Adell Bode

Adell Bode



  • Desperate Housewives Desperate Housewives

    Adell 2022-12-30 04:29:22

    "Desperate Housewives S1"

    【Feminist standpoint warning】

    The originator of the family drama, and it's a good indicator of how much it has influenced later works, such as the mix of murder mystery and family soap opera, the style of comedy (Susan's ashes are the peak of the joke), and the expression of feminism. In particular, "Deadly Woman", which exploded in China last year and received a general response abroad, is almost a shortened version of the play, with almost zero originality. In addition, you can...

  • ZeroZeroZero ZeroZeroZero

    Adell 2022-12-05 23:12:10

    have a look

    It took me a long time to read it, not because it was not attractive, but because it was very attractive. The entire viewing process requires attentive viewing. There is only one story line, but through the three parties of the transaction, the story of each party unfolds. On the production side of Mexico, the influence of drugs in the country is shown through the identity change of the SWAT. The agents transported the drugs to the destination. All kinds of hardships and...

  • I Am Not Your Negro I Am Not Your Negro

    Adell 2022-11-12 09:51:23

    Taken Notes

    1. It is a duty not a right. (Sitting down on a segregated bus)
    2. If I was Irish, Jewish, Polish, my hero would be your heroes too. And you would mourn and hurt just as much when we lose them 3.
    (Sth like, they dont know and they don't want to know) I know more about you than more you know about me.
    4. Nothing can be changed until it's faced.
    5. We carry our history with us. We are our history.
    6. white is a metaphor for power.

    I never thought...

  • Play It Again, Sam Play It Again, Sam

    Adell 2022-11-10 17:14:19

    Nagging and habitually talking to himself, Allen is also me, no doubt~

    Commemorate. This was the first Woody Allen movie I saw. The film is 1 hour and 25 minutes long, and the story is very simple. Allen was divorced and wanted to find a partner. While his friend's wife tried to help him, the two developed feelings. Finally, the friend's wife realized that the true love was still the original match. So Allen let go. The beginning is Casablanca, the image of self-heroic hilarious longing for Olga, eager to be Olga. From time to time, Allen jumped out of the...

  • I Saw the Devil I Saw the Devil

    Adell 2022-11-10 17:00:20

    Too many bugs

    The overall plot is okay, but there are a few points in the middle that really don't make sense

    First of all, I was caught a few times for revenge. First, I lost a hand, and then I picked a hamstring. Logically speaking, this person is basically abolished. Such a person could even kill a retired old policeman. And then caught the young girl, let's not talk about these two, when the police attacked the police in the toilet, it was impossible for the police to resist in his...

  • Undone Undone

    Adell 2022-11-09 05:53:56

    People should relax because there is nothing they can do

    I saw the trailer before and thought the plot should be very exciting, so I quickly wrote it up.

    When I first saw this style of painting, I rejected it, thinking in my heart, why do I need to redraw it? These scenes are not much different from real people. It is better to shoot a short video of real people. It's a waste of money. It turns out I was wrong! There are a lot of big scenes in the back, breaking the time and switching the space, which is an eye-opener. It is...

  • Unknown Unknown

    Adell 2022-11-02 05:03:01

    not very suspenseful

    Although watching Uncle Neeson's action films always feel bad, such as the plot is a little straightforward and the action is a little rough, but I have to admit that his distinct personal style is still very selling point, tough, upright, affectionate and wonderful voice. Let this tall and clumsy uncle really and full of three-dimensional sense.
    The story is all hung by a suspense thread, but unfortunately there are too few burdens, and it is basically impossible to read this thread as...

  • Persian Lessons Persian Lessons

    Adell 2022-10-28 22:03:14

    I watched it with trepidation three times

    I even searched for spoilers before watching the last 1/3 (what happened recently...the affordability of watching the drama fell off a cliff, dopesick also watched e1e2 to see the plot overview and then skipped directly to e8?) and then watched it again...this movie is still You have to put people in a movie theater and lock them up.

    From a very special storytelling perspective, a group of Nazis took advantage of koch to be extraordinarily pure,...

  • Euphoria Euphoria

    Adell 2022-10-26 16:38:12

    Missing Nate's Yan Er brushed and found that it was a good plot

    After knowing that the male protagonist and Zendaya are together, I started to play the pair of natejules again. So I watched these two cuts again. Find out how careless I was the first time I watched it? ? ?

    The clues of other characters are simple and clear, and the most attractive pair is really Naizhu. What is certain is that they are really attracted to each other but tortured by the bloody plot deep in their hearts. Speaking of the last episode of the first season,

    1. The...

  • A Cinderella Story A Cinderella Story

    Adell 2022-10-24 03:35:44

    A modern version of Brave Cinderella

    "Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a Cinderella who lost her parents and lived in the shadow of a vicious stepmother and two jealous sisters. Every day she was called to work like a worker and lived a miserable life. Until one day, She met a kind magician, was able to attend the ball beautifully, and attracted a prince who was suave and suave..."
    "Stop here! That's a story told in Grimm's fairy tales for many years. Now."
    "Then... let me tell you a modern version......

