Chesley Heller

Chesley Heller



  • 1944 1944

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:03:06

    One country, two wars, embattled on three sides, and enemies on all sides

    Soldiers of a country, because of their different camps, cannibalize each other. The film is divided into two parts. The first half tells the battle of the Estonian puppet army for Germany against the Soviet Union, and the second half tells the battle of the Estonian puppet army for the Soviet Union against Germany. In the middle, a woman is used to connect the entire main line. This is the first time I have seen the narrative method, there are no pros and cons, and this film has no...

  • The King and the Clown The King and the Clown

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:03:00

    no longer believe in flax

    Every time he chats with Hu Ma about movies, he takes the trouble to state his position: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is the best movie in China - original words: "Since the filming of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", I never dare to say "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Farewell My Concubine is the best movie in China." Farewell My Concubine is good, the story and pictures are calm and powerful. A movie can have high scores in these two aspects, and it is natural to say it is good. At...

  • Blue Spring Blue Spring

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:02:58

    Youth is the warm color of confusion, not the dark violence

    I like /Hot-Blood High School/, both of them are very hot-blooded. The protagonist in it is constantly fighting to stand at the top. It is very important that there are many powerful supporting characters to foil.

    After watching Blue Youth with the expectation that I can't sleep tonight, I can only say that I am very disappointed. The fights are all one-sided and full of bad taste. What does the silence of pig's feet want to express, what is he after, and it's just a conditional...

  • Don't Look Back Don't Look Back

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:02:49

    I don't understand it's normal, the movie is good

    In the name of the two major European goddesses, I watched this psychological thriller "Don't Look Back". I have to say that Europeans are still relatively "cultured", and even an audience like me who has seen the world for the first time really didn't understand it. Throughout the first pass, I was wondering, what the hell is this about? magic? conspiracy? It was not until I read some tips on the Internet and read the key parts a second time that I realized that this is talking about...

  • Love Lessons Love Lessons

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:02:45

    Apart from desire, what is left

    Growth begins with curiosity about sex, which is not a matter of morality, so it is only a sneaky perception at best, even in relatively open European countries.
        From the very beginning, the gambling game has meant the theme of the film, but there is no filth in the picture, there is no naked body entangled in the picture, instead it is a kind of shyness in the sun, the focus of the director is not the specific physical relationship. show, so people with different expectations will be...

  • Vengeance Is Mine Vengeance Is Mine

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    The story is intense and intense, and the poor fugitive murderer will finally be freed

    The connotation techniques are too rich in mapping. They are adapted from real events. Violence and passion are scattered. Although the director is telling the story, the connotation is left for the audience to reflect on. The problem can be traced back to childhood. The ambiguity of the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law has aggravated the crime of leaving home. The galloping train symbolizes the wild escape of Enojin, the uneven glass symbolizes the twisted face of the father, and the...

  • Welcome to the Sticks Welcome to the Sticks

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:02:35

    and different

    "A person will cry twice when he comes to the north, once when he comes and once when he leaves." Although they belong to the same country, the differences between the north and the south are still very large. Regardless of climate or lifestyle. At the beginning, I was forced to go to the north with prejudice. The harsh conditions in the north were harsh and even the people there seemed a bit vulgar. However, after a long period of interaction, I found that they are really rough and cute people...

  • Enola Holmes Enola Holmes

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:01:53

    A movie that tries to please all the 'labels', but still looks good

    I was looking forward to this movie when I watched Trailer before, so I watched the original book "The Case of the Missing Marquess" first. It is also the first in a series of novels by Enola Holmes. The novel was a disappointment to me, so my expectations for the movie dropped a lot before watching it. But after watching the whole movie I think it deserves 4 stars - of course I'm not sure if it's because my expectations were too low, but the writer did a super film and...

  • The Orphanage The Orphanage

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:01:46

    Lonely Castle

    The front was a bit boring. After the goddess appeared, it was scary. I was waiting for the reversal (for example, a few children were innocently killed, and their grievances dissipated after the heroine found out the truth), but there was no turning point. Instead, it was more scary, little boy When she died, the heroine also swallowed the medicine in despair and committed suicide... In the end, the heroine looked up and thought a miracle had happened, but she didn't expect it to be a world...

  • In the Mood for Love In the Mood for Love

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:01:43

    A chance encounter with adolescence Hong Kong

    The unrestored film has a simple texture that belongs to that time. In the mottled images, people live in a distant Hong Kong. When watching those old Hong Kong movies in the 1950s and 1960s, it is very strange that people and events of Zhou Xuan's era are always circling in my mind. This generation of red stars who died early once spent time in Shuangcheng, leaving behind memories of an era. If the old man at that time was still alive, this person must not be mentioned. Although I haven't...

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 The Amazing Spider-Man 2

    Chesley 2022-04-19 09:01:16

    wonderful quotes

    On a sunny day like today, it is easy to generate hope, and there will be gloomy days on the road of life, and there will be days when you feel lonely. At this time, it is even more necessary to have hope, no matter how far away, no matter how painful Lost, please promise me that you will not give up hope, let hope last forever, we have to gain strength from pain, my hope for you is to be the hope of others, people need hope, even if it doesn't end up, at least we are wonderful Today we look...

  • One Cut of the Dead One Cut of the Dead

    Chesley 2022-04-06 08:01:01

    Easter eggs, what you don't know about the camera

    In the film appreciation class on Friday, the subject teacher took more than 100 people from our department to the theater in Kawasaki to watch the film. For our broadcast art students, this film is too easy to resonate and feel immersed in. In the afternoon, I invited Mr. Ueda Shinichiro, the director of the movie, to share with us. He is really a very lovely person, humorous and talkative, with a love for movies. It's the love of movies, not the love of the circle. He said a few...

