Austin Bashirian

Austin Bashirian



  • The Nines The Nines

    Austin 2022-08-29 22:01:43

    Are you a 9?

    What is hanging? It's a movie that makes people feel confused after watching it.
    So which movie is the most suspenseful? Well, you must go and see "Nine Degrees of Space".
    If "Eight and a Half" is the kind of "hanging" that makes people clearly aware of despair from the beginning, then "Nine Dimension" will let you read it very smoothly, and feel that there is no problem with understanding each part. However, the author's complete intention cannot be clearly sorted out.
    If you...

  • I Care a Lot I Care a Lot

    Austin 2022-08-20 13:38:49


    The whole film is about: Because the protagonist is a woman, and is gay, and the lover is a Latino mixed-race woman, so even if he defrauded the old man's property and ruined the old man's life, and then because of the hard stubble, he was threatened by black eating and finally silenced. "Strong" survived, and finally through courageous struggle, and lived a happy life without shame and shame. Such a "beautiful" story.

    Really "smart" political...

  • Freaks Freaks

    Austin 2022-06-03 22:16:38

    Don't look at people with small brain holes and normal hearts

      It's really a great movie. The key to a good movie is whether the motivation of the characters is convincing. But this is not a movie that is too easy for people to understand the relationship and motivation of the characters, because many hidden plots require speculation by the audience.

      There are four "freaks" throughout the story: grandpa, father, mother, and granddaughter (daughter). After the mother was arrested, there were only three people left, and the motivation of these...

  • Dangerous Liaisons Dangerous Liaisons

    Austin 2022-05-21 21:52:32

    Adam Cooper in Les Liaisons Dangereuses

    Sorry, actually I'm talking about the DANCE there, not the FILM.

    Les Liaisons Dangereuses

    Adam Cooper is old. I don’t know when, he no longer pays attention to those special dances, he began to write scripts, he began to direct, he came to dominate everything. When I saw him two years ago, I gave him a painting with the words on the back-To the most outstanding performer in my heart, I used a performer instead of a dancer. Because he said that he doesn't want...

  • Casa de Areia Casa de Areia

    Austin 2022-05-15 20:32:24

    《house of sand》

    "House of Sand" was shown 15 minutes later. It was a movie that made people less confident from the name introduction. I don't know if it was worth watching. The result was unexpected, the audience applauded at the end of the film, and I burst into tears.
      The introduction said it was a Brazilian movie, and it was in Spanish with English subtitles. Fortunately, there was not much dialogue. This is the Spanish movie with the least dialogue I've ever seen. Spaniards are always chattering....

  • Blitz Blitz

    Austin 2022-04-26 06:01:02

    Awesome! ! !

    Very cool, awesome, just this overcorrected value is very interesting. And it's all big stars to help out. Guo Da Statham is also very suitable for this villain policeman, and all the lines from his mouth are so powerful. The golden sentence keeps on, it is better: "When a person is holding a knife and wants to carve his name on your face, you don't care what bullshit affects." "You should ask me, add ice, sir?"

    And that little finger is also dazzling....

  • Themis Themis

    Austin 2022-04-23 07:04:59

    The destruction and redemption of an infp

    I know everything except myself.

    "I know it, flies fall into milk, black and white at a glance; I know it, I know it. I know identity by clothing, and I know it; I know the weather, I know it, I know it; I know it when I see an apple tree. I know that I can recognize apples; the diligent and the lazy can see at a glance, and understand everything except themselves. In short, I know it all. There is a big difference between a healthy face and a pale face, I and know; death...

  • Assassination Assassination

    Austin 2022-04-23 07:04:27

    different anti-Japanese dramas

    In fact, it has been a while since I saw this movie, and now I look back and want to write about my feelings.
       The film tells the story of the assassination of the North Korean garrison commander and traitor by the team led by Captain Yun Wo played by Jun Ji Hyun, but due to the mutiny of Yeom Seok Jin played by Lee Jung Jae, the rumors of the mutiny have long been leaked, resulting in the death and injury of the team members, but fortunately the final assassination success....

  • Frank Frank

    Austin 2022-04-23 07:02:25

    suddenly sad

    The constant mourning in my life is the first semester of high school and the summer vacation of my sophomore year. I feel lonely to death and refuse to be approached by others. Now, am I not mourning? But occasionally I still have the feeling that I want to hide myself or become a Transparent people don't need to talk to others, don't worry about others, but I can't be alone with my classmates, parents and friends. I always want to see me. I want to stay away from people who know me. I...

  • It's Complicated It's Complicated

    Austin 2022-04-23 07:02:22

    Sun and rain, full of love

    The person who truly loves you will wait for you to come home on a swing under the tree in front of your door on an unexpected sunny afternoon. When you come slowly, he will take the initiative to transcribe a seat for you, so they Talking and laughing about the previous love, then frankly relying on each other, and finally, the ending is undoubtedly good; The unexpectedly appeared at the moment when you needed help, the same warm, the same warmth, but the relationship became a good friend. I...

