Bailee Hand

Bailee Hand



  • Men in Black 3 Men in Black 3

    Bailee 2022-04-21 09:01:24

    Worst "Men in Black" ever

    I heard from a friend before that this movie is not very good. After reading it, I found that it is not as good as the first two.

    1. There are fewer laughter points than 1 and 2. The bug aliens, talking dogs, and the bickering between K and J in the previous two films had a lot of laughter, but this 3 really didn't find any laughter.

    2. The bridge section is old-fashioned. Let's not talk about whether time-travel is very old-fashioned, anyway, this time "the bad guy goes...

  • 12 12

    Bailee 2022-04-20 09:02:51

    Several impressive clips

    I just finished watching this movie, and a few scenes lingered in my mind, so I didn't vomit unpleasantly.
    In the first, the boy dances with the soldiers of the Chechen army.
    From the background of the whole film, it is undoubtedly a manifestation of Russia's indelible conscience towards Chechnya. Because the keynote of the whole film's memory is lingering in Russia's repressive war against Chechen separatism, the positioning and understanding of the Chechen war in Russian culture is...

  • The Farewell The Farewell

    Bailee 2022-04-20 09:02:08

    don't tell her

    The genius of "Don't Tell Her" is to use what Billy saw and heard, her inner entanglement, and her relationship with family members during the wedding process. The various interactions of the film make the aspects involved in the film extremely broad. "What if she wants to say goodbye?" Billie asked a question whose answer seemed obvious, but could never be answered. People regard the wedding as a once-in-a-lifetime big day, but they ignore that getting along after marriage is the key point....

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion Neon Genesis Evangelion

    Bailee 2022-04-20 09:01:51

    How much hidden information is there in "EVA" character names and nouns (4)

    The extensive use of religious symbols is a major feature of "EVA". A basic understanding of this part of the information can significantly improve the satisfaction of watching "EVA". The next two articles will introduce the "EVA" from religious-related information. Names and nouns are divided into upper and lower parts due to more content.

  • Bonnie and Clyde Bonnie and Clyde

    Bailee 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    after watching

    Bonnie and Clyde

    1967 Beans boiled in a gypsy pot On a dusty

    dirt road We kissed and stuck our necks out of the car

    Your big brother's wife was a bitch I said she cried like a man

    or Male hippo, she'll betray us one day

    Clouds pile up on your brows like tumbleweed around your ankles,

    swaying, dangling on the taxman's raft toward the middle of the river

    , his face plump but shrunken, Lips trembling

    No one hears the...

  • In the Heart of the Sea In the Heart of the Sea

    Bailee 2022-04-20 09:01:40


    On the ocean where the wind and waves passed, a large ship sailed into the dark night, facing the rising sun. My friend, I should not have come here, dear captain. Please let go of me as a painter, and I will float alone at sea, if the oil drums and wooden boards can return to port safely. Please also throw me an oar, and my tired hands will try to clench my heart, and row mechanically. I also...

  • Monster Monster

    Bailee 2022-04-19 09:03:12

    Mosha: A monster without a name

    1. The retribution of the devil boy

    And I saw a beast coming out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and on the ten horns were ten crowns, and on the heads were blasphemous names. (Middle) He worshipped the dragon again—because it gave his authority to the beast, and he also worshiped the beast, saying, “Who can compare with the beast, and who can fight against it?”—Revelation, chapter 13, 1- 4

    La Strada La Strada

    Bailee 2022-04-19 09:02:12

    Get along but can't love

    Jesomina is the wife Zampano bought. Zampano is a wandering entertainer. Jesomina also served as his acting partner. They started wandering non-stop on the road. And behind Jesomina's smile, a non-stop injury started.

    Jesomina has the purest heart and a child-like white soul. There was always a sense of joy and a smile on his face. Zampano gave her a clown hat and taught her to play the drums while she was performing. She adapted to the role of the clown in an instant. It was a...

  • Hell or High Water Hell or High Water

    Bailee 2022-04-19 09:01:40

    Fate in a Western

    Western films mostly win with exquisite structure and personality, and few are very "big", such as "The Blood Will Come" and so on. This "Going through fire and water" is also a film, which sees the embarrassment and twisting of old Texas in the industrial age, and the sense of fate of everyone in it. The film begins to enter the theme from two clues living in the motel. Two shots are interspersed, one is two policemen, one is lying on the side with a bored face, the other is walking in the...

  • Bridget Jones's Diary Bridget Jones's Diary

    Bailee 2022-04-19 09:01:30

    "Leftover women" also shine

    I am afraid that the panic about age is a problem that girls all over the world will face. And the disgust for older and leftover women to be married has also reached a high degree of unity on a global scale. I used to think that in Europe and the United States, which are more open-minded and more civilized, there may be no chain of contempt for leftover women. Every soul is free, and whether or not to marry at the right age will not be a sign of a person's success. However, the facts seem...

  • Ex Machina Ex Machina

    Bailee 2022-04-19 09:01:15

    Movie Talk [0335] Ex Machina

    A movie with only four actors (it claims only two are real people), but it's highly recommended. There is a little bit of lead and tail, and the plot at the end is a bit clichéd. Does this make people look forward to the rhythm of the next episode? Oscar Isaac with a big beard, the promotional photo after shaving his beard, is another style. Apart from centuries of elegance as a common denominator, these British actors of this century can has its own characteristics.


