2022-03-25 09:01:12

    life is like surfing

    I was nervous every time she surfed because I knew a little about the plot before?

    The movie still surprised me a bit, first of all, she didn't get crushed by the inconvenience of life after being disabled. Secondly, her parents did not stop her from continuing to choose to surf, and they were very supportive. Also, her good friend is still her good friend and has not left her. Of course, her post-injury optimism is also amazing.

    Towards the end, I kept thinking about how the...

  • Sydney White Sydney White

    Cara 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    The brave can always break the boundaries of the circle

    Possibly because of the difference between Eastern and Western cultures, Chinese universities do not have such clear boundaries. The distinction between circles that the film shows is like the landowners and oppressed peasants in ancient China. The difference is that Chinese peasants cannot break the boundaries of classes and achieve equality by themselves. They can only unite or wait for the times to change. In other words, their fate is in the hands of God. In contrast, the movie is much...

  • In the Heart of the Sea In the Heart of the Sea

    Cara 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    We are connected to everyone

    I love the ocean depths more than the most recent revenant. The first time I saw a scene about whaling, in the sea, the smallness of humans and the largest whales formed a contrast, but humans still hunted whales for whale oil.
          Although the plot is not very sad, but it is moving. When the whale finally came over, Chas didn't throw a spear, and the whale didn't attack. He just glanced at it. After the killing, he realized that nature needs harmony, and humans are punished. In the end,...

  • The Lucky Ones The Lucky Ones

    Cara 2022-03-25 08:01:01

    good luck? irony

    The name of the movie is The Man of Luck, so many people's reviews say how lucky these three are. In fact, I think this is just a joke by the author for everyone. The so-called good luck is just sarcasm.
    As soon as TK
    1 appeared, he talked about SEX, showing his own nature about his own sexual function. As a result, he was unfortunately injured and had to go to Las Vegas to solve the problem without telling his fiancee.
    2 Nights of nightmares, the encounters on the battlefield...

  • Cara 2023-09-29 12:33:08

    Emma and this guy are already engaged? ? Tell me i'm not the last one to know

  • Cara 2023-09-22 18:59:01

    Low-budget sci-fi, reminds me of "This man is from earth", it's all a bunch of Kochi gathered in a room to listen to the male protagonist. John Oldman in "This man is from earth" is from the past 140 centuries ago, "The Time Machine" "The male protagonist has experienced the future 800,000 years later. PS The male protagonist is sitting in a time machine and watching the clothes of the female model in the window of the clothing store across the street change with the times. This shot is impressive.

  • Cara 2023-09-16 07:37:09

    The fighter in the sniper is almost a classic, and it is an adaptation of a real story. Even if they speak English, so what? ... 20 years have passed since this good work, what are these actors doing? Male No. 1 Jude Law has long since withdrawn from the first-line star. Rachel Weisz, the heroine, appeared briefly in "Black Widow". The second male Joseph Fiennes continued his high standard in "The Handmaid's Tale". The villain, Ed Harris, is very old and appears in "Daughter in the Dark."

  • Cara 2023-09-13 02:50:28

    3 seasons are all that I can take after Tom, Zoe and Danny. I never thought Matthew would weight that much in a show for me since I've watched him before, or doubt the power of Rupert's good looks, again saw him before too . Guess I was wrong. very wrong.

  • Cara 2023-09-04 00:46:04

    In the same era, one can still match a mistress and the other can only be "old and honest" ಥ_ಥ It's not fair...

  • Cara 2023-09-02 01:27:45

    1.Jewish immigrant experience from the view of "native" Americans 2.First talkie!

  • Cara 2023-08-29 19:51:53

    Very competent popcorn, there are a lot of actions, gunfights, and car chases. More importantly, the characters are distinct, and you won't be able to understand when you come back from the toilet.

  • Cara 2023-08-19 21:08:38

    The first half induces you to think that the far-right racists in a small place are going to hunt down the young couple who are not intermarried. Later, you realize that they were hit and run by the boy's parents for revenge. Being a minority is really difficult. Insensitive will be killed in "Escape from Death", and too sensitive will kill rescuers in "Red Dot" and then be killed by real hunters.

  • Cara 2023-08-06 16:40:02

    There are no surprises in the first movie, the plot is not coherent, and there are many unreasonable places. Although there are many emotional places, it does not make people particularly moved. Of course, the picture is still very beautiful, especially when the colorful dragons are flying all over the sky.

  • Cara 2023-08-02 19:06:54

    After seeing it, I think it's not bad, A really didn't come out so early. . . Looks like you have to be prepared for a long time to be played again.

  • Cara 2023-07-10 20:49:01

    The positioning of this film is very vague. If you show it to a child, the blood on the gun battle scene in the snow is too much and it is too straightforward. If the main focus is on the restricted level, the child and Santa are playing at home. The cause is just a piece of coal. It seems too much. Young, the killer swept the military all the way, and Chris was pierced through his chest, but as a result, the killer shot the old woman in the head, but Chris was only blind in one eye.

  • Cara 2023-07-10 09:44:10

    Hahaha, what’s so funny than a horror movie. Hahaha. I’m going to laugh to death. My male god’s role can compete with the weakest boss in history. In the end, I was knocked out because I heard the bell was drunk and drank melamine blood. A villain, your weaknesses have been exposed too comprehensively!

  • Cara 2023-07-09 01:25:44

    It is a pity film, even if the photography is creative ①The facial features of the close-up of the title are deformed and zoomed, creating a unique visual effect when the screen is split. ②The distorted room and the close-up of the deformed face using a wide-angle lens are very interesting ③The carnival of "Bacchus" Party, the dynamic lens conveys the state of "drunk" very well, but unfortunately it is black and white with low contrast and no light and shadow effects ④The narrative fails to reach the level of the picture, and the picture does not promote the narrative

  • Cara 2023-07-06 20:44:35

    Old-fashioned, and rightfully embarrassing.

  • Cara 2023-07-03 07:30:26

    Use the movie to reminisce the classics of the year, the love is crazy ah ah ah ah ah