Christian Murphy

Christian Murphy



  • Grave of the Fireflies Grave of the Fireflies

    Christian 2022-01-26 08:04:29

    goodbye firefly

    Worried, I started to write my first film review~ I have

    watched a lot of movies and liked a lot, but I have never written a film review , because I always feel powerless. Although I have a strong desire to write, I still don’t. Dare, I'm afraid I'll humiliate my favorite movie~~

    Tonight, after watching "Goodbye, Firefly" again. My thoughts are like fluorescent light, traversing this small and somewhat shabby dark house... The

    story is very simple, simple By the...

  • The Sting The Sting

    Christian 2022-01-26 08:02:49

    hearty art

    This level is the founder of the old one thousand bar + X Luo Hanfei day thief all the film's shadow

    to see luther and hooker and think of michael danny ha ha

    say hustle more like the film's faithful surrounded by lavishly decorated elaborate hoax temporary scene borrowing office is about to succeed when there are always one or two vertical unexpected situations to deal with the difficulties of being cheated objects always have bad luck always liars boss cow the X-...

  • The Mask The Mask

    Christian 2022-01-25 08:02:11

    Ugliest superhero

    1. When I watch it, I can’t actually laugh, because there are many movies with similar plots. I may first come into contact with the later movies with magic skills, including the movie "The Hundred Changes Stars" that I have always thought of about Stephen Chow. ".

    2. It's not that it is useless. Looking at its factory year 1994, the superheroes at that time have not yet formed a huge world system like now. It is the Marvel Universe dc Universe. This is a movie that can be said to be...

  • Truth or Die Truth or Die

    Christian 2022-01-23 08:04:54

    Anti-war and anti-religious ethics and homophobia hidden under the youth's fall

    Today, when I was scanning Weibo, I saw a fragment of this movie. At first I felt it was a vulgar youth horror film, but when I heard the long-lost English accent, I immediately decided to watch it.

    Sure enough, at the beginning of the movie, the unconventional display of the unconventional life of British youths, as Kamei said, is full of "violence, sex, and drugs." In the great corruption country, Felix is ​​so gentle and gentle. Speaking sternly, the conservative boy in a corduroy...

  • Antonia's Line Antonia's Line

    Christian 2022-01-21 08:02:43

    Feminist utopia

    "The Antonia Family" is a work that perfectly interprets the feminism of utopian society. In this work, you can see how Antonia established a cooperative commune, broke the division of labor between men and women, and abolished the marriage and family system, and achieved communist peace in the true sense. Free erotic desires, and gradually establish matrilineal clan society. Although it is a feminist work, it never stands on the opposite side of men, but better maintains a reciprocal...

  • System Crasher System Crasher

    Christian 2022-01-21 08:02:00

    A little thought

    When I didn't see it, I thought it was a light-hearted sci-fi supernatural type, but I didn't expect it to be a realistic-oriented melancholic theme. It is a bit shocking. Under the European welfare system, if everyone wants to have the rights that a normal person should enjoy, there will be conflicts when facing a system crasher like Benni. She could not restrain her anger and violent tendencies, even if she was kind in nature, she would be mistaken for a bad boy. Although...

  • Babette's Feast Babette's Feast

    Christian 2022-01-13 08:01:20

    A table of French New Year's Eve dinner 150 years ago

    Originally published in Zhiwei Wine Magazine, I have always liked movies related to food and wine. Although the entry point is all about food and drink, as a person’s great desire, it is often accompanied by sad or joyful stories full of human touch, or twists and turns. Journey of mind. Whether it’s the funny "God of Cookery", the warm "Diet and Men", the colorful "Man and Han Banquet", or the laughter of "Julie and Julia" (Julie and Julia), the stupefying "Life with Wine" (Sideways),...

  • Uptown Girls Uptown Girls

    Christian 2022-01-07 15:54:37

    The heart that empathizes with the body is the tightest.

