Lillian White

Lillian White



  • Cast Away Cast Away

    Lillian 2022-03-15 09:01:01

    cast away

    The English movie is called "cast away", which means a plane crash and a wandering island. It also means cast away in life.

    There are two isolated islands in the movie, one is the desert island where the protagonist is trapped, the other is the island of life, life is adversity, in pursuit of Kelly desert island escape, but lost again, And I've lost her all over

  • The Alphabet Killer The Alphabet Killer

    Lillian 2022-02-22 08:03:22

    Adapted from a true unsolved case

    Like last year's "Zodiac Killer". This film is also adapted from a real unsolved case. But "Alphabet Killer" does not have any breakthrough compared to the former. If there is a difference, it must be regarded as the purple corpse that keeps appearing in the camera when the heroine has a delusional attack. It's not scary at all, it's just a bit disgusting. Maybe the director wanted to make this film into a shocking, suspenseful, and horror film. However, judging from the results, it was not...

  • '71 '71

    Lillian 2022-02-15 08:01:43

    The fate of small soldiers in the great age

    To understand this movie, you may need to understand the background of the times. It is the historical Irish Republican Army movement, but it is not important. In fact, in any country's internal racial disputes and fights, and even wars, there may be thousands of people. The fate of Wan such a small soldier.

    The movie tells the story of a small British soldier who accidentally leaves a large army and flees in a conflict zone. But the whole process of the film is tense in rhythm and...

  • Sunny Sunny

    Lillian 2022-01-28 08:28:04

    Little Niubi Dramatic Skills in "Sunshine Sisters"

    1 is in jet lag. I woke up at 6 in the morning, and was so sleepy at 6 in the evening that my head was like being swept up by a cement stick, and my eyes could not be opened. I watched "Sunshine Sisters Amoy" twice in the morning and evening, and I liked it very much. Are we putting too much responsibility on movies? A movie can make people cry, laugh and move, isn't that enough? Don't analyze, just feel!

    2 Still can't help but analyze two sentences. Although "Sunshine Sisters" is a...

  • Non-Stop Non-Stop

    Lillian 2022-01-27 08:03:33

    The ever-changing plot, the same routine

    Although the plane is the safest means of transportation, people have never stopped imagining all kinds of uneasiness after going to the sky. Movies of various plane crashes emerge in an endless stream, and rockets, hot air balloons and other air transport crashes have also been derived. Works, the cause of accidents in such works is nothing more than dangerous people, dangerous natural environment or dangerous tools themselves. Unlike other ascension tools, there are many...

  • I Wish I Wish

    Lillian 2022-01-23 08:04:00

    Choose the world or choose the family

    Last year, I accidentally read a book called "Non-stop" and got to know the well-known Japanese director and screenwriter Hirokazu Edema. The stories in the book are delicate and tender, and there are always things that make you constantly sigh about family affection. Later, I also watched the film version of "Non-stop", and explained the white space in the film in the book. His work is like a clear cup of tea, tasteless in the mouth, but when you take a few sips, you will find a long...

  • M. Butterfly M. Butterfly

    Lillian 2022-01-21 08:02:36

    My name, M. Butterfly.

    I don’t know how people mentioned the name Jeremy Irons in most cases. But for me, every time, he takes me back to the sad mood in the movie. The humid weather on the south coast of England gave him a natural grace and melancholy temperament. With his performance, he easily subverted people's concept of right and wrong, and he allowed people to follow him willingly through sin and darkness, and together in a sorrowful desperate situation. "Mr. Butterfly" is a misplaced eroticism from the...

  • Shadow Shadow

    Lillian 2022-01-18 08:02:02

    Zhang Yimou once again proved his visual talent, and once again squandered it

    I always feel that the advancement of film technology and the expansion of investment are a mixed blessing for Zhang Yimou. The good news is that he is one step closer to realizing his visual imagination, but the worry is that after he really ran wild, he made many good movies into the "Impression XXX" series.

    If you look forward, when he didn't have so much technical and capital support, the red sorghum and the big red lanterns were hanging high, and even my father and mother. On the...

  • The Last Metro The Last Metro

    Lillian 2022-01-16 08:02:17

    Film Review of "The Last Subway"

    Grango in the film is tall, upright, humorous, impulsive, and passionate. As an actor, he not only has superb acting skills, but also has connections with the underground resistance organization. He even modified the theater's tape recorder and loaned it to his companions in the underground resistance organization to load explosives to carry out the assassination of the Nazis. Through this image, the French people's resistance and anti-war ideas are expressed, and the power of justice is added...

  • I Am Love I Am Love

    Lillian 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    Reposted from Li Jianhui's blog-I love Tilda Swinton

    Original: I

    read the magazine when I sent it, Tilda Swinton’s new play "Io sono l'amore" ("I am Love") was directed by her fans Luca Guadagnino, Guadagnino recalled how he stammered about introducing himself in limited English more than ten years ago, and Tilda really watched him and worked together on a short film that had not been screened.

    "I am Love" is eye-catching and makes me look forward to the reasons:

  • Inherit the Wind Inherit the Wind

    Lillian 2022-01-12 08:01:27

    Excerpts of lines

    1. You cannot enforce a draconian law impartially. 2. E: "Everything that happened today is meaningless." H: "That's because you don't make sense. You are just a ghost with nothing in your sleeve. Do everything that people feel longing for or fighting for. To laugh at. I really pity you." E: "Pity me?" H: "Is there nothing that can touch and warm you? Everyone has their own dreams, what is your dream? What do you need?" E: "..." H: "You don't need anything, do you? Friend, love a faith you...

