Melany Hagenes

Melany Hagenes



  • A Coffee in Berlin A Coffee in Berlin

    Melany 2022-03-23 09:03:37

    Taking responsibility is the first step to becoming an adult

    When the first opportunities in life appear, you can seize them with almost no effort, time, freedom, the opportunity to study, a girl who treats you well, etc., but when these opportunities appear, you don't know what you will do in the future. Searching hard, like the cup of coffee the boy wants to drink.
            Someone will point you to a shortcut and the best path for you to take, and it may be natural to reject suggestions and find another way. We didn't know anything about the path...

  • The Final Destination The Final Destination

    Melany 2022-03-23 09:02:02

    no drama at all

    It is not easy for me, who is so tolerant, that this film can be rated the worst by me. There is no plot at all, just people die one after another. The scene of death is bloody. Although it is not a horror movie, it is also a disgusting picture. The average person who is not a forensic doctor needs to be mentally prepared to accept it. I think if there are any signs of this film, it is probably to pay attention to safety, do not ignore the sections, of course pay attention to operating...

  • Prometheus Prometheus

    Melany 2022-03-22 09:01:06


    I like this movie very much, not to say how good it is or how famous it is in history! ! The film has a central idea as profound as "Blade Runner", powerful and pessimistic.
    Compared with the claustrophobia created in the aliens, this time there are more grand propositions: the origin of mankind, and... the origin of origin. Of course, this also makes it a bit of the main theme, but it has not lost the magic of the alien series itself. It explains the source of the alien form, and it has a...

  • Sense and Sensibility Sense and Sensibility

    Melany 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    The edge of love and pain

    This is a book someone recommended to me a long time ago. A long time ago, Cat Mao told me that I should go and read this book. Because I'm like that sister, and she's like that sister. She is a woman who dares to love and hate. All the feelings of love and hate will be put on her face. She has always been full of emotions, like a small train. And I, silent and cold, put everything in my heart, and the surface is calm. To her, this was incomprehensible.

    I have never read this book....

  • The Insider The Insider

    Melany 2022-03-21 09:01:43

    "Are you a journalist or a businessman?"

    Organizations exist to achieve a certain purpose, and are created to break through the limitations of individual capabilities. The larger the organization, the more members, and the more things it can accomplish. However, the larger the organization, the higher the cost. This forms a paradox. The larger the organization, the better.

    There is a cost to doing anything, and when the cost exceeds the limit that the institution can bear, it becomes virtually impossible to accomplish. CBS...

  • Sex and Lucía Sex and Lucía

    Melany 2022-03-20 09:02:17

    There is my utopia in the movie.

    Fill out my profile online, and when it comes to Your Favourite Movie, I don't hesitate to write: Sex and Lucia.
    A good movie is like this. Allow the audience to find themselves. Otherwise, you will lose yourself. I still can't figure out whether I fell into it or was excavated.
    When one's awareness of sexuality rises to another level, love taints it. That's my only thought after watching this film. The male protagonist described himself and his girlfriend as they met in a coffee...

  • We Were Soldiers We Were Soldiers

    Melany 2022-03-20 09:01:37

    we were warriors

    2002's "We Were Soldiers" was another film that was easily criticized for being filled with themes of American "heroism" and values. and the reflective American Vietnam War 1979's "Apocalypse Now", 1986's "Field Platoon", 1987's "Full Metal Jacket", and even 1989's "Born on July 4th" with a personal theme as a clue "has the opposite theme. Perhaps, as some have said, the tradition of American Vietnam War movies does not actually have introspection as its main purpose. And the vast majority are p

  • The Day After Tomorrow The Day After Tomorrow

    Melany 2022-03-20 09:01:10

    Thoughts on "The Day After Acquired"

    In my memory, sci-fi movies were very popular for a while, and then, for various reasons, C never saw a very good one again. Disaster movies are a big love in Hollywood. From the earliest Titanic, there seems to be a big collision between the world and the earth, and there seems to be another called Tornado Storm, which is also the most in the DVD cabinet at home.
    The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" is still a bit old-fashioned from the plot. A very NB scientist established a climate model...

  • Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

    Melany 2022-03-20 09:01:09


    Just finished watching, forgive me for not being able to give you 5 points for the drama in your mind. I'm worried that I didn't read the popular film reviews on several major platforms, and found that you are too capable of pretending, and the screen is full of humanity, and the acting skills and scripts are so great. The three heroes' plots can be called parallel reciprocating interweaving. , Biting one's finger can be called a Mirror Conferred God, I really felt that it was not the same...

  • Jurassic World Jurassic World

    Melany 2022-03-20 09:01:05

    Please don't imagine animals from a human perspective. . .

    At the beginning, this genetically modified dragon showed the intelligence of an agent who was about 30 years old. I found it very exciting. The roles of the prey and the hunter were reversed. The dinosaurs are coming to attack humans, ah ah ah , It’s great, it’s an exciting movie, but this foreplay just gave me some feeling, and then the dragon’s intelligence began to decline rapidly, and the bazooka’s fart pissed, and in the end he had to fight the Tyrannosaurus rex. . . . You can escape...