    Schopenhauer said: "It's either lonely or vulgar." But I want to say, perhaps, life is complicated and diverse. In modern society, perhaps few people will reach the realm of "independence from one's life and becoming immortal". Of course, that would not be a true life. Retaining a little bit of vulgar color, instead of a purely transcendent attitude, that is life, pure life. Similarly, on the path of growth, you also need to be with your confidant and find a soul mate.

  • The Spirit The Spirit

    Christian 2022-01-02 08:02:06

    Come and hurry and go xx

    The title is too big, and as a result, due to the limitation of the subject matter, the film is made like a small-cost cartoon. The bravery of a superhero also needs the strength of a villain. The attractiveness of the undead who can only shoot out the gun is far less than his glamorous secretary and more exciting.

    Black, white, and red, these three colors seem to be a bit of aesthetic fatigue to everyone, especially this kind of unattractive genre, and this hero always expresses the...

  • Hannah and Her Sisters Hannah and Her Sisters

    Christian 2022-01-01 08:01:38

    Don't you want to be part of the experience?

    Hannah is a perfect woman. Her second husband said that you always give too much but you don’t need anything. This is probably the reason why many outstanding and independent women in metropolis fail in marriage and love— -Too perfect, to lack passion at all.

    This kind of perfection is suitable for life, suitable for the daily routine that has been flat after a few years of marriage, but not suitable for starting a love, because love...

  • Solace Solace

    Christian 2021-12-27 08:01:12

    The translated name is disappointing, and the film is worth watching!

    After a year of playing on the hard drive, I still feel forward-looking the first time I watch it! The intriguing plot, the mature camera switching technique, the usual black light humor and symbolic meaning... Although there are clichés such as "it always rains when there is conflict", "chasing a car" and "supernatural", but the theme is clear and the structure is clear. The logic and focus are in place so that you don’t think this is a grandstanding among similar movies. The most important...

  • Code Geass Code Geass

    Christian 2021-12-24 08:01:59

    Secondary 2 is the most terrible disease

    In this film, S2 was brought to the extreme. Such a broken worldview has so many praises. Is it because there are too many stupid weak people who only worship the devil?
    In this bad movie, there is not a single main character that can be praised.
    Let’s start banging, banging too much, I’m too lazy to say, his biggest mistake is not thorough, wanting revenge, not thorough, because of subjective judgment, he killed the innocent brother in vain, too stupid, at least before doing it It is...

  • Frances Ha Frances Ha

    Christian 2021-12-19 08:01:18

    Watch movies by yourself, watch movies by yourself

    Author: Sister Stone
    Introduction: The man who dies to death on the

    streets of New York, black and white video, in David Bowie's "Modern Love", the tall and sturdy Frances runs on the street, occasionally turning a few times, and there is no one else. This is New York. She is a poor man and a poor art practitioner in New York. One identity is more miserable than the other. But the saddest thing is her mediocrity.

    After watching this movie for the first time, another...

  • Misfits Misfits

    Christian 2021-12-16 08:01:15

    The Chinese name must come from Taiwanese

    This film is really interesting, British humor, British decadence, British English is very powerful together. Nathan is probably the youngest guy. The end of the first season is also very impressive. The straightforward, fearless spirit of the youth makes people really miss the past.
    In the second season, Nathan was a lot stupid, and Simon was more mature and leaning on hero. But I still hope that the third season will be different.
    Just wonder if the British are really ready...

  • Eden Lake Eden Lake

    Christian 2021-12-14 08:01:17

    In order to ease the mood, discuss the digression: Will these gangsters be caught by the police?

    Most of the discussion in this film revolves around the good and evil of human nature, self-protection, social security, etc., and there are many opinions.
    What I want to discuss is: Will these bad guys be caught by the police in the end? How likely is it?

    First of all, as a British film, it also shows the British environment, so the default is the case that happened in the UK.

    In a country with a well-developed society like the United Kingdom, you can trust the...

