Lee McLaughlin

Lee McLaughlin



  • Godzilla Godzilla

    Lee 2021-10-18 09:30:09

    The plot is so-so, the fight is good

    It's worth seeing, fighting is quite mysterious. . . only. . .

    The story told by the movie is this: the animal world of a big bear (Godzilla) and two big cockroaches (Mutuo).

    Regarding the protagonist:

    The main line of the story was originally a navy man. The problem is that the navy man's acting skills are too bad. He was snatched by his father in the first half, and his face was paralyzed in the second half. and. . . Nima, you are an ordinary navy...

  • Lee 2023-09-27 05:48:48

    I think the "super-technical civilization that makes good use of swords" is completely a bug of human aesthetics.

  • Lee 2023-09-17 22:38:23

    After watching a movie about teenagers that weren’t as bad as I thought

  • Lee 2023-09-06 08:48:52

    There is no aura, and the close-up is especially timid, as if the workers of Dafen Village painted on the screenshots of the stills

  • Lee 2023-09-02 07:02:07

    I've seen it before, and both are remakes of the original. Almost forgot. I'm not on the watch list anymore, and I shouldn't have time to watch it again in the short term.

  • Lee 2023-09-01 15:42:36

    Sharks sing poisonous hahahahahahaha

  • Lee 2023-08-26 01:25:18

    I deliberately went to read Heinlein's original book after watching it. The biggest problem with the movie is that it is top-heavy. The script has been expanded on the basis of the short story, adding the plot of the bomber, but the overall story and structure are still the same as the novel. As a result, the lengthy setup leads to time-travel and paradoxes - the biggest burden is shaking too fast, the shocking moment lacks power, and the original shining point is only the chaotic time-space narrative logic.

  • Lee 2023-08-23 00:31:48

    2007/11/28@Golden Horse

  • Lee 2023-08-15 03:56:02

    The bland plot, but with a slow rhythm, takes us to appreciate the last part of life full of warmth.

  • Lee 2023-08-11 13:31:28

    U.S. public utilities help homeless people.

  • Lee 2023-08-11 05:14:42

    Thinking of burke on the way home from work, I had the same idiot look when I thought of my boyfriend. "Thanks for the coffee"

  • Lee 2023-08-04 07:59:48

    Really good things come and go... The emotions are too restrained and too subtle, the heroine finally catches up with the hero, and the dialogue between the two is still so polite and anxious to kill the audience. 233 The character settings of the supporting characters seem familiar, and the blank feeling of the soundtrack is just right PS If it is a kiss scene for marriage proposal It would be better if it was longer~ 2013-12-08 Want to see

  • Lee 2023-08-03 04:27:06

    Cthulhu + Cronenberg + "annihilation" (color, music) + "The Mermaid of the Sewer", the low-cost special effects are relatively poor, if it is made into an animation, it may be more expressive.

  • Lee 2023-07-09 09:38:01

    The Count of Chabana is just that...

  • Lee 2023-06-24 13:31:50

    Although I deliberately pretended to be Rory and procrastinated, I can't make it so Hollywood can't accept it.

  • Lee 2023-06-21 15:38:49

    Moaning without a problem.