  • Next Next

    Austin 2022-04-23 07:01:49

    There is a magical thing, Nima, in Chinese, is called Xinshen

    As everyone has said, Cage's hairstyle often flutters forward, which is very ineffective, but when he first appeared on the stage, he was surprised by the young Cage.
        In one minute and 20 seconds, Chris's two-minute foresight ability evolved into a clone to explore the warehouse (if it is a warehouse), I couldn't help screaming, this Nima is the omnipotent mind mentioned in Xianwu Potian!
        Reminds me of the coveted Qiankun Ring again!
        The point of dodging bullets, mind...

  • True Grit True Grit

    Austin 2022-04-23 07:01:23

    True Grit---a dirge, dedicated to the lost western wasteland

    This is a tribute to an era. In the western United States, where the Civil War just ended in the 1870s, the vast land was sparsely populated, the laws were not perfect, and the wasteland was full of wanted criminals, old sheriffs and rewarders. Golden Hunter. It was also at that time that 14-year-old Ross, after his father was killed along with many others there, decided to embark on the road of seeking revenge, and traveled several states with the old sheriff who was addicted...

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

    Austin 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    Adventure Romance to Die

    After the second brush, I felt that I saw more things. Jack and the pirates seemed to be selfish. They only looked at the interests and didn't care about the safety of their companions, but they were always the ones who helped in times of crisis. I really fell in love with Jack, a selfish and kind, promiscuous and single-minded person. As Will said: "He's a good guy"

    The pirates may seem loose, but they're more united than any naval force that's hunting them down, and every moment...

  • Better Days Better Days

    Austin 2022-04-22 07:01:53

    Young you, rare good show

    You, young man, are a rare good show.

    At the beginning of this year, "You Are Young" and "Over Spring" were shortlisted for the new generation unit of this year's Berlin Film Festival. As a result, the fates were very different: "Over the Spring" was successfully screened in Berlin, and was released in domestic theaters in mid-March. And "Youth of You", like a number of films in the first half of this year, was withdrawn from the exhibition and has an indefinite release date.


  • Vexille Vexille

    Austin 2022-04-22 07:01:50


    Many elements in it are copied and copied
    . The setting of Hong Snake is obviously exactly the same as the combination of the squid soldiers of the Matrix. Then again, doesn't anyone think that this movie is imitating
    the Matrix in every aspect?
    Underground Organization Male, Hong Snake, Mechanical Empire, and Mechanical Soldiers
    include the overall color tone basically constructed of green, black and gray. In retrospect, they are almost the same as hackers. They are also...

  • Austin 2023-09-25 07:59:19

    Watching and laughing again, can be compared to my madness for Mary.

  • Austin 2023-09-24 08:31:43

    I just want civil rights.

  • Austin 2023-09-22 17:09:00

    The first movie I watched is really high-definition, but it's a bad movie

  • Austin 2023-09-15 23:36:40

    Warriors, come out to play-yay!"

  • Austin 2023-09-13 05:01:37

    So funny! Stay up all night to see now. Tim Robbins is really tall, this tall and short black and white match is unexpectedly suitable.

  • Austin 2023-09-09 14:13:42

    Just look at the shape and excitement

  • Austin 2023-08-13 00:17:43

    Not personal enough.

  • Austin 2023-08-04 05:10:03

    The beginning is quite attractive, a bit scary in the middle, and then it gets more and more flat. The most anticipated boss and a few characters hanging are really an understatement, but it is such a good plot~6.5

  • Austin 2023-08-01 05:51:29

    I read it carefully from the beginning to the end just to listen to the song ash wrote to him, but I didn't hear it.

  • Austin 2023-06-11 01:18:35

    Samsung minus (your sister's stinky, long and boring)

  • Austin 2023-06-04 13:39:43

    How come no one has watched a movie with so many stars?

  • Austin 2023-04-30 16:45:00

    The viciousness of human nature, as well as the strong qualities that are inspired by the environment of war, appear more naked than in times of peace. In order to survive, the Red Army insisted on reaching Berlin. In order to survive, the women of Berlin chose to be strong. The theme is correct, the filming is a bit dragged, and the drama is not enough.

  • Austin 2023-04-01 23:10:44

    Laughed! ! ! Wa hahaha

  • Austin 2023-03-30 21:42:37

    I went to the cinema to see it, the special ticket is 10 yuan a piece, oh my god, it's too ink, too ink! 2 hours and 40 minutes, dear! ! If it can be cut to 2 hours, it is almost the same! For example, in the part about the fire dragon and the hobbit, teasing and teasing, the wife is complaining non-stop, why waste life for the 10 yuan discount!

  • Austin 2023-03-06 21:13:48

    Won the essence of Akira Kurosawa.