Lee McLaughlin

Lee McLaughlin



  • Wrath of the Titans Wrath of the Titans

    Lee 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    That's how God goes to perish...

    Although I have to admit that the magnificent war scene in "Wrath of the Gods" is a little dizzy; in order to accompany my boyfriend, I still watched it. The last time I watched it was "Adventure in the Center of the Earth", and I still feel double glasses when I wear glasses. The bondage of the man is unpleasant, but let's talk about it for now.
      As an important point in the transition of the Greek gods to heroic hymns, the gods really seem very fragile. Are they really all muddy, and...

  • Watchmen Watchmen

    Lee 2022-04-21 09:01:06


    Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tire treads on burst stomach. This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters...and the gutters are full of blood. And when the drains finally scab over ...all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up around their waists. And all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "save us".
    And I'll whisper "no".
    Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into...

  • Passengers Passengers

    Lee 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    pretty good movie

    Read it once to know the general meaning, but there are many questions. The second time is to compare and see where there is a HINT, and then explain each PUZZLE place.
    In general, it can be clear, and
    there are many details that are quite good, such as The heroine was overreacted by the wind-blown newspaper on her face, implying that although her memory was lost, she subconsciously still retained the fear of the plane crash. The slightly scarier scene was when she found herself...

  • The Mist The Mist

    Lee 2022-04-20 09:01:27

    Do you think this film is about human nature? Wrong, it's Cthulhu!!!

    All the film critics here are talking about human nature, the director and Stephen King will cry. So what exactly is this movie about? Hint: This movie is based on a novel by Stephen King, who is very fond of Mr. Lovecraft. Do you understand? What? Not yet? Well, Cthulhu! Okay, now you know what this movie is going to express? It's indescribable fear and despair. People in the supermarket kill each other to express the gradual distortion of the spirit of people in despair. In the...

  • Mojin: The Lost Legend Mojin: The Lost Legend

    Lee 2022-04-19 09:03:08

    Authentic touch gold fan

    The masterpiece of a domestic 3D movie did spend time and money on special effects. Director Wu Ershan wanted to add extra points, which is very good, and it has improved a lot compared to the painting skin 2 of the year. The opening very quickly entered the plot, and there was no piss of praise, and the strong contrast between ancient and modern American cities and underground palaces showed excellent visual effects, which would make people linger and forget to return. Going to the main...

  • After the Dark After the Dark

    Lee 2022-04-19 09:02:42

    This scene tells a love story, if this is the end of the world, would you still love me?

    Facing the impending separation of a student's lover, a philosophy teacher designed an experiment. He designed his students in an apocalyptic scenario.
    For the first time, the philosophy teacher, the lover's student, and the third party were all in the sanctuary. Seeing the lover's student making out with a third party, the philosophy teacher couldn't bear the love triangle anymore and killed everyone outside the shelter (mainly expressing anger). The student lover is terrified and dumps...

  • Death Sentence Death Sentence

    Lee 2022-04-19 09:02:21

    Do you know what happened to the protagonist?

    Later, he went out every night (sometimes during the day) to fight for righteousness and became the nemesis of the city's evil...
    Later, he built a very cool motorcycle, and Satan took a fancy to it, and his head would burn...
    Later He became rich, found a butler who knew mechanics well, and installed a high-tech car...
    Later he became a self-taught man and made a set of power armor out of titanium alloy...
    Later, he was irradiated by XX material and became blind. But with a...

  • Julie & Julia Julie & Julia

    Lee 2022-04-19 09:02:04

    Do you cook? I mean relax yourself by cooking?

    This is a movie that resonates with me.
    My husband and I snuggled on the carpet and watched her, and we couldn't help kissing each other.
    To put it cheesy, I'm that Julie, my husband is Eric, and
    we all know too much about the little things I get into about "cooking".

    I swear to God, when I threw my freshly made Pizza on the ground the other day,
    I couldn't hold back my emotions and cried so much.
    My husband was very puzzled and could only comfort me blindly....

  • The Descendants The Descendants

    Lee 2022-04-19 09:01:36

    Life Is A Bitch.

    Mr. Clooney's acting skills are really superb.
    From scolding his wife loudly in front of her hospital bed after knowing she had cheated on her to choked up in tears when she said goodbye.
    Let me tell you that life is bitter.
    Shailene Woodley plays the eldest daughter, Alex.
    I know this girl is still in the American drama.
    This performance is also a step up.
    No matter how rich or miserable life is.
    No one is smooth sailing.
    I admire Mrs. Speer....

  • How to Train Your Dragon How to Train Your Dragon

    Lee 2022-04-19 09:01:15

    How to Train Your Dragon

    This movie mainly describes the story of a young boy who, in order to prove his ability to kill a giant dragon, accidentally bumps into one of the most evil dragons, Yesha, and has a precious friendship.

    After watching this movie, I learned that animals also have flesh and blood and emotions. If you ask me why I like this movie, it's probably the relationship between humans and animals. I believe you will like it after watching this movie.

    I hope everyone has a heart that loves...

