Keanu Murphy

Keanu Murphy



  • Girl Girl

    Keanu 2022-10-04 07:20:36


    The film is less than two hours long, and I need to stop and slow down several times in the middle...

    The first real transgender movie I saw was "Boys Don't Cry," which, like "Girls," was based on true events, although "Girls" ended better than "Boys," A lot, but it still makes me feel very depressed when I watch it...

    From a movie point of view, what impressed me about this work is that I can hardly feel the stereotype of...

  • The Siege of Jadotville The Siege of Jadotville

    Keanu 2022-10-03 08:57:03

    Flying sand in the wind of ignorance

    Exciting battle scenes, complicated political situations, simple character emotions, plus the soundtrack for the occasion, constitute the whole of this movie. This film integrates the shell of all high-scoring movies, but what is missing is the indispensable soul of movie art. If it sounds nice, it's called an empty formalist movie, if it sounds bad it's called a popcorn movie. Hole, hole, space hole.

    First explain the background of the movie.

    In 1960, the Democratic...

  • Confession of Murder Confession of Murder

    Keanu 2022-09-28 22:10:15

    Movies take time, revenge is hard (spoiler)

    It is estimated that I watched too many suspense films. Halfway through the film, when the police wore night vision goggles to save Brother Vase, I guessed that the two guys were having an affair. At first, I thought that the guy was an undercover agent, but finally realized that he was also a bitter master. Alas, the most unbearable thing was that at the end, the police drew their guns, and Feina stopped talking. I thought I would be able to jump on the terrifying murderer easily. In the end,...

  • Automated Customer Service Automated Customer Service

    Keanu 2022-09-19 05:22:56

    Detailed E03 Pop Squad

    Each episode of Love Dead has two titles. Title and Icon. This article also focuses on the analysis of these two.

    E03.Pop Squad[Modern Correction Team]

    First explain why it is translated this way (Modern Jisheng Team). Look...

  • Nerve Nerve

    Keanu 2022-09-17 04:55:05

    Be your owner Damn those watchers :)

    When I first saw the down-to-earth name , Lenovo's smashing live broadcast industry thought it was some strange domestic film and almost skipped this new era of The Hunger Games under the background of the Internet?

    Unexpectedly, the US Emperor has also produced such a low-cost movie around the current popular #live broadcast# topic [Hey Ha] It does not have the usual special effects of Hollywood, but has a compact and slightly exaggerated plot to pave the way. The first...

  • Ima, ai ni yukimasu Ima, ai ni yukimasu

    Keanu 2022-09-12 00:43:12

    Now, let's see your TV version and movie version

    The comments below are the thoughts I wrote in my blog before. I watched the TV version first, and then went to the movie version to watch it. The writing was messy, so I will post it together, and I will use it as a reference ^_^
        Initial attention The reason for this drama is entirely because of Naruto Kuangui. Last year, I watched a drama about sign language "Orange Day", in which Gui Zai only appeared as a supporting role, playing a disabled sister, relying on her beautiful...

  • The Biggest Little Farm The Biggest Little Farm

    Keanu 2022-09-08 19:30:35

    What a Fxxking loser!!!

    There is a person called the unity of knowledge and action who wrote an article called "Building. . How difficult" article, I made a reply at the bottom. The reason for my reply is very simple. The film does not discuss any point of view on which is better to use organic or chemical fertilizers, nor does it call on everyone to adopt traditional agricultural methods, and there is no direction. And this 2B youth who combines knowledge and action hyped up his views in the article. The whole...

  • Ima, ai ni yukimasu Ima, ai ni yukimasu

    Keanu 2022-09-02 03:34:12

    around the rainy season

    It rained fast but gentle in the morning, the torrential rain poured down, and the shoes were wet. I just walked back in the rain, but someone teased me that I could take a cold shower. If I asked for this, I would really feel a little free and easy.

    It’s still a good name in the rainy season. It’s a Japanese literal translation. Saying love to you through raindrops is a vulgar movie. It’s been on the hard disk for two years. I've always been interested in this kind of Japanese style,...

  • The Crowd The Crowd

    Keanu 2022-07-10 23:17:20

    There's no denying that you're just one of the crowd

    I watched this movie last night. I cried when I saw it after two o'clock in the evening, and didn't fall asleep for a long time.

    This is a silent black-and-white film with a realistic theme. It tells the story of a man whose heart is higher than the sky, but in the end he can only be a clown who has been laughed at by himself. Although filmed in a Hollywood environment, the performance of the cold society and the numb crowd is not restrained at all.

    At least in my...

  • The Banker The Banker

    Keanu 2022-06-02 17:11:28

    I want to buy an office building-finance in "The Banker"

    The Banker is a rich film. There are many films that reflect the racial discrimination and prejudice in that special historical period in the United States. Many people have made in-depth discussions on the social injustices exposed in the film, the editing of film stories, and the interpretation and shaping of roles; this film is relatively unique What's more, the story told takes place in the financial field, and the finance involved in the film is also very...

