Barton Borer

Barton Borer



  • Bird Box Bird Box

    Barton 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    Reminds me of Annie in Speed, there is no "give up" and "despair" in the dictionary

    Bird Box, before watching this movie, I was watching a quiet place, one can’t watch, and the other can’t make a sound. It is a relatively novel movie theme. This reminds me of the zombie movie I watched when I was a child and I can’t breathe? Want to live, please Blindfold your eyes~ Because of the influence of Stephen King, I love these thriller novels or movies. In fact, the public ratings of this movie are quite low, but I think it deserves a higher score. Sandra is still as tough as...

  • Watchmen Watchmen

    Barton 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    Superheroes’ tram puzzle


    Director Zach Schneider

    Movie Synopsis:

  • Dances with Wolves Dances with Wolves

    Barton 2022-03-17 09:01:03

    Beautiful and magnificent wild reflection

    Can't help yearning for the primitive tribal life, men and women live hard to survive, hunting is to get enough things, not to "enjoy" the thrill of hunting, not to sell money, primitive emotions between men and women, vast grasslands, magnificent bison herds, creatures Simple harmony and competition between men, moving brotherhood of men's responsibility, war is not for politics, not for aggression, not for personal ambition, not for extinction, but for food for survival. Sometimes I don't...

  • Cars Cars

    Barton 2022-03-15 09:01:01

    This should be an animation, right? ?

    The cars inside are so cute. One of my old aunts is also drunk. I always watch these haha. Even after watching many series of movie variety shows, I feel that no matter how good they look, they can’t be better than the first one. This movie is no exception. Of course, the other two are okay, but the first one is a pitfall for me. If the first one is not good, I won’t watch the next two and three. I feel that many foreign films are very graphic and touching. Although there are good works in...

  • Azumi 2: Death or Love Azumi 2: Death or Love

    Barton 2022-02-28 08:02:09

    Japanese Violence Aesthetics

    "あずみ" (100 people cut girls) "The original mission is to kill the person you love the most."

    · Director Kitamura Ryuhei:

    · Starring Ueto Aya:

      Born in Tokyo on September 14, 1985, the seventh time in 1997 She won the special judge award in the National Beautiful Girl Contest, and after that, she has appeared in CM many times. And finally became a hit with "3 Years Group B Jinba Teacher". This film is her first screen work, and her personalized image, which is...

  • Sex/Life Sex/Life

    Barton 2022-02-04 08:02:33


    1. The heroine ex was performing rigidly throughout the whole process, "I'm the best, I'm the coolest, and I'm big? All women love me", which can't lift my interest at all. Can you spit everything out of your mouth before talking?

    2. The heroine did not show her spiritual resonance to ex in the whole process, so she is not regretting missing her soulmate and missing love, but just regretting missing the big one. In that case, there is no need to be...

  • Rango Rango

    Barton 2022-01-27 08:01:03

    Rango: How a hero is made

    The world has never lacked heroes. What it lacks is the soil for heroes to grow. The so-called times create heroes. Therefore, heroes are never born, but the product of a specific era, a special environment, and a special force. Since ancient times, heroes have been born in troubled times, and poor people have created troublesome people. From the perspective of historical development, the definitions of "heroes" and "trouble people" mostly depend on victory or defeat. So there is the saying...

  • An Inspector Calls An Inspector Calls

    Barton 2022-01-22 08:01:59

    Talk about a real thing that happened around me

    Because I replied to a sentence in other film reviews, and then was said to stand on a moral high point and to blame others for unintentional and untargeted wrongdoing, is it a crime for the family in this movie? Don't comment, just talk about one thing that really happened around me.
            The person involved is a couple. I have seen the man several times and the woman only once. The first time I saw them, it was also because the girl’s classmates introduced them to each other. A group...

  • Nostalghia Nostalghia

    Barton 2022-01-11 08:02:50

    Three Years of "Homesickness", a journey of self-cognition

    The first time I watched "Homesickness" was in 2005. It is also the reason why I like movies. I asked myself if there are such movies. At that time, what attracted me was the movie scenes, like the quiet countryside and wilderness in Corot’s oil paintings, but unlike the out-of-born painters who live in the countryside, Tarkovsky’s composition has a touch of coldness that both welcomes and rejects—— There are two or three dead trees or a low farmhouse on the barren land, the old and mossy wall...

  • Would You Rather Would You Rather

    Barton 2022-01-11 08:01:26

    Human nature is so

    Death feast, in order for my brother to have the money to treat illnesses, the right bone marrow, to pay off his debts, return to school, resolutely participate in the desperate game of private organizations, suspense, excitement, mocking humanity, the first round of electric shock to myself or someone else, only two One choice, otherwise die. In the second round, use a cone of ice to stab someone alive and beat a person with rhino hide three times. In the third round, randomly choose the...

  • Two Lovers Two Lovers

    Barton 2022-01-09 08:02:08

    One-dimensional man's all-round dissection

    A lot of what you know are facts but not the truth. Sometimes the truth is not in the facts, but in some timelines that have long been far away from the facts.

    Mu Xin said that life is an interweaving of the servility of people and the servility of things. Many men in a one-dimensional world may sometimes need to try to understand his imprisonment and imprisonment where he is nowhere to be placed.

    The male protagonist L lives with his...

