Annabelle Bogisich

Annabelle Bogisich



  • Corpus Christi Corpus Christi

    Annabelle 2022-01-20 08:01:10

    Who is qualified to serve God?

    Who is qualified to serve God? Who has the final say? Danny, the protagonist of the Polish film "Alternative Priest" (Boże Ciało), is a juvenile delinquent. After he converted to Christ, he hoped to become a priest. Father Thomas, who shepherded him, poured cold water on him, bluntly saying that no seminary would accept people with criminal backgrounds like him. Everyone is a sinner and they are all equal, but is there still a hierarchy in heaven? "Alternative Priests" on the one...

  • All the King's Men All the King's Men

    Annabelle 2022-01-14 08:01:35

    Sean Penn played a politician in the image of a gangster

    I really bought this film because of the huge cast. Because last year's film did not attract widespread attention, it fully shows that its plot must be average, so there is no high expectation at all. It is said that the lower the expectation, the lower the disappointment. There are the following insights: First, Sean Penn played a politician in the image of a gangster. For Sean Penn, I personally have no particular love or dislike, but in this film, his interpretation of the Governor seems to...

  • If Only If Only

    Annabelle 2022-01-12 08:02:22

    Love'll show you everything

    Samantha stood awkwardly in front of the graduation concert stage, holding the microphone,
    playing the prelude several times, but she didn't have the courage to sing.
    She looked at Ian who was standing next to the stage, and at Lottie under the stands, and
    finally sang slowly——

    Today, today I bet my life
    You have no idea what I feel inside
    Don't be afraid to let it show
    For you never know if you let it out

    I love you you love me
    take this...

  • Children of Heaven Children of Heaven

    Annabelle 2022-01-02 08:01:40

    Recite without lyricism

    There is a question at the end of each lesson in the Chinese textbook from Da Elementary School: Please recite the full text with affection. When I grow up, I can see this kind of lyrical recitation no matter in literary, film and television works. To be honest, it really hurts the stomach. Often lyric, the result is to become ruthless. Because this kind of affection is so cheap, you can turn on the faucet anywhere, rushing to a big bucket.

    So is there a lyrical recitation? Yes, this...

  • House at the End of the Street House at the End of the Street

    Annabelle 2021-12-30 17:21:33

    Creepy As Shit.

    Miao was watching this movie at J.La.
    And the male protagonist happened to star in the recently launched Bates Motel.
    I think there are two kinds of horror movies.
    One is a thriller.
    One is the ghost film.
    Fortunately, this film is a thriller.
    But it also scared me and my boyfriend...
    J.La's acting skills are really good.
    So let's focus on the plot.
    Elissa's mother is simply a King Kong body...
    Nothing is done with a single knife......

  • Victoria Victoria

    Annabelle 2021-12-26 08:01:47

    The hopeless lonely patient

    When Victoria was jumping, she didn't need to think about anyone, her face was relaxed, as if she was empty. Maybe she doesn't know why she wants to dance, who she wants to show to, and when she wants to dance. She kept repeating the dance, as if the music would never stop, and it would never come tomorrow.
    Sonne's appearance is like a candle, even if you know that the final result is death, you will still rush forward desperately. Sonne is undoubtedly a chatting person, the kind of...

  • 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days

    Annabelle 2021-12-25 08:01:13

    Socialist April 3 weeks and 2 days

    Today, the World Trade Center Sky Terrace movie viewing activities resumed, but due to the Sky Terrace construction, the venue of the event was changed from the open air to the Starbucks room.

        The movie shown today is "April Three Weeks and Two Days". Many classmates may have seen this Romanian movie that has won Palme d’Or. The plot, I won’t repeat it. It is about the abortion of a female college student after April 3 weeks and 2 days of pregnancy. Of course, the heroine. It was...

  • Gomorrah Gomorrah

    Annabelle 2021-12-24 08:01:51

    "Gamola", the most dazzling European movie of 2008

    Last Saturday, the 21st European Film Awards was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Italian film "Gomorra" won five awards for best film, director, screenwriter, actor, and photography in one fell swoop. As early as May of this year, it won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. It is not an exaggeration to say that "Gamola" is the most dazzling movie in Europe this year.

    In the Bible, the two cities of Sodom and Gomorra were very sinful. The Lord brought down sulfur and fire from...

  • Zombieland: Double Tap Zombieland: Double Tap

    Annabelle 2021-11-29 08:01:21

    The goddess picked up the gun, the zombies died

    In 2009, a low-cost horror film called "Zombieland" was released silently without any publicity. The starring 4 people, the production cost is only 23 million, and even the shooting took only 42 days.

    2009 "Zombieland"

    The director was the fledgling Ruben Frescher at the time. Because he watched "Shaun the Zombie", he decided to shoot a zombie movie with laughter, blood and...

  • Stalker Stalker

    Annabelle 2021-11-13 08:01:25

    Appreciation of "Stalker" [Original]

    "As soon as I enter the Wanmatang, I can't think of going back to my hometown." ——The opening picture of the stalker is a tavern or inn, with a light and melodious melody. ——It is faintly consistent with a sentence in the Gulong book. A completely still camera. Because of the richness of the picture, you can look at it for a while. Tarkovsky's images often require so much refinement, revealing a metaphorical breath, bringing the audience the sacredness of natural things themselves. As...

