Elyse Gislason

Elyse Gislason



  • The Dead Pool The Dead Pool

    Elyse 2022-09-30 19:15:46

    Harry is eternal

    Seeing that this is the last one, it has been given five stars.
    This time, Harry's partner finally did not die, only two ribs were broken.
    This time, Harry's leadership half supported him, but he was still dissatisfied with his destruction of the police car.
    At the end of the play, Harry left with his arms around the beauty. I hope Harry can live a good life with this beauty this time.
    But I still have so much reluctance in my heart, but it is a pity that the 80-year-old...

  • Hawking Hawking

    Elyse 2022-09-26 16:09:51

    I can see the human's beauty all the way.

    We are so so small, but we can do big big thing.

    I was impressed, astonished and deeply moved by the words and the story. He's just someone who can be called legend. I admire his courage. That is what most people cannot do . When we stand at the other side of the universe and go against the whole world, I just couldn't help crying. How beautiful is this man's spirit. It's not about his theory or his knowledge which is definitely also impressive. It's about his life. It's about his...

  • Space Force Space Force

    Elyse 2022-09-23 03:21:48

    Netflix lacks an acknowledgment from Trump the Great

    It is said that the inspiration for this film comes from the US imperial President Trump.

    Around March 2019, U.S. President Trump ordered the establishment of the sixth largest service of the U.S. Armed Forces, the Space Force. President Trump is keen to break the existing organizational system. He has little to do with the interest groups in the existing organizational system. The establishment of an independent space force will help Trump better...

  • Endless Love Endless Love

    Elyse 2022-09-18 21:57:05

    Talk about the literary stalk and related details of the play

    1. "Wuthering Heights"

    The rich family daughter falls in love with the poor boy, the woman marries another person, the man runs away in anger, and returns after a few years, and for revenge, he marries the sister of the rival in love. A romantic revenge, a familiar routine.

    2. The English Patient

    In episode 35, the hero and...

  • Leaving Neverland Leaving Neverland

    Elyse 2022-09-12 11:56:39

    waste 4 hours of your life

    I'm a big Jackson fan. Before commenting on this movie, I'll let go of my fandom and talk about this documentary scam.

    I speak directly

    1. The 1993 child molester's father committed suicide after Jackson's death. you think

    2. In the case of 2003, Jackson did not back down. The police searched for more than a year and turned the Neverland Park upside down. As a result, nothing was found. you think

    3 The FBI has been searching for nearly 14 years, and has listed a...

  • The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia

    Elyse 2022-09-07 15:08:24

    The name is so long

    In 2013, the horror plot, thriller, and true story adaptation of the movie "The Haunting in the Morgue 2: The Haunting of Georgia | The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia"

    first complained about the name of the movie, which is the same as the first one, but this is not too big of the morgue It's not as good as the first one, but this one has good looks. This is at least the key to watching.

    Continue to complain, really don't want to say that leaving the child to...

  • Monster Hunt Monster Hunt

    Elyse 2022-09-06 13:31:40

    A good movie that impresses the audience with your heart - Monster Hunt

    I took my brother to see it. Originally, I wanted to see The Return of the Great Sage, because I was disgusted by the accumulation of big-name stars like Monster Hunt, but my stupid brother insisted on watching Monster Hunt, saying that Huba is very cute. PS: I thought this radish was ugly at first sight.
       My brother and I have seen Big Head Son Small Head Dad, McDull a series of domestic products, so boring that I fall asleep every time, and I have also seen Transformers, a taller, but...

  • Salyut-7 Salyut-7

    Elyse 2022-09-03 21:30:42

    Tribute to astronauts

    In addition to NASA's "Apollo Program", there is actually the "Salute Program" of the former Soviet Union. When in outer space, all different nationalities, different ideologies, and different positions have very little difference. Salute to the great astronauts of the universe. The two astronauts from the former Soviet Union had no foreign aid, and they all relied on their personal abilities to save the space station. They could persist even in such desperate circumstances. They are indeed...

  • Remember Me, My Love Remember Me, My Love

    Elyse 2022-08-28 22:03:44

    life examined

    The unchanging married life can only be the grave of love. Constantly living but forgetting why to live, so that you are enslaved by life, and finally you can't find the meaning of existence. So I seize all the little opportunities in life to seek stimulation, but I think I have found the meaning of life again. It is hard to imagine how the story would end if the male protagonist was not hit by a car and the female protagonist successfully demonstrated love to the director....

  • Perfect Stranger Perfect Stranger

    Elyse 2022-08-19 07:13:06

    should be fine

    It should belong to the category of psychological exploration films. Through specific events, it shows the characters' personalities. Beauty and darkness coexist at the same time. The plot is abrupt, and the screenwriter is worthy of reference. After watching it, you need to look back to understand it more deeply, but the male protagonist eventually became a supporting actor, and the supporting actor became the male protagonist. This situation is easier to compare, but in fact, it would be...

