Lillian White

Lillian White



  • Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

    Lillian 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    beauty of this world

    It's been a long time since I watched a movie, so I picked this one fortunately.

    After watching it, I almost rekindled my faith in the movie. A powerful work, no matter the cost or whether the actor is famous, has the same power of rock to the core and melt the ice.

    Sincere emotion, even in a clumsy way of expressing it, does not detract from the light, which is enough to illuminate life.

    A good story comes from the real experience of life, and its sublimated part...

  • Valar Dohaeris Valar Dohaeris

    Lillian 2022-03-24 09:03:43

    how to play Game of Thrones?

    This show has been out for a long time, and Martin's Song of Ice and Fire has also been out for a long time. I have always heard about the show and admired it for a long time, but I just couldn't get interested in watching it. I was bored until recently. After reading it, it may be that I have almost forgotten about the real Game of Thrones recently.

    There was little interest in this work at first, for several reasons.

    People are too busy, and when they are not free, they...

  • Eden Lake Eden Lake

    Lillian 2022-03-23 09:02:01

    education is the essence

    Children can be angels or demons. Adults with knives are not scary, what is scary is arrogant and arrogant minors who have no concept of right and wrong. These teenagers act irrespective of the consequences and dehumanize, of course, these traits are also inherited from their parents' generation.
    When the hostess was driving away from the forest, she saw a girl with...

  • The Full Monty The Full Monty

    Lillian 2022-03-23 09:01:56

    Check out these six underdogs

    I watched this movie a few years ago as a comedy, and I was amazed at the courage of the six of them. I looked it up from the hard drive and watched it again. This time, I was not only amazed, but more emotional...

    When a person lives with nothing, what should he do under pressure? The splendid exposition of this steel city at the beginning of the film is actually an explanation of the heyday of life. The superb craftsmanship and enviable work have created their indelible sense of...

  • Hunt for the Wilderpeople Hunt for the Wilderpeople

    Lillian 2022-03-23 09:01:53

    The Escape of Two Big Fools (Spoilers Beware)

    The story unfolds in a dense jungle.

    The protagonist Ricky was "escorted" by the child welfare officer to a log cabin next to the jungle, which will be his new home. In the Commissioner's mouth, Ricky was a real bad egg and nobody wanted him. Although the commissioner kept highlighting the bad things Ricky had done, Aunt Bella, who adopted him, welcomed Ricky warmly. Uncle Hector watched all this indifferently. Obviously, he wasn't ready for Ricky's...

  • The Invention of Lying The Invention of Lying

    Lillian 2022-03-23 09:01:48

    The Birth of a Lie ------- film review

    No mental shock of lies - would you like to try it?
         Is a world without lies acceptable to you? At the beginning of the movie, our lovely Uncle Ricky gave us a visual and auditory impact, a world that only tells the truth. When I first watched it, I didn’t know if you would adapt. As someone who has been nurtured in traditional politeness for many years, I feel a great impact. Thinking about when you don't want to go to work, in bed, you may say, "Oh, TMD, I just don't want to go...

  • Alien: Covenant Alien: Covenant

    Lillian 2022-03-23 09:01:36

    Question: Why does David think aliens are the most perfect creatures?

    Because my wife liked "Prometheus" back then, she even revisited "Pu" before watching the movie... I have to say that compared to the previous work, this sequel is a bit disappointing to me (one star for the old man, right?) .

    First of all, although human death is a necessary procedure in this kind of film, there are too many noises in the film... In a strange planet without a helmet or protective clothing, you can't stay in pairs, and there is no good isolation mechanism... I feel...

  • Love in the Time of Cholera Love in the Time of Cholera

    Lillian 2022-03-23 08:01:04


    Love is a grace, not a means to an end. Love is everything, from love to love.
    This is the most memorable line in the movie "Love in the Time of Cholera".

    When Fermina and Ariza, who were in their seventies, kissed in the golden sunlight on the cruise, time seemed to stand still.
    A lifetime of waiting and searching, solidified at that moment. I believe that is the eternity of life.

    Ariza has been waiting for this day all her life, from the beginning...

  • The Sheltering Sky The Sheltering Sky

    Lillian 2022-03-22 09:03:00

    shaded sky

    We traverse the long river of time, walk on the road that God has paved for us with love and joy, and spend the happiness we have obtained in the sun, thinking that we can go on like this until the end, not knowing how far the road is. Death hidden in the corner stares with jealous and hateful eyes, broken love, we thought, leave it to time, it can be mended, or forgotten, there is a new love ahead, when everything disappears hastily, We have lost our way, only a broken heart is left, and we...

  • Queen of Hearts Queen of Hearts

    Lillian 2022-03-22 09:02:47

    Danish tragedy

    I understand this film from a tragic perspective.

    The main axis of this tragedy is that the power class in the establishment consumes the weak class, which leads to moral conflict, and finally turns into a story with a tragic ending. The incestuous plot of the stepmother and stepson merely provides an environment that makes this conflict more intense and absurd. The film has nothing to do with ethics.

    The heroine Annie is highly educated, has a wealthy life, is engaged in...

  • Caché (Hidden) Caché (Hidden)

    Lillian 2022-03-21 09:01:59

    plump minimalism

    The amount of information is so small, but the amount of information is so large. This is the most intuitive feeling after watching this film. Class, prejudice, war, family, immigration, so many elements are integrated into such a minimalist story and video style, Haneke is worthy of being a master. The issues of prejudice, class, and immigration presented in the film are similar to the later "Liberty Square". Haneke still tells stories of cold violence in the presentation and exploration of...