  • Ashfall Ashfall

    Keanu 2022-04-23 07:04:53

    Extra points for the actors, the general level of the Korean and Korean duo movies

    First look...

    After watching this film for the first time, I immediately thought of movies about the two heroes of the South and North Korea and nuclear weapons . I have watched two recently, and the general routine is as follows:

    "Iron Rain" - North Korean agents, South Korean politicians, the focus of conflict, South...

  • You Don't Know Jack You Don't Know Jack

    Keanu 2022-04-23 07:03:47

    Who can give me a "euthanasia" when I'm sick and dying?

    People can never choose whether to be born or not, can't they have the right to die? It is said that life comes from freedom, but sometimes we find that people do not belong to themselves from birth to death. We have always believed that "life" and "death" are opposites. Death always reminds people of darkness, coldness, and fear, but death is a part of life. Death is the last state of life. If a person respects him His life should also be respected in his death. When a person spends his life...

  • Farewell My Concubine Farewell My Concubine

    Keanu 2022-04-23 07:03:42

    Like this, it is all paid to the broken well and the ruins——Re-comment on "Farewell My Concubine"

    I re-watched "Farewell My Concubine" again. It was a screening event of a vintage store. The non-high-definition video was projected on a small white wall. The space in the store was a little cramped. .
    When Leslie Cheung and Zhang Fengyi played against each other, everyone was awe-inspiring. When the fourth master Yuan played by Ge You was speaking seriously, everyone couldn't help laughing. Uncle Ge has done a lot of comedy, and everything he does looks like a comedy. I thought it would...

  • Doubt Doubt

    Keanu 2022-04-23 07:01:52

    Child abuse suspicion

    Usually, if you find that the tone of the film is gloomy before watching the film, you will not be interested. After this, it changed. The scene where the two suddenly became quiet when they were arguing in the principal's office, the multi-faceted human nature, the collision of human nature and secular roles, made people feel extremely real. The dialogue between the principal and the mother, conflict, confrontation, subtlety, revealing the helplessness that everyone in the world has. At the...

  • The Secret Life of Pets The Secret Life of Pets

    Keanu 2022-04-23 07:01:38

    What are you doing outside my eyelids?

    What do pets do when their owners are away? Oh, it's a really good subject, animation always teaches people to see the world from a different angle, and it's not complicated at all. This type of animation always scans the world from completely different perspectives of animals or objects, which is full of childlike interest and is suitable for all ages.


    So what exactly are they doing when their owners aren't home? "The Secret Pets" can be regarded as the animal version of "Toy...

  • Keanu 2023-09-26 07:50:26

    If you want to make a comic superhero into a literary film, even Ang Lee can't.

  • Keanu 2023-09-07 17:36:48

    Weird, not interesting at all

  • Keanu 2023-09-03 13:47:46

    It's gorgeous. How important the story is. Hepburn's appearance is unmatched!

  • Keanu 2023-08-18 02:31:00

    Tell the truth. . Ruby is my ideal type. . Willing to bend into mosquito coils for her. .

  • Keanu 2023-08-15 08:01:04

    She has beauty, brains and skills. Although there has been a short circuit in the middle, she is still a reliable heroine. The director is supposed to be an attention-getter, and a few foreshadowings add a touch of color to this relatively bland, low-budget thriller.

  • Keanu 2023-07-26 06:40:45

    Three and a half stars... Absolutely a family-friendly movie for all ages... The ending song "Never say never, fighting forever" sounds pretty good...

  • Keanu 2023-07-22 18:18:41

    The first half of the story is boring and boring, the second half goes through the motions, and the ending is inexplicable. . .

  • Keanu 2023-07-20 19:54:53

    Using the process of escape and re-entry to restore an intellectual's China to the West, thus disintegrating the "Oriental imagination" of the West, it is thought-provoking.

  • Keanu 2023-07-17 19:22:37

    God, this is a script written by a pig!

  • Keanu 2023-07-14 00:31:32

    Hope to see the rest of Maradona's life.

  • Keanu 2023-07-11 15:01:44

    Compared with the body that travels through the war, the trauma to the soul is more solid and profound, and it is difficult to erase. Thinking of "Field Platoon", it is still slightly less powerful. From a bystander to a player in the game, sometimes, it is really difficult to stick to principles and maintain humanity.

  • Keanu 2023-07-10 20:33:43

    Love is the biggest trap.

  • Keanu 2023-07-07 14:46:34

    staunch atheist i refuse

  • Keanu 2023-07-06 16:52:40

    3.5 it. It turned out to be an adaptation of a Korean drama... No wonder it's so dramatic and exaggerated...

  • Keanu 2023-07-01 06:15:29

    2 stars couldn't give more...