  • Geri's Game Geri's Game

    Adell 2022-10-15 15:39:40

    The longing game...

    I admire the old man's self-entertaining spirit.... But in reality, I can't play this kind of game... I
    really want to ask the old man, how can he know the opponent's next move on the premise...

  • Great Expectations Great Expectations

    Adell 2022-10-12 14:35:45

    wake up

    The foggy weather lasted almost from start to finish, with twists and turns at the end. I didn't feel bored after watching three episodes in one go. I always thought that most of the films with manor were like "Downton Abbey", alive, lively, and even a little noisy. But the manor here is a desolate place, burying the past love history, being unkind, obsessed and young life.

    The male protagonist was really very aura when he was a child, and his face couldn't help reminding me of a...

  • More Than a Game More Than a Game

    Adell 2022-10-06 06:38:44

    A documentary comparable to Coach Carter

    I liked Coach Carter's style a long time ago. The
    difference is that there is a superstar here,
    but he still embodies the style of American high school education and even American education. It's
    not necessarily just taking classes to make boys into men.
    Sometimes The sport of letting them be men is more of an adult education.
    Of course, while the children are growing up, we also see the growth of the dru coach,
    and the latter is even more touching, especially when...

  • Closure Closure

    Adell 2022-09-26 23:42:29

    Not boring until the end.

    After watching it for a long time, I didn't like the hero of the movie very much. Most of the movie was showing the vulgarity and cowardice of the hero. From installing a security monitoring system, peeking at the heroine taking a bath, stopping in the woods and peeping at the heroine peeing, to when one eye is broken, I never want to do anything, I just know how to cry; later sneaked into the rapist's house and wanted to rape guilty daughter.

    It wasn't until the heroine's heart...

  • 24: Legacy 24: Legacy

    Adell 2022-09-16 16:39:54

    After watching 6 episodes, I decided to give up.

    Do you know why Xiaoqiang's 24 hours looks so good? First, the plot is unexpected. Second, Xiaoqiang is really a super agent. This legacy, the first episode was okay, but when I saw the sixth episode, I felt it was a continuation of the dog's tail. First, the development of the plot is basically guessed right, and it feels dull. The second is that this black buddy looks like a secret agent, neither spiritual nor murderous. He is not as good as a crazy woman in the country. Although Carrie...

  • Adell 2021-11-29 08:01:21

    It was a very unpleasant shopping experience. I finally bought an inflatable doll by shopping around and eating frugally. The boss actually forgot to send important parts, bad reviews, bad reviews, and bad reviews! ! !

  • Adell 2021-11-16 08:01:26

    The police suspense film in 1998, Samuel Jackson and Kevin Spacey, two male stars, is still very good. Recall that in Hollywood, there are many fictitious public powers or people who hold public powers. Movies that use power to commit crimes show that the people are vigilant against public power. The people know that power needs to be locked in a cage of public opinion supervision. Looking back at the harmonious country, it looks beautiful. . .

  • Adell 2021-11-12 08:01:17

    The surface is gentle and elegant, but there are hidden mysteries, a lot of foreshadowing, and a lot of information, but the relationship between the key figures and the branch lines are not in-depth. In the deep music, the cold war spy drama performed by the actors is fascinating with the British flavor and the atmosphere of a specific era. The frequent scenes and time switching test the audience's concentration. ★★★★

  • Adell 2021-10-22 14:41:15

    Look again, every second is shocked by the unparalleled Production Design. At the end, there is a tribute to the three Odessa ladders; the expressionist oppressive utopia, the complex pipelines are like the intestines of the behemoths of the city, and the diffuse steam is its ruthlessness. Breath. Where is Brazil? Brazil can be in Brazil, Brazil can also be anywhere: that is what the mediocre heart desires, a little relaxation under endless high pressure, and the last line of defense against torture. Brazil may be close at hand, but after all, it is far away. In a world where private pipeline repairs are regarded as crimes, only red tape bureaucracy is normal.

  • Adell 2021-10-20 19:02:09

    When American Westerns in the 1950s and 1960s were gradually declining, it created the miracle of "Italian Westerns" and to a certain extent revitalized the "Westerns", which Andre Bazin called "born at the same time as movies." Type piece".

  • Adell 2021-10-20 18:59:41

    I want to marry Mr. Fox, who is both foolish and ridiculously cool. I consider myself a strong candidate for the Oscar feature-length animation. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhw to go to the second brush