  • The Battleship Island The Battleship Island

    Elyse 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    when the mushroom cloud rises

    When the mushroom cloud in Nagasaki rose, out of a Chinese hatred of the historical period, my heart was secretly better. But the North Koreans said that there should also be many North Koreans there. National shame must be kept in mind, and sometimes excessive national hatred makes us ignore ourselves.

    It is also the main theme of patriotism, but it does not excessively promote personal heroism, does not describe too much the role of a person in a war, does not use too many shots to...

  • All the Money in the World All the Money in the World

    Elyse 2022-04-23 07:02:30

    The Dialectics of Money and Family

    Money World ☞ The real story of the kidnapping of the rich three generations.
    I happened to read the detailed introduction to this kidnapping incident before watching the movie, so I have some understanding. It is
    not like a suspense drama that can have subversive answers. , the documentary films that can only be ordered by class have been solidified a lot less interesting.
    Therefore, according to the reality, the whole kidnapping case does not revolve around how to rescue, but...

  • Leap Year Leap Year

    Elyse 2022-04-23 07:02:21

    Loyal to love or true to yourself

    Let's talk about the full episode first: The heroine Anna is an interior designer and her boyfriend Jerry is a cardiologist. They have been in love with each other for four years. One day, Anna went shopping with her best friend. The best friend told her that she saw Jerry going to the jewelry store to buy something. They guessed to each other that Jerry should have bought a ring to propose. As a result, on a date, when Anna opened the small gift box given by her boyfriend, it...

  • Nerve Nerve

    Elyse 2022-04-23 07:02:03

    Group Violence Hidden Behind the Internet

    The reality is far darker than the movie shows. With the continuous rise of social media, a larger world shows us its omnipotence, and the use of modern society to constantly break through the bottom line of human beings that are fragile or unnegotiable.

    The movie itself is a popcorn movie that can be regarded as passing Let out a long sigh. If you are looking for the thrill of sitting in a chair with adrenaline, you can easily recommend "Extreme Thief", an extreme sports crime film...

  • The Lover The Lover

    Elyse 2022-04-22 07:01:45

    Tony Leung's ass is so pretty

    It's been a long time since I watched a movie so patiently! ! ! ! As long as you are watching it on your computer, you will fast-forward where you are bored. . But this movie is really worth watching! ! I like the first meeting between Leung Ka Fai and the girl, Leung is really young and shy~~! ! ! At first I thought it was a movie about a rich kid hooking up with an ignorant girl. I should be familiar with this kind of conversation, but it turned out to be beyond my...

  • Elyse 2023-09-29 05:08:32

    “Do not forget your dying king. Show this world this is still a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Nothing, as long as you live, will ever be more important.”

  • Elyse 2023-09-28 06:32:01

    Shenzhen's first movie

  • Elyse 2023-09-25 17:29:51

    girls power big cool film

  • Elyse 2023-08-31 16:53:31

    The costumes and props are excellent.

  • Elyse 2023-08-22 12:49:25

    The idea is very novel, and the way of telling the story is not unconventional. It is a rare good film.

  • Elyse 2023-08-11 20:29:02

    It's no wonder that there are no splashes of plot settings that seem to trigger keywords. If you don't grasp the rhythm of the plot, you will get bored easily, although the details are still touching. In addition, the 3D modeling causes discomfort. What's the matter with the voice acting of the protagonist? very playful

  • Elyse 2023-08-11 03:05:37

    There is a feeling of uncomfortable premature ejaculation and the wrong place

  • Elyse 2023-08-02 09:24:06

    The soundtrack is very "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"; the ending is too good to believe; Uncle Mark.

  • Elyse 2023-07-29 07:18:30

    "Dad, why is your job killing people?" We'll never be able to answer that question, can't we, because everyone lives in this damn system, don't be surprised, one day you'll become that greedy MP, like an ant , stubbornly.

  • Elyse 2023-07-18 07:16:29

    Everyone's story has been wish-projected, preferring the co-nominated World of Tomorrow to the Oscar-winning one.

  • Elyse 2023-07-15 06:23:18

    The second half started to be interesting. Is Bobby in the basement? It is worth discussing.

  • Elyse 2023-07-08 08:28:53

    1. The top-matched male protagonist The best-matched drama is restrained and exposed in production, refined and sharp in narration, and pointed in details and stops at the end. 2. I thought Belle played Cheney well enough in "Vice President", but I didn't expect the actor to be even better. It feels like the actor has not met such a good character for many, many years. The top villain played hateful, chilling, tearful and extremely comfortable, and the mixed feelings were almost mitotic. 3. What kind of ruling foundation there is, what kind of president, and what kind of style of the times. What do Trump voters think about the show? They don't look.

  • Elyse 2023-07-03 20:37:07

    The more vulgar type highlights are the Lakers players and Artest.

  • Elyse 2023-06-26 18:28:54

    There are many literary films. . Just rotten

  • Elyse 2023-06-19 05:35:40

    I can't appreciate it, integrate the problem into absurd stories, express some kind of deep meaning through animals, bewildering hypocrisy and self-indulgent dreaming, this kind of narrative that is too personal and stylized, people who like it like it, don't like it people think it doesn't matter, and I belong to the latter