Thora Parisian

Thora Parisian



  • Boy Culture Boy Culture

    Thora 2022-01-22 08:03:24

    Gay love

    A scene about three men.
      X: A ethical male prostitute, a standard second-sighted beautiful man, very attractive and indescribable.
      JOY: Sunshine is handsome and pleasant, slutty but pure and coquettish but restrained. His C looks like the warm winter sun is hard to resist.
      ANDREW: A man with a heart and style (handsome).

      I won’t repeat the plot, because it is about gay In love, something in it always resonates: Love is not easy, and gay love is even more...

  • Turkish Delight Turkish Delight

    Thora 2022-01-20 08:01:49

    Love in the stool

    My sister is a typical literary young woman, born in 1982 and graduated with a postgraduate degree in sociology in 2005. When she was in graduate school, she was asked to choose one from aesthetics and sociology. She chose sociology, so she was destined to be a young literary girl rather than a poet, artist or other person. After graduating from graduate school, my father found her a free civil servant job in Zhuhai. She thought about it and ran away from Zhuhai. Three months later, sitting on...

  • Byzantium Byzantium

    Thora 2022-01-08 08:01:57

    Who scores?

    I don't know why the score of this movie is so low. Some people say that the story is too pale and the characters are too simple, but movies with more nonsense than it are everywhere. It seems that the score is not low! Are the scores mostly men? They can't tolerate this movie with strong feminism, just as the fraternity in the movie can't tolerate the existence of female vampires, especially the existence of female vampires under the status of prostitutes in their eyes!

  • Like Crazy Like Crazy

    Thora 2022-01-03 08:02:01

    Obsessed with the feeling of sincere love

    I bought a DVD and watched it.
    The reason to buy, because light and shadow, and that the line on the cover of "I need you, I like you , I love you."

    Sincere love, once he was separated from force majeure, in addition to pent-up emotion, regret, can not forget, can do what?
    Love slowly turns into obsession under the influence of distance. So when the last level of force majeure is finally broken, even if the two have their own lovers, even if they no longer know how they feel...

  • Whip It Whip It

    Thora 2022-01-03 08:01:50


    The truth is that the four stars are almost the same, but there are two surprises. The first is the heroine. He didn't expect it to be this little girl, a demon girl one size smaller. The second is that the director is Drew Barrymore, who unexpectedly made this film quite HIGH, it's okay.

    Typical old-fashioned themes, inspirational? It should be. The key is smooth. Although there are a few periods of lethargy in the middle, and the film seems to be ten minutes long, it is generally...

  • Battle of the Sexes Battle of the Sexes

    Thora 2021-12-29 08:01:03

    It's a question

    Do women need to be treated the same as men in every aspect? This question may be a good proposition for debate. I am the absolute opponent. "War of the Gender" is not a victory for women. The more reason is that the two sides are the top female athletes in the golden age and the 55-year-old retired potbellied old man. They demanded that the other side be the top male athletes in the golden age. Obviously ignoring the physiological differences, but at least the athletes who can represent the...

  • Stand Up Guys Stand Up Guys

    Thora 2021-12-25 08:01:28

    Do you see your last vicissitudes

    "Brothers in the Day" is a typical black comedy, the film is about the end of the carnival of a few old hooligans. The old drama bones who played several protagonists in the movie must have a sense of deja vu. You will not be unfamiliar with searching their works online; the main line of the movie is single and plain, and the crazy time with the old buddies in the film in their twilight years Echoing the form, they were once heroic in the battle of bullets, but now they are quite old and...

  • Secondhand Lions Secondhand Lions

    Thora 2021-12-23 08:01:28

    "Second-hand Lion" watching experience

    "Second-hand Lion" refers to the personal understanding of the name of the film. "Second-hand" refers to old age and old age; "Lion" refers to the brave and fearless strong man.

    The film began with a young boy being sent to the house of two mysterious but huge wealthy grandparents to unfold the story. Following the film, I first noticed the strange life of the two elderly people. There was no TV and no phone. Fishing with shotguns and expelling salesmen for pleasure, but worries all...

  • Frankenweenie Frankenweenie

    Thora 2021-12-16 08:01:11

    Hearty and loving'remake'

    The science teacher in the film said that if you do an experiment, if you don’t have a heart, the result will be different. Although it is a remake of his previous short film, this is indeed a very thoughtful movie. It is because of the intention that the audience will be infected.
    There were a lot of comments on the Internet that Tim Burton kept repeating himself, and that he was already exhausted. After several mediocre films, it seems that this is indeed the case. This time I...

  • Dan in Real Life Dan in Real Life

    Thora 2021-12-15 08:01:01

    Love is an ability

    When I finished dinner and washed the dishes that day, I suddenly came up with a sentence love is not a feeling it's an ability, what kind of line is this in the movie? Recalling the answer after 3 seconds, this is the line in Dan in Real Life. And I also finished the review of this movie in one go.

    This is a very warm movie that makes people maintain that kind of dedication to love.

    The encounter between Dan and Marie at the cafe by the sea, the director handled it...

  • Patton Patton

    Thora 2021-12-07 08:01:42

    I haven't finished reading it, make a mark

    I really didn't finish it, but after a half-night toss yesterday, some things were recorded, otherwise I would forget it.
    This film should belong to the masterpiece of Hollywood's rising color widescreen. The colors and shooting techniques are very good, and everyone is probably talking about it as the oversized American flag at the beginning. That set of lenses is indeed very good, not much to say. My main reason is that I have the potential to stab me recently, so I started to...

