Christian Murphy

Christian Murphy



  • Howards End Howards End

    Christian 2022-12-31 19:22:09

    A dish of white blindness

    The title of the plot is still very interesting. Are you a businessman? The rich Henry family, the middle-class Margaret family, and the small clerk family have always been interesting from encountering conflicts. But! What the hell is going

    on in the plot? Henry, who almost covered the sky with one hand in the mall, was vulnerable in his heart. Several dolls were cowardly, indifferent and tyrannical.

    The two female dolls who have not been deeply involved in the world, or...

  • Tinker Bell Tinker Bell

    Christian 2022-12-26 12:01:42

    Disney's classic aesthetic school cute pet animation movie

    Disney's classic aesthetic cute pet animation movie. The animated characters in the film are presented realistically in 3D with colorful and splendid colors. The dreamlike animation scenes and the ingenious storyline bring the audience into a whole new world, which can be called a classic film in the animation film industry.

    Plot twists and turns, engaging level: 5 points

    The artistic sense of the scene, the beauty of the character modeling: 5 points

    Whether the special...

  • Money Heist Money Heist

    Christian 2022-12-20 20:30:56


    After watching the first episode: This kind of execution robs the Nima money printing building. Episode 2: It's not bad as long as no one is being stupid. Episode 3: I really don't want to hear a single word of a fool's dialogue or monologue. The heroine, Rui Ao, the woman considering whether to have an abortion, and the man who got her pregnant should all be damned. These idiots will only make the plot go to hell. Denver is actually seriously persuading a hostage whether or not to have an...

  • Rick and Morty Rick and Morty

    Christian 2022-12-20 07:57:31

    People change, the feeling of watching the same animation at different times

    I'm chasing the second season, I just finished watching the first season. Actually, this is the second time I've watched Rick and Morty. The first time I watched it, I just watched two episodes. I was very impatient with the animation settings in my memory. I couldn't watch it anymore. Rick doesn't use his grandson as a human, and bullies children in disguise. The above is what I remember about this animation. I apologize for my previous ignorance. This animation should be a masterpiece....

  • The Man from Earth: Holocene The Man from Earth: Holocene

    Christian 2022-12-17 09:03:50

    meaningless sequel

    In fact, in recent months, I watched The Man from Earth in 2007

    The Man From Earth (2007)
  • Gloomy Sunday Gloomy Sunday

    Christian 2022-12-11 04:11:15

    Yes, love can be divided into two halves.

    spiritual and material.
    One can fill up the stomach, and the other will starve.
    They love her. She loves them too. Him and him. 2 of them.
    This is a pure triangle.
    Yes, triangles can also be pure.
    If there is no possession; if he says, you can choose, but I choose to still love you; if we just fit each other; if he and he are two sides of a coin; if he is her spirit, he is her body; If he is her purple, he is her sunflower; if he is her voice, he is her hands....

  • The Best Offer The Best Offer

    Christian 2022-12-10 08:39:52

    poor virgil

    At the beginning of the opening, the male protagonist Virgil, with a sonorous and powerful voice, short language, quickly evaluates pieces of antiques, rich professional background knowledge, high-level manner and tone, like the majesty of a king, not to be offended, yes. Yes, he is the king of the auction world.
          Some people say that he is indifferent, arrogant, dismissive of the birthday cake prepared by the restaurant, single, obsessed with cleanliness, cunning, selfish, through...

  • Megamind Megamind

    Christian 2022-11-29 01:08:13

    The erasure of the family of origin

    The classic story of American animation, the traditional section of superheroes saving the general public. Regardless of the content of the story, what impressed me the most about the film was the reflection of real life.

    The influence of a family of origin on a person is latent. Both are alien lifeforms, one has superpowers, the other has superintelligence, but they still go to two different extremes. The root cause must be the growth environment. At the beginning of their growth, the...

  • Enemy Enemy

    Christian 2022-11-23 15:00:33

    The story of the enemy

    In order to understand the plot, it is natural to understand the following points:
    - All the scenes of the two people are imagined by the protagonist alone. In the part where he changed his girlfriend, when Anthony changed into Adam's clothes and went out, Adam was still at home at the time. It is understandable that the protagonist fantasized about the other person going out, then the part of the last affair with his girlfriend, including the fact that his girlfriend found out The part of...

  • The Monkey King Havoc in Heavens Palace The Monkey King Havoc in Heavens Palace

    Christian 2022-11-18 23:57:04

    A bit of nonsense, is there any sense of disobedience? !

    First of all, I have some expectations for the adaptation and star lineup, plus the 3D effect created by 300 million funds, the previous publicity is full of gimmicks. When the film started, I didn't expect it to be a battle of gods and demons, Aaron Kwok's version of the Bull Demon King VS Fage's version of the Jade Emperor. Aaron Kwok didn't wear much makeup, but he had a pair of horns on his head. The Jade Emperor's long hair was fluttering, and he was able to transform into a dragon, which...

  • My Architect My Architect

    Christian 2022-11-14 16:07:46

    Architecture · Life

    Always thinking about money interests and social responsibility

    I think maybe all people who are really willing to study architecture have thought about this problem. There are many people like Louis in art history, even more miserable than him. Humans always start to regret after they die All the destruction and torture they have done to this group of geniuses

    may be just debts.

    So do you want to be an artist with a long history or a person who has a good life?...

  • In This Corner of the World In This Corner of the World

    Christian 2022-11-09 01:28:53

    The sins that try to be whitewashed with tenderness

    The impression of Pian Yuan Xuzhi is still on the criminal violence and the cold and hard style of "Black Reef". I didn't expect that the plot is delicate and the color is bright and fresh, and he still does a good job. It can beat "Your Name" in various professional film review lists and become the number one Japanese film in the ten-year report. The production level is indeed higher than "Your Name". From a human standpoint, I can't really...