  • Messiah Messiah

    Lillian 2022-01-10 08:02:25

    I don’t know when the Messiah will come again, only God the Father knows

    The Bible is a book that records God's timetable. The role of God is to communicate with us humans. He records the past and predicts the future. There is a record in the bible that the Messiah will come again, maybe it was the words in the bible that made this drama born and unfolded before us.

    I want to define the term “religion” in this way. People are divided into several factions based on different interpretations of the will of God (the Bible). Later...

  • Severance Severance

    Lillian 2022-01-10 08:01:31

    [Decapitation]: Comedy triumphs over fear

    Eastern Europe has probably been an ominous place since ancient times, from Earl Dracula to the Red Satellite. To this day, if the luck is not good, it will still be a lot of bad luck. For example, Christopher Smith's [Broken Head Gas] also continued this tradition: a group of weapons company employees were trapped somewhere in Hungary in order to cultivate the spirit of collectivism. As a result, weird things continued and their lives were lost...find According to the information, the film has...

  • The Cave The Cave

    Lillian 2022-01-10 08:01:12

    the cave

    Strictly speaking, the cave is not a film that is very related to outdoor sports. It contains too many commercial elements and the theme of the film. It does not promote outdoor sports or promote the outdoor spirit. It is a complete Hollywood disaster film. However, the characters inside are a group of outstanding outdoor masters. Except for the two biologists and photographers, the others are good divers and rock climbers. They use this as work and as fun. They are strong and muscular. It...

  • Greenberg Greenberg

    Lillian 2022-01-09 08:02:15

    Middle-aged handsome brother

    Not long after leaving school, many people began to feel that the young bird never returned. It seems that the past 10 years have been wasted. What should be learned and what should be done is not done. Then after another 5 years, I got married and gave birth to a child. In a blink of an eye, my middle-aged uncle and Huang Lianpo changed. The work and life became lifeless, the reality and the expected path were too far away, and I suddenly found that my life was over. Only then did I know that...

  • Lillian 2023-08-31 14:36:57

    The ultimate in Quentin's violent aesthetic, well-made and still in style. The parallel world of World War II, which disintegrated and reconstructed history, is a controversial point. Going back to the movie itself, there are too many things to be praised in terms of the plot and characterization. A few indoor scenes are especially wonderful. Thanks to the performances of the actors and the well-crafted dialogues, the whole movie is full of energy. It is completely mentioned, Uncle Aiwa, MVP is well deserved!

  • Lillian 2023-08-08 16:08:38

    Documentaries are king. It has nothing to do with morality, only the fear of life. Why can't Simon's comrades understand a decision that is acceptable to normal people? I believe he is right and equally immoral.

  • Lillian 2023-08-05 13:12:52

    "Why not simply be a lesbian?" Because this is not me.

  • Lillian 2023-07-28 22:49:37

    But it doesn't feel as good as I!

  • Lillian 2023-07-25 12:46:09

    Isn't Game of Thrones originally from Korea? Actually I haven't seen it

  • Lillian 2023-07-25 06:01:35

    8.0 points. Polar scenery, budding love

  • Lillian 2023-07-12 01:47:58

    C / A lot of incongruity is governed by a refined theatrical concept (rather than a visual concept). The beginning is too grim and the intensity of what follows is so different that there isn't a single emotional point to fall into. After the second half of the film faded away, the performance went wrong again: Hanel's many micro-expressions and shoulder movements were at first glance a modern man in a costume. There seems to be an overly clear line between movement and stillness, and emotion and body only switch between two equally rigid states. Fortunately, there are still some delicate moments that are deep enough to release speed, such as the running at the beginning, such as the poster paragraph, such as the maid's "birth". But the overall line is still too thick, and it is far from "Carol".

  • Lillian 2023-07-09 01:18:44

    Everyone else's combat power is -10, they are 1000+ god mode. better than the first

  • Lillian 2023-07-05 17:55:25

    I really like the songs sung by the heroines in them, they are very energetic and can make people happy.

  • Lillian 2023-06-19 15:26:08

    The classic is that it will not fade over time, and my Uncle An is really awesome. A martial arts film is so timeless and long, like a set of music, ethereal and tactful; like a calligraphy, with a profound artistic conception. Those superb light-utility long-shot interpretations, accompanied by a tight soundtrack of gongs and drums, are simply breathtaking. Battle of the Bamboo Sea with flute, every frame is a dream. To say it is the best martial arts film, it is absolutely well-deserved.

  • Lillian 2023-06-11 01:52:43

    It's irritating to look at, but it's also a bit interesting.

  • Lillian 2023-06-04 08:20:24

    To be honest... I feel that Steins;Gate is an innovative version, although a lot of kernels have been added to it, but I am disappointed and not so amazing... Compared with the gradual progress of the first season, it is simply too bad

  • Lillian 2023-05-31 05:43:20

    During the Chunin exam, I saw Hinata and Sunflower watching the game alone, while Sakura, Ino, and Temari watched the game together. I felt so sorry for Hinata. After all these years, do you still have no friends? PS: I like the fifth-generation Raikage Darui. When he defeated the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, I fell in love with his lazy eyes

  • Lillian 2023-05-28 22:27:42

    9. Dreyer is very good at photographing stories with religious backgrounds. In this film, Dreyer believes that the church distorts the essence of God, and uses this as an excuse to persecute "witches" or "infidels" in their eyes, so in this film, Dreyer casts divine condemnation to condemn the church. The sets in Dreyer's films are powerful and solemn.

  • Lillian 2023-05-24 22:42:24

    It seems difficult to understand and very profound, but if you think about it, it has no connotation... To put it bluntly, it is a mystery.