  • Back to the Future Back to the Future

    Melany 2022-03-20 09:01:02

    September 16, 2021

    It is not until today (September 16, 2021) that I have watched the "Back to the Future" series of movies for the first time. Standing at this point in time, I look back at this series of films shot in the 1980s and 1990s, and I admire the creator's imagination. Similarly, in this era, I am also very happy and excited that some of the technologies that appeared in the drama have now been realized in my life. For those that have not yet been realized, such as cars that can...

  • Vertigo Vertigo

    Melany 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Play bad cards

    A director can conduct thorough analysis and breakthroughs on himself. That is a great metaphor for the essence of the film. It is really a Hitchcock who has no academic spirit. ―― 【Review of Intuition in 2021.2.5】Rising stars. Divided into two stories from 3/4 of the film: third-rate suspense decryption film + vulgar old man covered story but! Once the two parts are connected! It becomes an extremely deep questioning and thinking about love: the same person before and after,...

  • X2: X-Men United X2: X-Men United

    Melany 2022-03-16 09:01:01

    "X-Men 2" mutants unite, Wolverine's life experience revealed

    Wolverine has been trying to find his own life experience, he can't remember what happened in the past. The mutant school gathers all kinds of elites here. Magneto was imprisoned in a secret prison, where there were no magnets at all. He was devastated by the mutant killer General Stryker. The life experience of Logan Wolverine was leaked by Magneto.

    The villain in this episode is Stryker. Stryker obtained the president's authorization and determined to eliminate all mutants. First...

  • The Fountain The Fountain

    Melany 2022-03-15 09:01:03

    Aronofsky's private dream

    On Sunday night, I drank a cup of Zhizhong Wujiapi, and then I felt a little dizzy. Picking up the bottle and looking at it, it turned out to be 38 degrees, which is not as low as a general medicinal wine. So I went to bed, admiring this cherished source of Aronofsky.

    After about a third of it, I fell asleep. After a while, the high-pitched voice of the wife next door teaching my daughter came over. I woke up from a nap and felt sympathy for my daughter who was often rectified by her...

  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

    Melany 2022-03-14 14:12:21

    Why is Gandalf annoying?


    It was originally a movie with the Hobbit Bilbo as the protagonist, a movie about history, but Gandalf has a dominant position.

    It seems that the public love him very much.

    But in "Scarleta" and "Unfinished Story", he is often mentioned as "very annoying." Because he is always thief, looking around, spying on information. He couldn't live in the same place, he was full of...

  • Melany 2023-09-26 23:32:08

    Okay, I'm lost in the non-stop crossing~~ I should really buy the original book to watch~~

  • Melany 2023-09-21 02:58:58

    Nao to Nao, fun to fun.

  • Melany 2023-09-05 08:19:12

    The biggest PUA routine in film history, 15 women are controlled by 1 man! "The Other Lamb"

  • Melany 2023-08-19 18:14:32

    1. Hear Foster's "Beautiful Dream God" and "Lovely Family", so familiar and kind! 2. Surprisingly found that the heroine is Xiulan Temple! At the age of 20, she is no longer the cute little angel she was when she was a few years old, but her eyes are still bright and clear, and her smile is still pure and innocent.

  • Melany 2023-08-16 00:26:03

    Wonderful gypsy music, bitter but happy gypsy.

  • Melany 2023-08-06 16:42:43

    Can you close the door? !

  • Melany 2023-07-24 23:05:41

    For such a small budget film, I thought it was pretty good. Although the script is still not polished, the whole film is full of cliché, but the suppressed sense of occlusion is well created. Goody and Duston's acting skills are the mainstays, which makes the atmosphere of fear and despair more credible. PS: The character in the play has so much in common with Goody himself, it's no wonder he takes on this role.

  • Melany 2023-07-24 22:34:23

    Pingping seventeen wins over the gods, and Ji'e in the daytime is a dryland lotus. Where can I teach Mandarin duck language leisurely, embroider in front of the bed under the blue screen window.

  • Melany 2023-07-04 14:35:52

    Who sees who sb (yes, I am)

  • Melany 2023-06-25 21:41:30

    It feels better without the modern drama...

  • Melany 2023-06-18 02:27:15

    In fact, the director didn't want to tell this social story at all, but wanted to focus on Karen Silkwood, especially her most real side as a person, a single mother who represents thousands of working classes, so this film portrays The characters are very plump. The part about the nuclear leak and the factory is more used to help perfect this character. Aunt Mei's "The French Lieutenant's Woman", "Sophie's Choice" and "Silkwood Affair" in the early 1980s were nominated for three consecutive Oscars, and they were definitely one of the most valuable performance nominations, and only won one actress. What a pity.

  • Melany 2023-06-12 01:39:21

    Talk, keep talking, don't change the scene

  • Melany 2023-06-09 17:55:12

    There's no such thing as an overnight success. Brantley Foster took two weeks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Melany 2023-05-28 12:05:32

    Instead of jumping from beginning to end, it is more like a few tap dances interspersed in a neuro-comedy, classic misunderstandings and past suspicions. The pas de la la land turned out to be a tribute to the "isn't it a lovely day" here, one song and one dance fall in love. Tap dancing makes people shake their legs.

  • Melany 2023-05-11 12:40:54

    Flickering, flickering. . . @_@