  • Christian 2023-09-20 01:41:23

    The aristocratic version of Hong Changxiu is close to a scene, and the lines and light and shadow are also aristocratic. There are not many embarrassing scenes between a woman and the four men in her life. The godless she says "love is everything" and men want fame and greatness more. But the film never solves the philosophical question of love. At the end, the noble Nora ran away and obtained a quiet life and freedom, which is too ideal. The characters are peculiarly arranged, and there are various double shots. 1964 film of the 20s

  • Christian 2023-09-17 13:32:37

    Heavy taste, to kill a group

  • Christian 2023-08-27 06:36:01

    It's terrifying to be able to get to the shore, it's more terrifying than the great white shark

  • Christian 2023-08-13 11:34:52

    Under the flag of ambiguous homosexuality, the film actually tells about the confused theme of teenagers. The point of the film is too scattered, and it is a big problem that it cannot be gathered. The soundtrack is fresh and funky but the video is weird. In addition, the style of the film is a bit baffling. It's a good idea to use, but the quality of the guide is still almost.

  • Christian 2023-08-06 15:57:37

    Spicy chicken movie, smearing the People's Liberation Army

  • Christian 2023-07-26 16:50:55

    I feel like Eva is the protagonist. Bette's performance is not that good. It's not as good as the previous performance. I don't think it's the same as Gloria Swanson. How would an actress who is outdated live on the climb

  • Christian 2023-07-25 16:23:58

    The conclusion at the end felt that the writing was not good enough.

  • Christian 2023-07-19 14:33:47

    Jake is a nice guy but an emotional asshole. The deceived Doctor Ed is so pitiful. The husband and two daughters are fine, the eldest daughter is sick. New nurse Zoey is cute. Nurse Momo is cute, afraid of spiders, and enjoys closing her eyes when kissing Dr. Coop. Fat gay nurses are cute too. The female supervisor is bad and good and hilarious. Hipster doctor smiles. Coop, who has two les mothers, is very troubled with Tourette's disease. He entangled Ed as a friend, and fell in love with her because of Jake's kiss.

  • Christian 2023-07-18 07:33:05

    Three and a half four stars. Overshadowing the supernatural, the 15-year-old girl's appearance is independent and sensible, but she was eventually abandoned by her friends and taken advantage of by her fear of life. In fact, she is not as strong as anyone imagined. She wants to resist her life without support. . The band's episode is too amazing, strong Amway, go shake it

  • Christian 2023-07-14 12:58:36

    I can't say it's not worth one star, Shannon's performance and my understanding of the character are great, some clips are really sweet and real, especially when the two of them send messages at the beginning, but the behavior of the heroine and the three views of the film Seriously wrong.

  • Christian 2023-07-13 00:58:31

    I just think this year-end relationship is beautiful

  • Christian 2023-07-12 10:02:31

    BW screenwriter, "The Merry Girl" has a strong flavor, but it is much more gentle and forgiving. The Nazi salute, the three hats, and the cigarette girl made people applaud, and the lines were even more exquisite. Lubitsch not only mocked and satirized the communists, but also ruthlessly tore down the flashy veneer of capitalism. The phrase "One half of Paris is making love to the other half" really captures the romance of the French, and is so affectionate that any ideology can be left behind. It's not a kind of ultimate sincerity. The slogan for the release of the film was "Gabo laughed." In fact, GG's icy and stubborn appearance was much more charming, and the laughing scene seemed exaggerated. Her intelligent, decisive, courageous chivalry and the natural transition between hardness and softness are strong and charming, which contrasts with the dull, empty and superficial Parisian courtesans. What sane heterosexual male would not love her? The ending is also very humorous. The trio who were "corrupted" by capitalism used the working-class solution to be very easy, hhh

  • Christian 2023-07-06 14:11:11

    No matter how irresponsible young people are, there are only a few people who suffer, but adults are still doing the same thing.

  • Christian 2023-07-04 16:45:11

    The two scenes of kicking a shuttlecock and grabbing Baoshan are quite different. The label "sports" is also rare in Chinese films. The plot is too scattered, and the comedy, sports, and action parts are quite fragmented. The few times that killed the villain was a little uncomfortable, and the exploitation was a little too much...

  • Christian 2023-07-01 05:33:40

    Desire and conscience, id and superego. Rough, absurd, the angles of individual shots are very interesting