  • A Beautiful Mind A Beautiful Mind

    Lee 2022-04-19 09:01:05

    what is power

    I was about to cry when I saw it. This is the second movie I've seen that makes me want to cry. The other is "Schindler's List".
    As Nash confronted the phantom images that had haunted him, he walked past with utter contempt. So profound. This is a blatant contempt, a blatant challenge to those forces that shackle people's spiritual world. Nash is too strong, maybe it's love, more personal reasons, that he can do this. can face them calmly. Thinking of us, we are also bound by the forces of...

  • Cracks Cracks

    Lee 2022-03-31 09:01:09

    The so-called loneliness is just that I really can't find a person who has read a lot of books, traveled a lot of places, and met a lot of people.

    I really want to travel
    back to the time when
    there was no Internet
    , no computer,
    no plane ,
    no camera

    At that time, people used their feet to measure the earth
    and traveled all the unknown places on the earth to see the mysteries
    that the frogs in the well could not know.
    Some rare little tricks
    bring back some rare gadgets

    , just like Miss G in the film
    Before Fiamma came,
    Miss G was an insurmountable monument...

  • Terms of Endearment Terms of Endearment

    Lee 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    mother-daughter love

    Daughter Emma (played by Debra Winger) is the darling of her mother Aurora (played by Shirley MacLaine). Since childhood, Aurora has helped Emma arrange everything. Talking and acting, grooming, studying, playing, making friends, etc. must be approved by Aurora.
    After her husband died prematurely, Aurora took care of everything in the family and became more "authoritarian" to Emma. Although Emma is very gentle and weak, she is very stubborn in her heart. The two mothers and daughters also...

  • Rudy Rudy

    Lee 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    Show some respect

    I don't usually watch old movies. It was Will who told Rudy's story with relish when watching TNR, which made me watch this movie on impulse.

      Many people say that blindly persuading others to pursue unrealistic dreams is cruel and wrong. But in my opinion, there is no absolute right or wrong.
      If everyone does what they can, and doesn't push themselves or break through the limits, then there will be so many great people missing in the world.
      Eight years of hard work, in...

  • Abduction Abduction

    Lee 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    Home Alone 2.0

    For audiences and moviegoers who are expecting spoilers but still have to wait until July 27, "Doomed" is a muscular version of "Home Alone" 2.0 that we can recall as a child. It's not that there are all kinds of funny scenes in this movie. On the contrary, the male protagonist has a poker face from the beginning to the end, ignores his friends, and doesn't call the heroine at all. Qiu Shen's appearance can eat everyone. To be honest, Taylor Lautner's role as a pure bloody werewolf is the limit...

  • Lee 2023-09-27 05:48:48

    I think the "super-technical civilization that makes good use of swords" is completely a bug of human aesthetics.

  • Lee 2023-09-17 22:38:23

    After watching a movie about teenagers that weren’t as bad as I thought

  • Lee 2023-09-06 08:48:52

    There is no aura, and the close-up is especially timid, as if the workers of Dafen Village painted on the screenshots of the stills

  • Lee 2023-09-02 07:02:07

    I've seen it before, and both are remakes of the original. Almost forgot. I'm not on the watch list anymore, and I shouldn't have time to watch it again in the short term.

  • Lee 2023-09-01 15:42:36

    Sharks sing poisonous hahahahahahaha

  • Lee 2023-08-26 01:25:18

    I deliberately went to read Heinlein's original book after watching it. The biggest problem with the movie is that it is top-heavy. The script has been expanded on the basis of the short story, adding the plot of the bomber, but the overall story and structure are still the same as the novel. As a result, the lengthy setup leads to time-travel and paradoxes - the biggest burden is shaking too fast, the shocking moment lacks power, and the original shining point is only the chaotic time-space narrative logic.

  • Lee 2023-08-23 00:31:48

    2007/11/28@Golden Horse

  • Lee 2023-08-15 03:56:02

    The bland plot, but with a slow rhythm, takes us to appreciate the last part of life full of warmth.

  • Lee 2023-08-11 13:31:28

    U.S. public utilities help homeless people.

  • Lee 2023-08-11 05:14:42

    Thinking of burke on the way home from work, I had the same idiot look when I thought of my boyfriend. "Thanks for the coffee"

  • Lee 2023-08-04 07:59:48

    Really good things come and go... The emotions are too restrained and too subtle, the heroine finally catches up with the hero, and the dialogue between the two is still so polite and anxious to kill the audience. 233 The character settings of the supporting characters seem familiar, and the blank feeling of the soundtrack is just right PS If it is a kiss scene for marriage proposal It would be better if it was longer~ 2013-12-08 Want to see

  • Lee 2023-08-03 04:27:06

    Cthulhu + Cronenberg + "annihilation" (color, music) + "The Mermaid of the Sewer", the low-cost special effects are relatively poor, if it is made into an animation, it may be more expressive.

  • Lee 2023-07-09 09:38:01

    The Count of Chabana is just that...

  • Lee 2023-06-24 13:31:50

    Although I deliberately pretended to be Rory and procrastinated, I can't make it so Hollywood can't accept it.

  • Lee 2023-06-21 15:38:49

    Moaning without a problem.