  • Burnt by the Sun Burnt by the Sun

    Lillian 2022-03-20 09:02:37

    bright and pure

    This bright and pure girl is enough to fight against the politics of pickling, just like the legendary girl of destiny to deal with demons,,,,,. This bright and pure girl is enough to fight against the politics of pickling, just like the legendary girl of destiny to deal with demons,,,,,. This bright and pure girl is enough to fight against the politics of pickling, just like the legendary girl of destiny to deal with demons,,,,,. This bright and pure girl is enough to fight against the...

  • Contagion Contagion

    Lillian 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    Infectious Diseases: The underestimated scientific record of outbreaks

    This film is different from other typical traditional types of films related to infectious diseases. It is anti-hero; it weakens the enemy/helper; the narrative characteristics of anti-climax, multi-line tells the story of the epidemic of different groups, more like a documentary, more scientific and objective to show the epidemic to the audience the beginning of the process.

    The source of infection in the film is bats, and the form of the virus is a ring-shaped combination of bats and...

  • Primal Fear Primal Fear

    Lillian 2022-03-18 09:01:03

    Schrodinger's cat

    The film tells that an old bishop in Chicago was killed, and his death was extremely tragic. There was only Alan with blood on his hands, and it was difficult to clear his suspicions. In prison, a lawyer was preparing to defend Allen. At first, he did not believe that Allen did not kill, because his suspicion was too great, and there was no evidence to prove that the person did not kill. He also did not believe the story that Allen told. , but in the follow-up...

  • Voyage of Time: Life's Journey Voyage of Time: Life's Journey

    Lillian 2022-03-17 09:01:10

    Still the same recipe, still the familiar taste.

    Looking at the title, it is easy to think that this is a movie about time. In fact, nature is the motif, right? Or the universe? Every time I call Mother affectionately, I will make a F*cker in my mind, because it is too rare to hear the word alone. I am one of those people, not worthy of this lost beauty.

    Not enough 140 words, let me write more. Well, whales are very beautiful, all kinds of whales are, mammals are advanced, whales in particular, like machines, precise and shiny, no...

  • Lillian 2023-08-31 14:36:57

    The ultimate in Quentin's violent aesthetic, well-made and still in style. The parallel world of World War II, which disintegrated and reconstructed history, is a controversial point. Going back to the movie itself, there are too many things to be praised in terms of the plot and characterization. A few indoor scenes are especially wonderful. Thanks to the performances of the actors and the well-crafted dialogues, the whole movie is full of energy. It is completely mentioned, Uncle Aiwa, MVP is well deserved!

  • Lillian 2023-08-08 16:08:38

    Documentaries are king. It has nothing to do with morality, only the fear of life. Why can't Simon's comrades understand a decision that is acceptable to normal people? I believe he is right and equally immoral.

  • Lillian 2023-08-05 13:12:52

    "Why not simply be a lesbian?" Because this is not me.

  • Lillian 2023-07-28 22:49:37

    But it doesn't feel as good as I!

  • Lillian 2023-07-25 12:46:09

    Isn't Game of Thrones originally from Korea? Actually I haven't seen it

  • Lillian 2023-07-25 06:01:35

    8.0 points. Polar scenery, budding love

  • Lillian 2023-07-12 01:47:58

    C / A lot of incongruity is governed by a refined theatrical concept (rather than a visual concept). The beginning is too grim and the intensity of what follows is so different that there isn't a single emotional point to fall into. After the second half of the film faded away, the performance went wrong again: Hanel's many micro-expressions and shoulder movements were at first glance a modern man in a costume. There seems to be an overly clear line between movement and stillness, and emotion and body only switch between two equally rigid states. Fortunately, there are still some delicate moments that are deep enough to release speed, such as the running at the beginning, such as the poster paragraph, such as the maid's "birth". But the overall line is still too thick, and it is far from "Carol".

  • Lillian 2023-07-09 01:18:44

    Everyone else's combat power is -10, they are 1000+ god mode. better than the first

  • Lillian 2023-07-05 17:55:25

    I really like the songs sung by the heroines in them, they are very energetic and can make people happy.

  • Lillian 2023-06-19 15:26:08

    The classic is that it will not fade over time, and my Uncle An is really awesome. A martial arts film is so timeless and long, like a set of music, ethereal and tactful; like a calligraphy, with a profound artistic conception. Those superb light-utility long-shot interpretations, accompanied by a tight soundtrack of gongs and drums, are simply breathtaking. Battle of the Bamboo Sea with flute, every frame is a dream. To say it is the best martial arts film, it is absolutely well-deserved.

  • Lillian 2023-06-11 01:52:43

    It's irritating to look at, but it's also a bit interesting.

  • Lillian 2023-06-04 08:20:24

    To be honest... I feel that Steins;Gate is an innovative version, although a lot of kernels have been added to it, but I am disappointed and not so amazing... Compared with the gradual progress of the first season, it is simply too bad

  • Lillian 2023-05-31 05:43:20

    During the Chunin exam, I saw Hinata and Sunflower watching the game alone, while Sakura, Ino, and Temari watched the game together. I felt so sorry for Hinata. After all these years, do you still have no friends? PS: I like the fifth-generation Raikage Darui. When he defeated the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, I fell in love with his lazy eyes

  • Lillian 2023-05-28 22:27:42

    9. Dreyer is very good at photographing stories with religious backgrounds. In this film, Dreyer believes that the church distorts the essence of God, and uses this as an excuse to persecute "witches" or "infidels" in their eyes, so in this film, Dreyer casts divine condemnation to condemn the church. The sets in Dreyer's films are powerful and solemn.

  • Lillian 2023-05-24 22:42:24

    It seems difficult to understand and very profound, but if you think about it, it has no connotation... To put it bluntly, it is a mystery.