Karl Bruen

Karl Bruen



  • An American Crime An American Crime

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:02:38

    Mass violence, what a sin.

    I have seen the Rwandan genocide, and I have seen this film. Whether it is aimed at a nation or an individual, once a certain number of groups begin to commit violence, the tragic situation is really unbearable. In the process of this violence, every abuser enjoys it, and is dominated by a kind of violence, like a machine, controlled. The Lucifer effect, the environment can shape people into demons, so how difficult it is that we can live in an environment that cherishes life. After watching...

  • The Young Karl Marx The Young Karl Marx

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:02:29

    Tribute to Carl

    Obviously it was an era that was too sad to be sad, but it was also an era that was too great to be great. Apparently it was a painful time when my baby died and I still stubbornly felt that Carl was the happiest person in the world. The breeding of the times will always be the soil of countless Carls. Although it was difficult to see, he ran so frantically in order to avoid the police, and he never bowed his head to ask again and again for the royalties of the two articles. After all, Marx...

  • #Alive #Alive

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    After watching it, is the screenwriter joking?

    After watching this movie, I thought it would bring me the same excitement and fear as the train to Busan. The result is a question mark all the way?

    Let’s start with the male protagonist. The story begins with the male protagonist playing a game. The zombie incident was discovered in the game, and he was still in a state of confusion. From the news, he learned that it was a violent incident of citizens. After opening the window, he found that a little girl kept calling her mother....

  • Ferdinand Ferdinand

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:02:03

    Kindness is a choice

    Kindness is a choice, and this sentence is very evident in Ferdinand. As a calf, he showed a natural kindness, and when he grew up, treating the sword with his softness in the bullring was an option.

    I thought of seeing a mother in a circle of friends two days ago saying that her son did not want to go to kindergarten because a child beat him. I think being a mom must be irritating. But I admired this baby a little, he didn't call back directly, but asked his mother for help. There...

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:01:47

    no nutrition review

    At the beginning, the Turtles watching the Knicks game of Jordan, who appeared on the scene, was too funny. The plot, as always, can't ask for too much, and can't ask for too much. The action scenes are very conscientious. Michelangelo has always assumed the role of the pistachio, but for the current situation, New York will be destroyed at every turn. In the end, ordinary human beings, special people, and middle-level people force their respective roles to defeat the low-energy aliens...

  • The Handmaiden The Handmaiden

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    This movie tells you what is perversion

    The word "pervert" is becoming more and more ambiguous and vague. People no longer limit it to the realm of evil, it has become as common as condiment. Lovers tease each other, angry nicknames among friends, praise artists for their accomplishments... and so on, "perverts" have long been accustomed to. In the film industry, Park Chan-wook is a "perverted" director. When everyone sees his revenge trilogy, it is either incest, violence, or terror. But Park Chan-wook is a director with a very high...

  • Fargo Fargo

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:01:16

    Ice blood storm season 1 video notes

    Season 1 1. Poster on the wall: What if you're right and he's wrong? 2. Killer Vaughn Malvo gave Drews' police officer in charge of animal management a mystery: Why is it easier for the human eye to spot shades of green than other colors? The answer was hit by the smart and hard working policewoman, because predators, the ancestors of humans are monkeys, everything is green in the woods and jungles, in order not to be eaten by leopards or bears, we must be able to spot them . 3. This is a...

  • Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The First Avenger

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:01:04

    Captain America: Fragile Heroes

    What is the most like the sun in this world? Some people say it's Nietzsche, but I think it's a poached egg. No one understands, and that's okay, because fish don't understand what water is either. - Captain America.
       What should a righteous hero look like? Is it full of blood, fearless, or divine power? Captain America in Hollywood Heroes gave a very different answer. He is not a natural hero, nor is he immortal, and he is full of a strong smell of little people.

  • The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption

    Karl 2022-04-20 09:01:02

    dream and redemption

    It is hard to have a movie better than "The Shawshank Redemption" to interpret the connection and true meaning of the words "dream and redemption". The psychological shock and cleansing that the movie brings to people has never been so profound. The protagonist Andy and the male The two main and complementary contexts of the two black Reid have created the best story about the freedom of pursuing dreams and spiritual redemption. When I saw the movie, I couldn’t help feeling that what...

  • Flight of the Red Balloon Flight of the Red Balloon

    Karl 2022-04-19 09:03:00

    It's actually a short review.

    Taiwan classic movie screening, the last one to watch. It's a tribute film, but I haven't seen "Red Balloon", so it's an independent film for me.

    For this, as long as you are patient enough, sadness and beauty will spread from the film. It's closer to a feminist story, and the director tells us its core through Simon's review of the painting: half sadness, half joy. So we see La Binoche who is hysterical because of her ex-husband's friend's refusal to pay rent, La Binoche who is...

