Austin Bashirian

Austin Bashirian



  • The Tiger and the Snow The Tiger and the Snow

    Austin 2022-03-24 09:03:21

    love you as beautiful as poetry

    I'm going to travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers to find you I 'm going to
    drive a car without wheels to find you After everything, pretend to be relaxed and say how lucky you are, you are also here I want to touch your hair even after your breath is weak and tell you that you look good and still beautiful as a poem I want to blame my words for not expressing my heart I Blame your own words for disturbing your beauty I love the children on the road I love their eyes I imagine the...

  • Ong Bak 2 Ong Bak 2

    Austin 2022-03-24 09:03:09

    Is this a joke movie?

    A serious Tucao film, I really can't find a bright spot. The plot has never been Tony's strong point, so this time it's "The Prince's Revenge Unsuccessful", but what about the fast, accurate and ruthless Muay Thai? The film became Jia's report performance, Nanquan, Japanese swordsmanship, three sticks, Chinese foil. . . As a layman, I can see how messed up it is. I admire Jia's way of mashing up China and Thailand with one enemy and two.
        Fuhua Dao is also a copycat, that classmate, you...

  • The Thing The Thing

    Austin 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    As a prequel, it's still good (with some spoilers)

    This "The Thing Prequel" is a prequel to the classic movie "The Thing" in 1982 (seems like nonsense...), the front part of "The Thing" in 1982 said that when the Americans entered the Norwegian research station, they saw a A series of ruins, corpses, traces of fighting (axes), monster corpses, alien spaceships, this part of the clip actually contains a lot of information, indicating that there was a fierce battle, and "The Thing Prequel" is to reproduce this. battle. As a prequel, "The Thing...

  • Mr. Brooks Mr. Brooks

    Austin 2022-03-24 09:01:41


    Two stars for the last 20 minutes of the plot and the soundtrack of the movie. The
    previous plot was too long and uncomfortable to watch, and it gave people a false sense of perfection.

    The handling of dual personalities is just that the two personalities are constantly talking to each other and discussing ways to kill people. The sub-personality is more intelligent, meticulous and violent than the main character, but it does not tend to be extreme. Their ideas are common. It is...

  • Facing the Giants Facing the Giants

    Austin 2022-03-23 09:03:06

    god in my college

    When I was in college, I felt that I should study English, especially spoken language. I would go around campus every day, and if I met a foreigner, if the other person seemed friendly and the opportunity was right, I would take the initiative to strike up a conversation. Such an opportunity A lot, because most of the foreigners are very nice, except for Koreans, of course they are not my target either. Over time, I have had foreigner friends, not only one, but one I was particularly impressed...

  • A Little Princess A Little Princess

    Austin 2022-03-23 09:02:51

    There is no need to whitewash the principal!

    There's no need to whitewash the principal. There's really no need for the beauty of the little princess. Although it has something to do with her wealthy family in the past, there are also a lot of wealthy families and ugly souls, but the reason why she is so beautiful is precisely because she is rich or poor. She can always be If a person can still maintain his original intention in the ups and downs, I believe you and I can also know how difficult it is How did she keep...

  • Rudy Rudy

    Austin 2022-03-23 09:02:13

    Listen, it's the voice of a dream

    "Continue to run, with the pride of a child! How can we see the sparkle of life if we don't insist on it? Fate cannot make us kneel and beg for mercy, even if the blood is spilled all over our arms, we will not compromise until we grow old!

      " After being selected as the theme song of Happy Boys this summer, "Dream of the Child" has been widely circulated and has begun to be known to everyone. Not only is the melody beautiful, but the lyrics are positive and tear-jerking....

  • Jane Eyre Jane Eyre

    Austin 2022-03-23 09:02:02

    A few words for those who haven't read the original

    In fact, after reading so many comments, they all said that they did not follow the original work and so on. In fact, I think a good remake does not necessarily follow the original work.
    The flashback of the story is also very good. There is an echo that pulls us back to Jane Eyre's thoughts of Rochester. I think the director of this film made it very carefully. There are several hints, and he has been implying that Rochester has some secrets from Jane Eyre. He said that every governess...

  • Playtime Playtime

    Austin 2022-03-22 09:02:29

    David Bordwell Notes + Talking to Himself

    I love it so much, the playground, the murmuring voices, a series of meddling, "only kids and eccentrics know the secret of joy" "no strong plot, one after the other, no stakes "A satirical commentary on the habitual behavior of modern life - work, vacation, home, travel", people's lives have become showcases in the window, and restaurants that have not been renovated have opened absurdly, designed The teacher became the leader of the discourse, and the satire and mockery of modern art made...

  • Love Story Love Story

    Austin 2022-03-22 09:02:29

    This is a love song

    How would you describe a girl who died at twenty-five? She was beautiful and talented. She loved Mozartbach, the Beatles and me.
    In the snowy sky, a man sat on the ground with his back on his back, the camera zoomed in from afar, mixed with a touch of piano music, to complement the narration above. This is an obvious story. There is love and sadness in the story.
    This story is set in the 1970s, and what is moving is the story itself. But in today's world, there is a Korean drama that...