  • Pathfinder Pathfinder

    Barton 2022-01-06 08:02:08


    First of all, I have always loved this kind of oil painting color male film. Before there was Sparta 300, let's watch a hormone splash and watch a brilliant color special effect. OK, the purpose of this movie has been achieved.
    Nima’s movie really stunned me at the beginning, but you can’t see that half of it didn’t even make a roar from the leading actor. Nima, you can’t have the fierce battle in the first half of the wild and the second half, Nima, the whole movie. We actually watched...

  • iZombie iZombie

    Barton 2022-01-06 08:01:14

    The rescue of the story of Our Lady of the Ego

    I believe many people will say that the ninth episode abandoned or something, and the negative reviews have appeared since the ninth episode. The reason is that the heroine was unfavorable at the time.
    Of course, in response to this, many people who oppose it say that because the people who have bad reviews are Yankong, it's just a pity that little handsome guy~
    Actually, really? Here I try to analyze or elaborate on the design of the link that forcibly drags the heroine to the...

  • Dolores Claiborne Dolores Claiborne

    Barton 2022-01-05 08:02:13

    The depth of love is rewarded with sin.

    All about Dolores.

              When the sail went to the ocean, Doris turned around, the sky was rendered dark blue, and the story ended. Then, there is a feeling in my heart that it is not appropriate to describe it.

               At the beginning of the movie, the old woman holding a mallet for murder, walks into our world in a form that makes people resist.
               You will not understand. Although her conversations with others are always very offensive. It...

  • Miss Sloane Miss Sloane

    Barton 2022-01-04 08:02:16

    This is the best drama of 2016

    Although the Oscar does not sell accounts, in my mind it is the best screenwriter and the best drama of last year. It is full of tension. The plot is reversed and reversed. Only at the last minute can I know the heroine's strategy. As far as the reversal of its plot is concerned, it is a match for Gu Long's novels.

    From the beginning of the film, it shows its tension with its quick dialogue and various materials. Show the lobbyist industry through tension.

    Lobbyists, there are...

  • Barton 2023-09-15 14:40:57

    A few years ago, because a photographer said that Conrad Hall's photography in this film was great, I just finished watching it in two days. The photography is amazing. Editor Peter Zinner was a co-editor for The Godfather 1 and 2, and won an Oscar for The Deer Hunter. Could the admiration for the film come more from Capote's unread non-fiction book? Because I don't like the actor's performance, it's too revealing and deliberate. There are a lot of places in the editing that feel like an inopportune dazzle. What impressed me the most was not the above, but the sound. There are very few simultaneous voices, and the sense of space and tone of a lot of speaking content is very strange. However, the reason for the lack of simultaneous voices may be the noise of the shooting environment, or it may be a deliberate pursuit of re-producing a soundtrack, and it is more likely to be both. There is. If I re-brush, I will look at photography and re-evaluate sound thinking. Oh, by the way, I kept thinking of two films in the process of watching: "No Country for Old Men" by the Coen Brothers and "Money" by Bresson, which is also very interesting to compare.

  • Barton 2023-09-12 08:56:13

    Don't give up on your dreams

  • Barton 2023-09-11 04:49:52

    The german&british version is the most exciting, and the acting skills of the Spanish women on trial are quite vivid. All in all, low cost, superb acting, and realistic script.

  • Barton 2023-09-07 15:42:28

    If you want to win the race, you have to pay attention to the holes that others have dug for you. 200810: We still have no intermission in our small place. My favorite part is still the part where the wife drives and the husband takes the co-pilot.

  • Barton 2023-09-05 13:16:00

    Kirk's last words were oh my....

  • Barton 2023-09-01 05:47:23

    It turns out that Peggy has not been seen for over a year.

  • Barton 2023-08-07 00:06:49

    High-level stop motion animation technology. In the story, it's a little annoying to watch. The soundtrack and graphics are great~

  • Barton 2023-08-03 01:52:00

    It's all logic and reason now and no place for fantasy.

  • Barton 2023-07-23 18:40:08

    Originally, I was in a bad mood. After watching this film, I was even more depressed. It felt too depressing and gloomy. However, Javier Bardem's acting skills are still contagious. His daughter-in-law looks like a ladygaga!

  • Barton 2023-07-14 17:03:50

    It's a "Phone Booth" story again, but this movie is not going to be any suspense at all. John Cusack doesn't appear. I even forgot that his name appeared in the credits. It's boring anyway.

  • Barton 2023-07-13 19:48:40

    2.5 Everyone is getting old, alas, except for Shi Huang, only Shi Huang is not old at all, and his figure is still so good, what are the secrets, all kinds of slanders, all kinds of disgusted old people's memes (bars) I can't even sweat), it's so sad, the father-son stalk is so vulgar, and how can there be a villain who listens to his mother so much...

  • Barton 2023-07-02 03:53:25

    Three and a half stars, each with its own characteristics. The four stories of different periods can also be regarded as the life of a comrade, self-identification, family acceptance, emotional entanglement, seemingly calm and calm, but in fact only oneself knows the complex emotions deep inside.

  • Barton 2023-06-27 11:49:14

    The homepage has been watched by Amway, not that appealing

  • Barton 2023-06-24 13:28:26

    In a more old-fashioned fairy tale love story, Romy Schneider perfectly interprets the innocence, cuteness and liveliness of Princess Sissi.

  • Barton 2023-06-22 15:17:44

    Are the three endings correct?