  • Memories Memories

    Christian 2022-10-14 11:32:45

    From Cyber ​​to Steam

    Thick lines, dark and soft colors, and a little Steampunk flavor. The painting style of the last century is so memorable.

    As soon as the camera appeared, I immediately had mixed feelings: I saw a spaceship roaming nine days away, with a few mottled letters on its body - Corona. This word with special meaning for 2020 is the name of this spacecraft. Perhaps, this is destined to be an extraordinary viewing experience.

    Just like...

  • The Door The Door

    Christian 2022-10-08 08:00:51

    regeneration gate

    #生门# can give a score of 7.5. Although there is a classic butterfly effect series before it, it does not affect it at all. It tells us that there is no regret medicine in the world. Even if there is, the pain caused by side effects after taking it is more than the happiness caused by correcting mistakes. More. The world is not perfect, and life is accompanied by mistakes. If you want to achieve a perfect life with regret, you can only ask for fish. Since there is no regret medicine to take, you...

  • Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines

    Christian 2022-10-06 07:02:05

    One of the most intellectually insulting films of all time.

    Fortunately, it only lasted 90 minutes, otherwise I would suspect that human intelligence has degenerated to the level of Yuanmou people.
        The opening is to sell meat, and instantly know that the show has no connotation.
        First of all, I want to talk about the problem of those mountain people. I have only heard of mountain bikes, but I didn't expect to gain knowledge today. He still looks like a goblin, but his intelligence is inversely proportional to his appearance. If they...

  • Christian 2023-01-23 14:15:11

    The various elements are well integrated without being obtrusive and procrastinating. It's just too little! ! !

  • Christian 2022-12-30 15:53:03

    Why didn't I look at the ratings first! I couldn't bear it for 70 minutes, I hope the heroine will be eaten soon

  • Christian 2022-12-27 19:57:49

    2016.3.21 Three brushes

  • Christian 2022-12-18 09:58:53

    The exile and the end of my father's exile are full of dark humor and drama, but for a socialist audience like us, it is extremely heavy. Son Mick's sleepwalking looks like a huge political metaphor. Those fears and helplessness under totalitarianism are like a dream that cannot be woken up. The narrative is a little loose, but Ku’s works still have quality assurance.

  • Christian 2022-12-16 16:13:27

    Disney also shoots Matt

  • Christian 2022-12-08 12:00:32

    Flashbacks...a bit of chaos and a bit of reincarnation, the male protagonist is always running away, and the female protagonist seems to be raped in both sex scenes... Forty is still young, sixty or seventy is still elegant and still wants to fall in love, and only love one person for so long How is it enough? The cost of breaking up and changing people if you are not happy is low... The beginning and the end of a paragraph, I don't know if it is toughness or not growing, or it is just a matter of love that has no solution at all. Frequent elements of Ou Rong films: sex scenes, girlfriends, family feuds, beaches

  • Christian 2022-12-08 02:19:47

    It's a silly movie for teenagers. The supporting roles are basically shaped by the characters themselves. The plot is basically driven by educational significance without logic. Just go into someone else's house to steal teapots, participate in TV shows, etc. Yes, so after watching it for 20 minutes, you will understand that the screenwriter is totally trying to make a living. The performance is also quite bad, the standard teen movie route, looks stupid. The only bright spot is the heroine's homely flair

  • Christian 2022-11-02 17:47:43

    Four male perverts meet a female killer, nothing good.

  • Christian 2022-10-28 06:06:55

    The only thing I wonder about is that Nazi concentration camp prisoners can eat meat?

  • Christian 2022-10-19 15:38:47

    This is a tribute video for American National Day. And it is called "based on real history". But in fact, the plot and modeling are spoofed and extremely subversive. It can even be regarded as a smashing and hodgepodge cartoon of the Avengers vs. the Galactic Empire & Transformers. Fate Express, RoboCop, Football turns into rugby... 666 is everywhere! Does this drama talk big about "the history of the founding of the country", is it going to be the benchmark for "Fengshen Romance"?

  • Christian 2022-10-16 23:15:38

    Films made in that era are really interesting. All the elements are used so skillfully and easily. Although I know this is the case, I am still amazed that it is very beautiful. Use the elements of skydiving to the extreme. To say that I fell in love with this film, it is better to say that I fell in love with that era.

  • Christian 2022-10-11 13:21:04

    French film critic Gaston Horst: First, it more realistically expresses the life and working environment of the workers; second, the film more accurately expresses the temperament of the workers (such as revolutionary courage and clumsiness, trade union workers' attitude towards the general population). The contempt of workers, etc.); thirdly, the film more accurately shows the psychological state of the protagonist, and the author skillfully shows his actual psychological activities and the dramatic factors that can supplement these psychological activities.

  • Christian 2022-10-05 23:22:38

    It's not the best work of Kenji Mizoguchi, but it's still wonderful. The completion of the story may not be particularly good, but the shooting is classic, the pictures are beautiful, the soundtrack is wonderful, the performance is good, and the characters are well shaped. The director must be full of heart. Only with a breath of compassion will such a work be produced. Those who have been devastated for others, and those who are evil have high officials and generous salaries. The ending is a little hasty. But also very good.

  • Christian 2022-10-01 06:18:12

    It's the kind that I like to go around and say nothing, but actually tell a lot of stories.

  • Christian 2022-09-24 16:25:21

    Only if its shell is not its god, the metaphysics and AI phenomenology of neon puppets can be mastered by non-heroic bloody routines. . . The details and props are close to each other.