  • Howards End Howards End

    Austin 2022-03-21 09:02:49

    reincarnation of fate

    I can't think rationally like under the sky in Berlin. This film reflects the social class issues of an era, but I look at this film as if it were pure art or pure appearance.
      Howard Manor was originally reserved for Margaret. After many setbacks, it finally returned to her hands. It was because of the greedy and selfish side of human nature that the Wilcox family finally paid more for Margaret. Special got the manor.
      Beth and Scribe should be the pair who met the right person at...

  • High School Musical 2 High School Musical 2

    Austin 2022-03-21 09:02:22

    better than the first

    After watching two films in a row, I prefer the second one, with multiple sub-lines, the changes in the relationship between characters are also very clever, the conflicts and the ending are a bit surprising.

    In the first part, the final game of the male protagonist can be displayed as the final climax. This obvious ending is handled much better, remembering a summer is better than remembering a period of campus life with an unclear axis

  • Lady Vengeance Lady Vengeance

    Austin 2022-03-21 09:02:00

    gorgeous despair

    Because of "JSA", Park Chan-wook is one of my favorite Korean directors, but I haven't watched his revenge trilogy, and "Old Boy" has become an old disc lying in the closet.
    In fact, I can still accept the theme of revenge, the theme of happiness and revenge, and the black and cold action. I remember watching "KILL BILL" and I was very excited, but I don't know why Park Zanyu's first two parts of the trilogy are bloody and violent. The perverted label makes me a little...

  • Mulan Mulan

    Austin 2022-03-21 09:01:16

    A hypothesis about "Mulan" and "Lotus Lantern"

    A hypothesis
       - on "Mulan" and "Lotus Lantern" hypothesis
       Mulan for the father of the army, the story of incense Pishanjiumu in our country can be described as including women and children, widespread. And now these two ancient stories have been put on the screen separately, but they are created by teams under the influence of two completely different cultural backgrounds, one is Disney, which is at the peak of the world animation industry, and the...

  • Batman Begins Batman Begins

    Austin 2022-03-21 09:01:05

    The so-called hero is invincible because of fear.

    I think of a film review about CSI I wrote before, the title is "If my reason is to wrap up my fear-the reason why CSI hits me". At that time, I only analyzed one of the reasons why CSI made me obsessed with CSI from the perspective of my liking for CSI. Now, after I watched Batman Prequel 1 for this reason, this topic, I actually feel that this movie is really suitable for using that proposition.
      When we were young, we only saw the so-called heroes of heroes. They have...

  • Austin 2023-09-25 07:59:19

    Watching and laughing again, can be compared to my madness for Mary.

  • Austin 2023-09-24 08:31:43

    I just want civil rights.

  • Austin 2023-09-22 17:09:00

    The first movie I watched is really high-definition, but it's a bad movie

  • Austin 2023-09-15 23:36:40

    Warriors, come out to play-yay!"

  • Austin 2023-09-13 05:01:37

    So funny! Stay up all night to see now. Tim Robbins is really tall, this tall and short black and white match is unexpectedly suitable.

  • Austin 2023-09-09 14:13:42

    Just look at the shape and excitement

  • Austin 2023-08-13 00:17:43

    Not personal enough.

  • Austin 2023-08-04 05:10:03

    The beginning is quite attractive, a bit scary in the middle, and then it gets more and more flat. The most anticipated boss and a few characters hanging are really an understatement, but it is such a good plot~6.5

  • Austin 2023-08-01 05:51:29

    I read it carefully from the beginning to the end just to listen to the song ash wrote to him, but I didn't hear it.

  • Austin 2023-06-11 01:18:35

    Samsung minus (your sister's stinky, long and boring)

  • Austin 2023-06-04 13:39:43

    How come no one has watched a movie with so many stars?

  • Austin 2023-04-30 16:45:00

    The viciousness of human nature, as well as the strong qualities that are inspired by the environment of war, appear more naked than in times of peace. In order to survive, the Red Army insisted on reaching Berlin. In order to survive, the women of Berlin chose to be strong. The theme is correct, the filming is a bit dragged, and the drama is not enough.

  • Austin 2023-04-01 23:10:44

    Laughed! ! ! Wa hahaha

  • Austin 2023-03-30 21:42:37

    I went to the cinema to see it, the special ticket is 10 yuan a piece, oh my god, it's too ink, too ink! 2 hours and 40 minutes, dear! ! If it can be cut to 2 hours, it is almost the same! For example, in the part about the fire dragon and the hobbit, teasing and teasing, the wife is complaining non-stop, why waste life for the 10 yuan discount!

  • Austin 2023-03-06 21:13:48

    Won the essence of Akira Kurosawa.