  • The Capture The Capture

    Bailee 2022-04-18 08:01:01

    what you thought you thought not what you thought

    What you thought you thought was not what you thought, thought the male protagonist had PTSD, we chose to believe that the surveillance was the one who pinched the female protagonist, only to find that the two were so sweet, thinking that the second female was the big boss, but the result was instantly fascinated, thinking that the first female was a clear stream , slept directly with the boss, what is the truth? An hour does not feel long in an episode, it is approaching the truth step by...

  • Yves Saint Laurent Yves Saint Laurent

    Bailee 2022-04-14 08:01:01

    How do you understand the entanglement of a brainless fan in some cases! !

    The film was released on the birthday of the landlord, so the landlord rushed to the theater alone at 11 o'clock on the night of his birthday to worship the master.

    First of all, the owner is a brainless fan. At the age of the owner, in fact, after thinking about it, there are not many people left who can really make me brainless. Yves is one of them, so the owner mercilessly gave it five stars!

    However, if this film is really speaking, Samsung has already died. Although the...

  • Redline Redline

    Bailee 2022-03-30 08:01:02

    cool extreme

    In terms of animation, needless to say, JOJO-style characters, explosive music, exaggerated action designs, and characters with a strong black style and detailed descriptions all push the coolness of this comic to the extreme. The two uncles of Katsuhito Ishii used their 7-year perseverance to bring us who grew up with 2D animation endless blood again. For a racing animation, the plot does not need to be too complicated or too connotative, but for a racing animation A me who grew up with...

  • Certified Copy Certified Copy

    Bailee 2022-03-29 09:01:10

    Good for you

    The first Abbas.

    The first time I read Abbas was 3 years ago, the book "The Taste of Cherry",

    The book he talks about movies is full of poetry and philosophy.

    At that time, I was like a urchin with no ink on my chest, breaking through poisonous miasmas, and going to the mountains to talk to Guiguzi about the art of war.

    Even so, it's still interesting.

  • Bailee 2023-09-29 01:31:04

    There are infinite parallel worlds, and there is no way to find a painful exit.

  • Bailee 2023-09-12 21:35:47

    too! Cattle! force! !

  • Bailee 2023-09-08 08:55:05

    The title is similar to "True Detective" produced by HBO, and the interweaving of interviews, records and interpretations is shocking. Lonely old people are not tolerated by the world, but it is often said that poor people must have something to hate. The more you decorate the peace, the more the truth is revealed. No matter how well-thought-out lies, there will eventually be a day when they will be exposed. I really admire the courage of the creator to make this drama. The illusion will make a loud noise the moment it is pierced, and then return to a dead silence.

  • Bailee 2023-09-01 06:55:21

    The final chapter of Verbinski's version of the Caribbean is much more interesting than the second. The melee between the two worlds, the weight of interests of the pirate alliance, the battle of mission and emotion, all poured into the same sea. Goodbye Keira Knightley, goodbye Orlando Bloom, and hopefully tonight's Plus Four premiere isn't too rude.

  • Bailee 2023-08-26 03:16:37

    How is it for peace. There is another man who hates hatred, the fate he meets.

  • Bailee 2023-08-10 15:33:04

    comedy? Kind of like deep in the forest.

  • Bailee 2023-08-09 20:47:46

    Discs rented by Maori friends, let's see another side of beautiful New Zealand

  • Bailee 2023-08-08 19:54:38

    Didn't expect it to end like this. . .

  • Bailee 2023-07-31 18:04:31

    Obviously, the focus of the film is on the point of "the times create heroes". Therefore, No. 42 is no longer a legend.

  • Bailee 2023-07-31 12:19:29

    Can see but don't like to put aside political correctness - what is the flag? Where does love resonate? So I returned to the question of "Is Yue Fei a national hero?" Why was "Eight Hundred Heroes" established? Because it was taken by Taiwanese from Taiwan's standpoint

  • Bailee 2023-07-08 21:53:44

    Super long MV, a collection of golden songs, cute but not enough.

  • Bailee 2023-07-07 06:19:16

    Der Herr der Ringe Zeichentrick / WBros. / How much inspiration does Peter Jackson get from here?

  • Bailee 2023-05-18 21:27:29

    young betty davis and bogart

  • Bailee 2023-05-10 06:02:38

    3.5, the copy is going to fuck the world, but it still has its own taste, the appearance is more violent, and the core is warmer.

  • Bailee 2023-05-08 06:29:16

    There are some movies whose social significance is far greater than the movie itself, this one is. The architecture is stable, both advantages and disadvantages. There's a lot going on in the script, too, starting with an apparently premeditated murder, but the point where the killer's silence leads the defense lawyer to his vocation is intriguing. The social relations of defense lawyers have contributed to more dramatic conflicts. Entering the second half of the drama, the flashback scenes and editing are just right. The whole film is steady and restrained, and it leads to the final climax-if the law does not act, then violence can be exchanged for violence, which seems to be the only way to seek justice.