  • Flight of the Red Balloon Flight of the Red Balloon

    Karl 2022-04-19 09:03:00

    color in flow

    "The Journey of the Red Balloon" can also be called the journey of vermilion. At the beginning of this article, at the entrance of the underground passage, Simon, a boy with a gray backpack, speaks to the red balloon. The red balloon did not approach, but drifted farther and farther, as if it had a life of its own. So far, its head will occasionally stick out in the film. Although the red balloon's travel seems to be disconnected from the film, it has always been like a bystander. , in a fluid...

  • A Letter to Momo A Letter to Momo

    Karl 2022-04-19 09:02:50

    guardian happiness

      I have always liked Japanese healing anime, and I always feel that they depict love beautifully, whether it is love, family, friendship or interracial feelings, it always makes me feel that no matter how embarrassed your current situation is, there are still people who love you. I want to take care of you, to take care of you. This kind of feeling is really good and very good, warm, and the eyes are moist and happy.

      Probably the most painful thing in my life is those...

  • A Bittersweet Life A Bittersweet Life

    Karl 2022-04-19 09:02:35

    heart. wind. Branches move.

    On a sunny spring day... The
    apprentice looked at the branches swaying in the wind, he asked the master:
    "Master, is the branch moving or is the wind moving?" The
    master smiled without even looking at it. Said:
    "It's neither the branches nor the wind, but your heart."

    On a late autumn night,
    the apprentice who woke up from his sleep kept crying. The master asked the apprentice,
    "Have you had a nightmare?
    " No."

  • The Brave One The Brave One

    Karl 2022-04-19 09:02:20

    God says: A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye

    Does a skinny woman pick up a gun to mean she becomes a brave person?
    I don't think so. When the outside world makes you feel insecure, you have no choice but to choose either not to walk out of the door leading to the outside world, or to go out with a weapon capable of shooting danger. Any choice stems from inner fear and is a helpless choice, not a brave one.
    Jodie Foster's angular jaw makes her character destined to be someone who chooses to confront in a desperate situation, even...

  • Once Once

    Karl 2022-04-19 09:02:03

    musical encounter

    The male protagonist's faint sadness after falling out of love, and the female protagonist's desire for true love in her troubled life are all accompanied by beautiful melodies.
    They are all musicians, and they all have a dream about music in their hearts, and they have been working hard. Therefore, they can express their innermost emotions through music; therefore, they long for a person who can read and understand the code hidden in the music, and appear in a certain corner of the world,...

  • Karl 2023-09-17 06:08:21

    The second Lilo dubbing actually changed Dakota!

  • Karl 2023-09-14 00:27:45

    "Your love is nothing but this", but it was enough to make me unable to extricate myself...

  • Karl 2023-09-02 03:57:50

    It looks like a beautiful reunion special, but there are a lot of messes and insufficiencies behind it, otherwise the movie version would have come out long ago, and none of the important cameos would be invited. The protagonists here are not Friends, but HBOMAX. In fact, they are all here for streaming media stations, and streaming media is the culprit that killed public television and sitcoms. Among the six people in the play, Chandler is the favorite, but Matthew Perry's current state is so bad that it makes people feel distressed. The most surprising revelation is that it was the reaction of the audience that made the producers decide to let Chandler and Monica develop from a one-night stand to an underground one, which is cool.

  • Karl 2023-08-23 01:33:39

    The theme, performance, etc. of this movie can not be mentioned, because its CG drawing is a piece of shit, the quality of the movie is always determined by the shortest board, its CG is shit, then, it is shit, this point no doubt

  • Karl 2023-08-14 04:15:55

    I admire the creativity of French cinema

  • Karl 2023-08-07 00:00:22

    Lengthy, a little dull, the hardships of intelligence officers with hidden crises everywhere

  • Karl 2023-07-31 07:20:44

    Why is there such a low rating here? ! I'll give 5 stars then! Great movie!

  • Karl 2023-07-30 03:43:33

    Just for watching Joey

  • Karl 2023-07-25 10:27:32

    3 stars is not bad, the two old people have worked hard, and those who like to watch old dramas can watch it.

  • Karl 2023-07-17 11:23:46

    The subject matter is ordinary, and the production is neat. I mainly watch it based on spoilers and fast-forward.

  • Karl 2023-07-13 06:19:54

    Full of love and warmth, I love it

  • Karl 2023-06-30 04:03:31

    Just let yourself go. Nicole Best Female Pork Knuckle

  • Karl 2023-06-25 21:08:40

    I read it all over again, and I sighed, why didn't the United States bomb Tokyo in 1945? It's foggy, it's foggy

  • Karl 2023-06-16 16:38:54

    From the first episode to the tenth episode of fishing, Charles and his sister still haven't grown up after 3 years

  • Karl 2023-06-10 11:48:44

    Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, can you do more? But in general