Keanu Murphy

Keanu Murphy



  • Stranger Than Paradise Stranger Than Paradise

    Keanu 2022-03-21 09:02:39


    The film expresses this story full of humor and alienation through several small life scenes. Influenced by Wenders, Jarmusch embodies the sense of alienation most vividly. The embarrassment of silence between characters, awkward conversations without resonance, the identity of the first generation of American immigrants, and a series of boring life fragments exude a strong atmosphere of embarrassment and nihilism. Shady transitions are used between scenes. This stern style is often seen in...

  • Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man 2

    Keanu 2022-03-20 09:01:04

    The hero is by your side

    The Spider-Man in Spider-Man 2 has grown up a bit, but he is still a very ordinary person, he still has to run for life, he is still very dull in front of the girl he likes, unable to resolve his embarrassment, clumsy and cute, the spider here Xia is really sincere and true, and he doesn't feel glib at all. But on the other hand, he is also a superhero. He has the responsibility to protect the citizens. In many cases, he must give up his personal interests and gains and losses to protect the...

  • The Secret in Their Eyes The Secret in Their Eyes

    Keanu 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    Enigmatic eyes, enigmatic love

    I haven't seen such a wonderful movie in a long time! Although no tears were shed, the scene in the movie kept popping up in my mind...

    A suspenseful case of rape and murder leads to another love that has been missed for 25 years. There are two clues, one light and one dark, that intersect but are not confusing. The hints that were not understood until the end of the movie, the "TEAMO (I love you)" that the male protagonist wanted to say, and the "next step" that could never be...

  • Lost in Translation Lost in Translation

    Keanu 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    Lost in tokyo

    Lost in Tokyo is a somewhat beautiful story, with a touch of sadness from beginning to end. When I was watching this film while lying on my bed with wine in my arms, I felt that the people in it were too real, too lonely, and even the director was too perfect. Loneliness will produce sparks, but this flashing spark can only bring them regret and my sorrow. I

    read a sentence from a BLOG, like
    me saying, when deep sorrow meets deep sorrow, we got pleasure...

    the song at...

  • The Adjustment Bureau The Adjustment Bureau

    Keanu 2022-03-17 09:01:04

    I came for a sci-fi genre film, but I ended up getting a romance film that exceeded my expectations

    Can't meet that person, miss that person, can't be with that person, it turns out that God is at fault. No matter how big or how many people there are in the city, even if you take the same bus at the same time every day for several years, you just can't meet each other. Compared with the free will that the movie wants to discuss, this kind of pain of missing out with people who should be with them every day really hits my heart. Only after listening to Eason Chan's "House of Flying Daggers"...

  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

    Keanu 2022-03-17 09:01:01

    190810: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Knights (refill)

    Episode VI RETURN OF THE JEDI Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tattooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Little does Luke know that the GALACTIC EMPIRE has secretly begun construction on a new armored space station even more powerful than the first dreaded Death Star. When completed, this ultimate weapon will spell certain doom for the small band of rebels struggling to restore freedom to the galaxy... , But...

  • Mr. Turner Mr. Turner

    Keanu 2022-03-16 09:01:09

    Tribute to landscape masters with digital images

    "Mr. Turner" is not Mike. Lee's first biographical film about historical figures, he made a 1999 drama set in the 19th century, about the pair of opera writers Gilbert and Sullivan. But maybe it's because of the works that earned him the award - Best Director at Cannes in 1993 ("Naked"), 1996 Palme d'Or ("Secrets and Lies"), 2004 Venice Golden Lion ("Vera Del Rey") Grams”) and many more Cannes-inclusive films—all realist themes that focus on contemporary life, so the occasional return to...

  • The Exorcist The Exorcist

    Keanu 2022-03-15 09:01:11

    Opinions vary

    "This isn't something 'The Exorcist' fans need to avoid, and while it's possible this 'The Exorcist' series will linger after the navigator, Slater, director and executive producer Rupert Wyatt and All the great actors on the show provide an extremely efficient start to the work." -, Maureen Ryan "A horror show that doesn't scare you isn't a success, except for the flawless performance of some great actors. "—Robert Bianco, USA Today "If you like horror TV shows and mysteries,...

  • Annette Annette

    Keanu 2022-03-12 08:01:02

    Leo Carax, please start your show!

    This year's Cannes Film Festival's main competition unit list saw Leo Carax's new film "Annette" listed in it, which is indeed a pleasant surprise to movie fans. This is still a paranoid author's film, dismantling and twisting musicals and musicals into a new one. It has already announced the opening of the next wonderful performance.

    To simply regard "Annette" as a musical, it would be too big and too much to look down on Karax. The film...

  • Scare Campaign Scare Campaign

    Keanu 2022-03-07 08:01:58

    Some ideas at the end of the movie

    The whole mid-game design is very clever, but from the beginning, it can be guessed that these masked people will come to grab them later.
    In the end, when the heroine looked at the camera, I felt that it should not be a panic expression, but a smiling expression. Then, there is a lot of room for development.
    Then the sequel can become like this:

    1. This heroine is the planner of this game, and the little girl is just one of the pawns. In the sequel, the little girl is used...