  • Cowboys & Aliens Cowboys & Aliens

    Annabelle 2021-10-22 14:30:47

    Cowboys are good and aliens are bad

    In the first half hour, the West is full of flavor. Daniel Craig is more suitable to play cowboy than 007. Harrison Ford's scene with the Indian son is quite touching. Because of the alien invasion, civilians, robbers, sheriffs, bullies, businessmen, Indians, weak women, all local humans, and dogs, all united to the outside world. When I saw Daniel Craig’s 30 robber brothers come out, I remembered that I had watched this film before, and then I remembered all the battles against aliens...

  • Meet the Parents Meet the Parents

    Annabelle 2021-10-20 17:28:01

    Marriage is never about 2 persons~

    "2 love birds", quoted radomly somewhere popular, has fooled me that marriage is, all as well as just, about the 2 persons. However, in and after the movie, things don't quite work that way, practically.

    Marriage is not about accepting the 1 person, but every person or even everything related to that 1 person. Even if that means a hell 100 in a row...i

    Hmmm, what if, what if you are great with that 1 person, but just don't fit in that "whole circle"?
    Will you...

  • Annabelle 2023-09-30 10:15:52

    The problem is that it's not attractive at all...why compare it with GOT

  • Annabelle 2023-09-24 12:43:42

    Sure enough, language is not the only way to communicate ~ 3d effect is good!

  • Annabelle 2023-09-15 17:29:09

    better than expected

  • Annabelle 2023-09-11 21:56:03

    50 hits against Chilean laborers for giving up saving the male lead, but at least 100 hits against Pinochet. Pinochet deliberately arranged a virtual visit to the community to show that he and the Nazis were on the same road, which clearly implied that Chile was living in the wickedness of the Nazi community, and did not mention the possibility of the third world being manipulated by the Soviet Union. If I really want better packaging, I might as well replace the background with an overhead area. The IMDB score is too high.

  • Annabelle 2023-08-09 16:20:48

    Dog acting is amazing! The robot clip is touching, thanks to technology! The boulder snail is cute.

  • Annabelle 2023-08-05 05:06:50

    The power of a classic is to make you completely unaware that this is a film from 70 years ago

  • Annabelle 2023-07-09 13:53:40

    Adapted from real events, although it continues the inspirational routine of Hollywood, the overall plot is complete, the story is more reductive, and the special element of India makes the story more diverse.

  • Annabelle 2023-07-03 01:07:43

    US is still great! It's a pity that I was not born in the US to do film and television. Comey was questioned by the hearing for a few more hours while the film aired on showtime. It's really interesting... The reason is simple, some people are not satisfied with the results of the investigation released by the current FBI director. At the end of the film, it says that the building in Washington is still there, the constitution is still there, the mechanism that Hoover started to establish is still there, powers will change, and a powerful institution under the separation of powers cannot be destroyed. The fbi website can go to comey's memo, and his book is also easy to find. Comey has conducted many interviews, and the whole hearing can be seen throughout the hearing. It is very easy to learn more about many things. db has too many loads and some of the short reviews are too funny.

  • Annabelle 2023-07-01 19:33:44

    The plot is so weird...

  • Annabelle 2023-06-25 14:39:21

    So sad, so sad, so sad. I know that love will fade, I know that life will end, but no one can learn to be open-minded about loss; everyone wants to keep it, everything that is fleeting.

  • Annabelle 2023-06-23 19:10:07

    Life is very short, there will be many ups and downs and setbacks. Life cannot be fast-forwarded. Only by stepping out step by step can life be truly meaningful, and it will be wonderful after experiencing it. I am so touched that I will try my best to cherish everyone around me, my parents, friends, friends and loved ones.

  • Annabelle 2023-06-23 10:23:58

    bb Amway's simple and hasty ended, but after all, it is a milestone work so many years ago

  • Annabelle 2023-06-15 18:33:34

    The German boy said to eat ice cream together, but in the end it was the girl who paid for it. The girl was completely disappointed with this young and tender but nothing flesh.

  • Annabelle 2023-06-06 04:42:16

    In the scene where Emily Watson got on and off the bus, she vomited, then lowered her head and blamed herself, and then comforted herself with a divine tone, her light brown eyes seemed to merge with the misty mountains behind her, When she left, she still learned how a rabbit eats. She was naturally used to it here, but God did not accept her. God is a bigger universe, and God will make you unable to do anything, so what is the meaning of our existence? This time, I found that Katrin Carter's performance is also very good. Just like in "Blue Jasmine", the heroine is brilliant, and the second female lead next to the protagonist can find an undefined state to perform. It's very rare. I wonder where such a good actor has gone. Why didn't I see her later. I clicked on the information and saw that she died of illness within a few years. She was only 40 years old at the time, which is a pity.

  • Annabelle 2023-05-27 00:57:59

    Go go go danny boy! Funniest football commentary ever! The best goalkeeper! The most manly coach and main force!