Chesley Heller

Chesley Heller



  • Hamilton Hamilton

    Chesley 2022-12-27 23:03:35

    The pinnacle of contemporary historical drama

    It happened that I got together with two Taiwanese friends at noon today. They mentioned going to the cinema to watch "Eight Hundred" and "The Founding of the People's Republic of China". They felt that the "Founding of the People's Republic" was very one-sided, and I said, "Yeah, so I didn't watch it. The box office is supported by celebrities and civil servants."

    So if you look at the "founding heroes" themes created by Americans, they are much more advanced. Its production style is...

  • The Man Who Wasn't There The Man Who Wasn't There

    Chesley 2022-12-26 00:21:16

    About the truth

    "The Absent"

    science? understand? reality? In doubt?

    Sometimes the more you observe, the less you know the truth.

    We always seek the truth, but at most we can only be infinitely close to the truth.

    In the film, because of the narrator's perspective, he constantly emphasizes that he is just a barber, so various hairstyles appear in the film, which are common to him. inch, the back...

  • The Capture The Capture

    Chesley 2022-12-23 15:40:06

    "Truth Capture": Surveillance Images Towards Post-Film (Academic Film Review)

    "The image is the subject." -Andre Bazin

    "'Taking flowers to join trees' is not about falsifying evidence, but reenacting reality." "It's not reality that matters, but what we want the public to believe." - Lines from The Capture

    Although each type of art relies on the corresponding medium, in the big family of art, there are few art types that have been placed in a complicated situation by their own media characteristics for a long...

  • 13 Reasons Why 13 Reasons Why

    Chesley 2022-12-19 15:20:51

    Hannah just ended the shit-eating life early

    The rhythm is a bit slow, and I want to rush in and listen to the tape level for clay. The president of the student council, Courtney and Bryce are the three worst people in the show, selfish and cold-blooded to the point of disgusting. Justin was still pitiful when he saw that, although I thought he was going to take Bryce away with a gun, and Tyler was a little puzzled why he wanted such a big grab.

    I read an article before that on average, every successful suicide has attempted...

  • Altered Carbon Altered Carbon

    Chesley 2022-12-13 01:27:39

    Immortality and the pink unicorn

    1. Story structure
    First, the main line is the male protagonist investigating the death of Bancroft. As the investigation progresses, Ryker is framed, Mary Lou Henchy commits suicide by jumping into the water, and the mystery of Lizzie's madness is also pulled out, and then the four parallels are parallel until Rei appears, It also leads to the battle of the fortress 250 years ago and the origin of the leather disc. Because of this, the whole drama uses a lot of memories and interludes,...

  • Lupin Lupin

    Chesley 2022-12-12 00:36:03

    I saw half of it was abandoned (with spoilers)

    It seemed like a cool drama at first, but when I got evidence that could give the opponent a fatal blow, I didn’t know how to protect the evidence (such as uploading the video electronically encrypted), and I didn’t know how to keep a low profile (on the show in person). The two hated people have endured humiliation for many years, but they were suddenly impulsive: the male protagonist revealed his identity when interrogating the sheriff, and the female reporter exposed...

  • Enemy Enemy

    Chesley 2022-12-06 20:39:16

    No smoke war.

    A thousand Hamlet-type films, then I will talk about my understanding.
    The first conclusion for the whole film is that the protagonist is Adam [named Anthony].
    There are two characters on the screen, one is the counseling history teacher Adam Ah Dan, and the other is the cool third-rate actor Anthony A Dong. Ah Dan has a very habitual life, except for three meals a day and work every day, that is, she is in love with her blonde and fat ass girlfriend. The opening of the film...

  • The Vanishing of Sidney Hall The Vanishing of Sidney Hall

    Chesley 2022-12-02 12:41:50

    suburban tragedy

    "Once Melody left me, it dawned on me, looking out at all those wonderful city lights, that I was just one of those millions of city lights, a tiny little pixel, buried within the white noise of life, blinking on for just a brief second in time. I didn't want to be a martyr. I wanted to be nobody. And I walked out of that apartment, with only the clothes on my back. To become nobody. I never returned again.”

    I was just one of those millions of neon lights,...

  • Tokyo Sonata Tokyo Sonata

    Chesley 2022-11-27 04:04:53

    you are yourself

    I probably started thinking when I came home frequently from college. Is the title "college student" a play that I added to myself? Because it is close to home, I usually stay home on weekends. When I faced various problems at home as a college student, I didn’t feel that I had a special growth in my thinking and vision compared to when I was in high school: When giving me a large amount of cash to deposit in the bank, I even asked my brother to be my bodyguard; when I moved to the...

  • Promare Promare

    Chesley 2022-11-15 20:39:44

    Human imagination has no limits

    "Promea" is really good! ! !

    However, the style of painting at the beginning will dissuade some people. To be honest, the rhythm is fast and the color is rich in the beginning. I am a little dizzy when I see it (I don’t know if I am getting old), but it does not affect the five-star praise in my heart at all.

    This film tells the truth, the plot is actually a bit old-fashioned (when I saw the administrator, I immediately...

  • Babies Babies

    Chesley 2022-10-13 01:29:39

    hi this universe that I'm still flashing

    I often feel the importance of reincarnation. Looking at the film, I suddenly felt that the concept of "I" only existed after birth? "Reincarnation" defaults to "past life", and "past life" is not recognized or believed by me, so before we have the consciousness of "I", we are a living organism without concept and consciousness, and there is no choice in birth. From the dimension of social history, there may be a high and low quality of life, and the chances of what has been experienced...