  • 11-11-11 11-11-11

    Chesley 2022-03-29 08:01:02

    A religious conspiracy film with supernatural colors~

    Just like the introduction to the 11-11-11 plot, it was a supernatural scene from the very beginning. In the dream, Joseph dreamed that his wife and children were magically sent to heaven in the fire. People felt that it was not an angel, but a Devil, who looked at all beings indifferently in the fire.

        Then, the author went to participate in a foreign exchange meeting (the specific name, I don't remember), a small organization that shared their pain with each other. I personally...

  • L'Eclisse L'Eclisse

    Chesley 2022-03-26 09:01:10

    why i dislike Antonioni so much

    I don't seem to have liked Antonioni since I first started watching movies. Still don't like it. No matter what others say his films are full of innovation.

    His photographic composition is textbook level. He is full of acumen for the interaction between people and space. He expresses the indifference and alienation of people like never before. so what? He is more suited to be an interior designer, fashion designer, architectural photographer than a filmmaker. Looking at his...

  • The Fifth Estate The Fifth Estate

    Chesley 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Pursuing the truth or exposing privacy???

    I'm not very good at writing articles, it's neither deep nor interesting, but it's just a little bit of my
    thoughts after reading it, please don't take it too seriously.

    The decryption of the crisis is better than imagined. After reading it, it makes people think about many serious issues,
    especially for reporters or people who often want to know the truth.
    The era of events in it is very close to us, and the parties involved are still alive
    . It looks very...

  • Chesley 2023-09-21 06:49:24

    7.0. I have to say, if this work gets rid of "impurities" and only does that "boring" popular science, it must be quite boring. I also have to say that the cheap look and feel brought by the animation version is almost uninteresting due to the limitation of production resources in most of the time. However, it is precisely because human nature drives the development of science that the single world of this work becomes vivid and colorful. In that desolate world, in that lonely environment, in that retrogressive civilization, a simple record made of glass connects two generations of deeply indescribable father-son affection. Even if you can't see me, I can't see you, but I still want to leave something for you. I want to care and encourage you through this beautiful music when you are difficult, lonely and desperate. it is more than words. This may be the parents, this may be the blood and blood of the parents to care for their children. Throughout the whole article, the path of science, guided by human nature, is really wonderful. The author's portrayal of the protagonist of the king of science as a "human being" with affection and concern is a wonderful stroke.

  • Chesley 2023-09-12 10:32:19

    I watched the same episode twice, it was so boring

  • Chesley 2023-08-31 10:10:34

    Nima is still going back in time. If you are a werewolf, don't plan an action on a full moon night. Harry Potter is the immortal body of Invincible King Kong, and there is no suspense at all.

  • Chesley 2023-08-29 11:41:06

    Who is the pinch? 2002 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film!

  • Chesley 2023-08-26 02:47:50

    The back of the house is not a sparrow but a songbird. My ancestors were not generals but traitors. If you can understand this, you will know that I am not a rapist but her hero. She is not a mentally retarded girl but my princess. . We dance on the highway and sing in the oasis. If I conjure you the magic of disappearing shadows, maybe you won't be afraid. But why should you be afraid of shadows, I am afraid of the world that treats lying as mature and regards love as a shame.

  • Chesley 2023-08-20 12:37:35

    I love BBC a lot, the daily life between people in that era was short, real and cute

  • Chesley 2023-07-20 02:00:21

    10 years old watching

  • Chesley 2023-07-19 17:40:05

    It is never the cunning of criminals that makes us grit our teeth, but the powerlessness and stupidity of power under the control of the system. What the people need is not sanctimonious crackers, but pursuers who really want to know the truth. The final ending is not bright. The director deliberately suppressed the climax, but it is actually wise to put all the sins in the hands of calm, because it is never the power of the individual that shows justice in the end, and it is this that makes our hands and feet cold.

  • Chesley 2023-07-09 12:02:45

    It's a good childhood memory. Schneider still looks so beautiful today.

  • Chesley 2023-07-03 23:36:30

    Feelings are here, Dragon Ball is here!

  • Chesley 2023-07-01 02:33:56

    Waited for a year; lost and never gained; the need for basic material life and the yearning for higher material life; the child has become the most cruel reason and pressure, accompanied because it is not lonely because it is more powerless; I vaguely feel that when it comes to politics, To explore again; finally enter the crowd, the perspective is popular with the public, but there are still class distinctions

  • Chesley 2023-06-29 16:24:13

    There are many excellent films about memory. This one is not bad. In fact, it can be regarded as a sci-fi film. Going back in time, everything starts all over again, with faint traces of the future that has already happened, and perhaps some tragedies can be avoided. The real problem is that things don't start all over again so quickly, you start to change as you walk around, so many times it's too hard to go back. sigh. While watching this film, I accidentally discovered that her mobile phone number is still the same, it has not changed, it is the same as mine, maybe it does not make much sense, it is just a long habit.

  • Chesley 2023-05-31 00:26:12

    The script is also too simple, but after two hours, it doesn't feel very long. I'm probably too fond of AK's face.

  • Chesley 2023-05-12 10:28:05

    good film.

  • Chesley 2023-05-11 09:02:06

    After reading it for a few days, I am too lazy to mark it. It's not even worse than the raid on Arkham, isn't it? One of the highlights: Flashpoint follow-up. Highlight 2: Waller is thin