  • Nana Nana

    Keanu 2022-03-03 08:01:08

    another me in the world

    This movie has Shunji Hikio's beautiful Japanese snow scene and my dream house 707, which became less profound after I watched it. Now, what I think in my heart is: It's good to have a best friend.
       I think every girl has two Nanas in their hearts, one is cute and cute, and the other is cold and independent. Usually, most of them are tamed by their parents and teachers into a cute and cute type. When they grow up, even if they don’t ride the mud, they will pay this kind of thing. No...

  • Restless Restless

    Keanu 2022-02-27 08:01:54

    Briefly mention my feelings about this second brush film

    Finnish elements + discussion of open marriage, not bad. Watched it as a documentary! ! Geng! Geng?!

    As you can see, sex itself is too important. If you don't have sex with this person, you have to look elsewhere for something new, right? From this logic, derailment, separation and divorce in contemporary Europe. It can be said that an opinion is formed.

    Just like the divorce of the performance artist, it can be said that the attitudes and frequencies of sex life between men and...

  • The King of Masks The King of Masks

    Keanu 2022-02-07 14:51:14

    Looking at "Changing Faces" from "A Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix"

    "A Hundred Birds and the Phoenix" is director Wu Tianming's posthumous work. It was released in early May 2016. It should have the same fate as most literary films: it was released quietly, and then it was released quietly, and finally it returned to silence. Leaving a trace of sound, of course, will not earn a cent at the box office. However, this film quickly generated a strong topic and social effect due to the producer Fang Li's "stunning kneeling". The overwhelming praise from the media...

  • Greta Greta

    Keanu 2022-01-28 08:29:17

    Aunt Yu single-handedly played with the disabled super stupid girl

    "The Widow's Secret" is a very enjoyable movie to watch. Its entertainment has surpassed the artistry. It is really a pleasure to watch the aunt's evolution. Hereby) become a puppet, life is better than death.

    In fact, Huppert's perverted play has been on the road for a long time. From the "Grim Ritual" to the peak in "Piano Teacher", it is said that the audience in...

  • Spider-Man: Far from Home Spider-Man: Far from Home

    Keanu 2022-01-26 08:01:39

    Peter without Tony is still our favorite Spiderman

    [No spoilers] The relationship between Iron Man and Spider-Man, father, son, and apprentice is the magical touch of Marvel's third stage. Although the two characters in the comics intersect from time to time, they are far from establishing such a deep harmony in the movie world. Unique feelings.

    In 2016, "Civil War", the moment Tony walked into the room of this somewhat dazed high school student for the first time, he had already written down one of the most critical decisions in...

  • Keanu 2023-09-26 07:50:26

    If you want to make a comic superhero into a literary film, even Ang Lee can't.

  • Keanu 2023-09-07 17:36:48

    Weird, not interesting at all

  • Keanu 2023-09-03 13:47:46

    It's gorgeous. How important the story is. Hepburn's appearance is unmatched!

  • Keanu 2023-08-18 02:31:00

    Tell the truth. . Ruby is my ideal type. . Willing to bend into mosquito coils for her. .

  • Keanu 2023-08-15 08:01:04

    She has beauty, brains and skills. Although there has been a short circuit in the middle, she is still a reliable heroine. The director is supposed to be an attention-getter, and a few foreshadowings add a touch of color to this relatively bland, low-budget thriller.

  • Keanu 2023-07-26 06:40:45

    Three and a half stars... Absolutely a family-friendly movie for all ages... The ending song "Never say never, fighting forever" sounds pretty good...

  • Keanu 2023-07-22 18:18:41

    The first half of the story is boring and boring, the second half goes through the motions, and the ending is inexplicable. . .

  • Keanu 2023-07-20 19:54:53

    Using the process of escape and re-entry to restore an intellectual's China to the West, thus disintegrating the "Oriental imagination" of the West, it is thought-provoking.

  • Keanu 2023-07-17 19:22:37

    God, this is a script written by a pig!

  • Keanu 2023-07-14 00:31:32

    Hope to see the rest of Maradona's life.

  • Keanu 2023-07-11 15:01:44

    Compared with the body that travels through the war, the trauma to the soul is more solid and profound, and it is difficult to erase. Thinking of "Field Platoon", it is still slightly less powerful. From a bystander to a player in the game, sometimes, it is really difficult to stick to principles and maintain humanity.

  • Keanu 2023-07-10 20:33:43

    Love is the biggest trap.

  • Keanu 2023-07-07 14:46:34

    staunch atheist i refuse

  • Keanu 2023-07-06 16:52:40

    3.5 it. It turned out to be an adaptation of a Korean drama... No wonder it's so dramatic and exaggerated...

  • Keanu 2023-07-01 06:15:29

    2 stars couldn't give more...