  • Computer Chess Computer Chess

    Chesley 2022-10-12 19:08:36

    Hurry up and write a review after watching the movie, this is a good opportunity for zhuangbility

    No problem, no movie reviews because few people understand it?

    Those who engage in technology do not understand the soul, and those who engage in the soul do not understand technology.

    Artificial intelligence and life, life and the universe.

    Come on, Let us be zhuangbility ~

    First of all, what is the difference between artificial intelligence and soul?

    When an object has a soul, and under what circumstances does it have a


  • Bodyguard Bodyguard

    Chesley 2022-10-12 14:22:49

    The road to self-salvation of the lone hero

    What would you do if there was no one behind you in the whole world? Depressed or addicted to alcohol and self-pity, or be bold and end it all? The choice of the male protagonist is to fight to the end alone and complete his own road of self-redemption. We call such people a lone hero.

    So, David first appeared in front of Julia, a tough guy full of holes in his heart. In front of leadership and work, our David is definitely military temperament, troop quality, and ability...

  • Coherence Coherence

    Chesley 2022-10-11 19:16:42

    The show off of those who understand, and the thirst for knowledge of those who don't understand

    These days, those who use advanced physical concepts to package human stories can always become works with independent temperament but no lack of commercial value.

    I personally think that the reason why the fans of dialogue sci-fi films have surged is because of human nature’s pursuit of logic, the show-off of those who understand it, and the thirst for knowledge of those who can’t understand, which has led to the proliferation of academic discussions like the butterfly effect. Due to...

  • Persuasion Persuasion

    Chesley 2022-10-08 03:41:22

    I want to tell you, please give me another chance, please wait for me

    I watched the 2007 version first, then the 1995 and 1971 versions, and felt that the costumes and scenes in 2007 were the most in line with modern aesthetics; in terms of the plot, compared with the original work, major changes have been made, making the film more rhythmic. compact. I like this version the most, and after watching it many times, it still arouses the throbbing deep in my heart.
           The first is the clothing aspect. In 2007, the actor's clothing style is simple, but it...

  • Chesley 2022-04-04 09:01:08

    Flesh and blood are flying, the dull sound of axe, dagger, and bones is bloody and gloomy. In recent years, Korean heavy tastes have emerged one after another, and the scale is quite unexpected, and there is a trend of gradually becoming a series; the three-way wrestling is good-looking, the police are redundant; , fighting inside and outside, using dogs to describe the world, despair to the point of numbness, those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes; the clues in the first half are well connected, and the blood in the second half is frantic.

  • Chesley 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    Blowjobs, cumshots, nasty and raw sex scenes with real guns, seemingly gay erotic movies, but closed spaces isolated from the world, realistic minimalism with few characters, natural light and no soundtrack, quiet and restrained fixed long shots, anxious emotions, A powerful silent ending... This is actually a fable that explores the roots of desire, and it's a big surprise. #One ConcernBest Director+Queer Palms#

  • Chesley 2022-04-01 09:01:18

    The amount of information is a little less, but I like the content of the corrections

  • Chesley 2022-04-01 09:01:05

    If you don't have a place to live, can you find a part-time job at a teenie weenie or something...

  • Chesley 2022-03-29 09:01:09

    I especially like the OST of the bug master, it is healing and warm.

  • Chesley 2022-03-28 09:01:08

    How wonderful. Drama invades reality. After watching this, I suddenly realized that some of the scenes from other films are from here.

  • Chesley 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    A person who yearns for literature became a gossip reporter and then made an advertisement. The more I read it, the more I feel like my own situation. I really don't know which day I will slip into the morning after the balloon burst.

  • Chesley 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    The town that is more "loyal to the original" has become a dead zone. Hunting, taming, enslaving, and elf battles are as outmoded as cockfights and greyhounds, so the movie doesn't take us long to take us to a "metropolis" where humans and animals coexist. Unfortunately, the planning of the city is still based on people, and there are no facilities for elves of different attributes and sizes. On the surface, humans and beasts honor each other as partners, but the relationship between master and servant is still quite obvious. In the end, human-beast communication is still an extravagant talk, and the so-called "it said" is just a dubbing of human chatter.

  • Chesley 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    MD, this movie is so weird, it made me cry to death. It may be that the water itself was a little flooded that day.

  • Chesley 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    I have to admire the compositional design of this film and the movement of the camera position, which shows the distance between the two worlds on the camera, and perfectly walks into the hearts of German social classes.

  • Chesley 2022-03-27 09:01:20

    The filming method is very intentional, but the dull feeling of discord in the middle part splits the film too much

  • Chesley 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    The male protagonist is a killer Sheldon. This kind of high-intelligence weapon character who does not understand emotions, behaves rigidly and purely rationally thinks is too suitable for him, and he looks a bit like... It's just that the second half suddenly collapsed into a messenger of flowers, and in the end, the whole The ins and outs were not made clear.

  • Chesley 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    It’s not good to tear down and shoot these things. It can also promote social integrity and create a carrier of the Chinese dream in the new era. I’m catching chicken for the current director’s vision.

  • Chesley 2022-03-27 09:01:05

    If you pray to God to give you happiness, do you think he will give you happiness directly or give you a chance to be happy? ARK

  • Chesley 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    1. "You have afflictions in this world, and I have overcome this world" 2. Spiritual warfare is real, and we must be vigilant and resist the devil in the name of Jesus Christ at critical moments 3. "There should be nothing Be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and thanksgiving, tell God what you want.” 4. Leading more people to know Jesus is the meaning of life