  • Rashomon Rashomon

    Thora 2021-11-13 08:01:23

    "Rashomon" storyboard script

    Kurosawa Akira 1▲ Rashomon 1★ Rashomon (Great Vision) Rashomon in the rain and mist. 2★ Rashomon (distant view) A huge Rashomon with a half-tilt shape. 3★The two people sheltering from the rain under Rashomon can be seen vaguely (distant view). The foreground is a large column lying on the ground. In the middle of the four Rashomon columns, there are two people sitting on the slate foundation. Of these two people, one is a walking monk and the other is a firewood seller. 4★...

  • The Birds The Birds

    Thora 2021-10-22 14:35:02

    How to design "Suspense"

    Let's take a look at the Chinese plot first: this
      film can be called the pioneer of animal disaster films. According to the survey, this film is named the seventh most popular of director Hitchcock's works. The plot describes the upper-class lady Milani and lawyer Mitch in San Francisco fell in love at first sight in a bird shop. When their love was misunderstood by Mitch’s mother, seagulls and sparrows continued to fly near Mitch’s home to attack humans, even at The gas station...

  • Dark City Dark City

    Thora 2021-10-22 14:32:45

    A movie I really like, great! The way the heroine sings is fascinating!

    I feel that every picture in this movie is full of beauty. The heavy dark tones and the grid-format architectural style fill the entire movie. Every picture is carefully selected, and every shot fascinates me.

    Of course, the lens is secondary. If there is no good script, then at best, it can only be regarded as Zhang Yimou, and it will be a second-rate movie. This movie is top-notch! The whole movie is full of suspense. After solving the mystery, the suspense re-emerges, then...

  • True Romance True Romance

    Thora 2021-10-22 14:30:30

    Quentin's Daydream

    Although it is not the work of Quentin's director, every pore in this movie oozes the smell of Quentin. Workers in comics shops, down-and-out girls who watch Kung Fu movies with the protagonist, Hollywood pimps who accompany the protagonist to chat about movies, murderous underworld lawyers, and daddy who can’t lose sight of others. The fierce gun battle between the three parties and the black humor that broke the tension from time to time. The elements of this Quentin-style daydream...

  • Thora 2023-09-26 07:16:09

    Al Pacino's face is numb and numb as an old diaosi in the flood

  • Thora 2023-09-16 14:08:34

    so funny. But why do you want to make cp so hard? ? ? A lascivious woman like me would not be so quick to empathize.

  • Thora 2023-08-23 15:27:17

    The rhythm is interesting, but the story is flat, like a little independent ballad, interesting but can't help but reminisce.

  • Thora 2023-08-15 04:17:51

    The weird color and texture made me pause a few times, check the projector, check the source. In the end, after watching the whole film, I realized that there is no problem with the equipment and the source of the film, but I also received a videotape of that thing.

  • Thora 2023-08-05 19:07:31

    So the reason supergirl and villain are on the bar is because of robbing men...

  • Thora 2023-07-27 10:38:38

    Neeson and Richardson were married after filming the film, until her unexpected death.

  • Thora 2023-07-19 07:40:48

    The second generation ancestor’s money cheating revolution was set on fire, and the villagers blew the mountain wind behind them; no one was picking wild vegetables beside the railway, and they came to the door on time with the best cakes; music escaped from the church, and the depression after sober made people nostalgic when they were deceived; in the city The bank is not like a wolf in the wasteland, unable to distinguish the legend of Xanadu Lazzaro

  • Thora 2023-07-19 02:13:02

    Deception in deception, the last pps deceived me in 2006. . . . Her brother's face looks particularly intimate why||||||

  • Thora 2023-07-10 13:51:22

    The monster-fighting movie set by the white snake will finally be twisted to the true story. When I was a child, I watched the legend of the White Snake, and the white snake was a charming female character who was intelligent, courageous, and dared to resist tradition; but in 9012, the white snake has become a completely passive and rescued female character. It's sad...

  • Thora 2023-06-30 18:38:06

    First movie of the summer. Biochemically modified people seem to be too hard to come from the Marvel studio. The word punch to flesh has not been used for a long time. This time, I will watch it once. The two bald heads complained about each other, which made the literary drama so interesting. The family of Samoa came out for the first time (Is it mentioned in this film? I forgot) Although there are a lot of bugs, the popcorn movie comes standard with all kinds of jerks, girls, racing, etc. How cool is it? Arrange for you. 8.11 GV Bedok

  • Thora 2023-06-29 11:17:39

    It is estimated that they are all Depp fans. These movies are still too small

  • Thora 2023-06-28 12:25:33

    How can a biopic of a scientist be so mysterious... Adapted from a picture novel, so is it integrated into the imagination of the author of the novel?

  • Thora 2023-06-20 22:46:24

    Liam Neeson Liam Neeson also acted in Korean movies.

  • Thora 2023-06-12 09:30:04

    Memories of the old days flooded into my mind, but I don't remember anything, but it seems that I still remember everything~~~ The lifelike apostle of Asuka Rinpo is really cute

  • Thora 2023-06-11 19:32:14

    There is a monkey in the depths of the soul.