Rowena West

Rowena West



  • Spectral Spectral

    Rowena 2022-12-20 11:19:09

    You can watch it, just watch it again

    The concept is novel, the picture is ok, the heroine is ugly, the plot is cliché, the dialogue is boring and blunt, the protagonist's hands-on ability is superb, all kinds of black shadows fall, especially the end of the delta. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...

  • Hichki Hichki

    Rowena 2022-12-19 16:30:05


    A good teacher can influence many people

    It is really important to have a good teacher in school days. I still remember a teacher in elementary school, good students treat them well, poor students scold them whenever they want, and poor students do the cleaning. After I changed a teacher, I was scolded for both good and bad, and I felt anxious in class every day. The students often missed the teacher who had only taught for a month. His classes were lively and interesting, and even...

  • Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast

    Rowena 2022-12-03 20:26:16

    My love enlightenment

    An animated film two years younger than me, an ancient prince and princess have since lived happily with the regular ending. Just because I watched it many times when I was young, there was a warm feeling. I think this is the reason why I like this simple and unremarkable film. I have always felt that way. I revisited it today and found that the reason is not so simple.
    I vaguely remember that when I was a child, he was about the same age as that small cup, and his understanding...

  • To Live To Live

    Rowena 2022-11-11 04:08:01

    Bloody buns that can't be swallowed

    In the aesthetics class, we watched Zhang Yimou's early work "Alive". This film uses the life of a run-down young master as the background to condense a microcosm of Chinese society in the 1940s and 1950s. In my opinion, this epitome can be summed up in one word: Absurd lucid dream. Many people say that "Alive" is regarded as a masterpiece of realism, but in my opinion, it is because it is too realistic. It can be said that the cruelty of reality even has an idealized meaning. We have seen the...

  • Drug War Drug War

    Rowena 2022-11-08 09:44:19

    if only redemption

    I thought this was a story that could be reached at a glance. The police and the bandits cooperated and rescued themselves. They stumbled and stumbled along the way, and finally came to a "revolutionary" friendship between men. Although the ending may not be perfect, there must be a theme of redemption. And the hope of grace, this is more secure, at least in terms of censorship. It's just that I guessed at the beginning and the end of the film like I did. It was obvious that I was going to make...

  • Hichki Hichki

    Rowena 2022-11-04 16:38:57

    my view of education

    It turned out to be marked on February 22 this year, and today I completed the viewing task on the first day of the National Day. I have always liked watching Indian movies with educational significance, leading people to be upward and kind. From "The Stars on Earth" I watched in college, to "Three Silly", "Wrestle Dad", "Mr. Sweetheart" to "Mr. Hiccup" I watched today, some movie characters have learning disabilities. I have dyslexia like Isha, and I have a rich imagination, but I...

  • Hancock Hancock

    Rowena 2022-11-04 15:37:38

    The movie can't bear the brick

    For movies, we are always making bricks, but we are far from the level of bricks. This pretending to be professional should be embarrassing. But when it becomes the mainstream, or even the trend, it is a little bit "stands and talks without backache".
            In fact, if anything becomes a public property, of course everyone has the right to criticize. However, when this kind of right becomes a noble label, it is a bit degenerate...
            I am metaphysical, just to introduce the...

  • Persuasion Persuasion

    Rowena 2022-10-05 20:52:37


    I saw Jane Oss's last novel and movie by accident. I didn't read the original book. I was afraid that I couldn't understand it at first. . From the first time the hero and heroine looked at each other, I was about to cry. If it had been two years ago, I would have cried! Hey~ I've been hurt by love and calm down~ I think back then, I was so pure and naive enough to believe him in everything, now think about it, go to your grandma!
    In the end, I was very happy, especially from

  • Aniara Aniara

    Rowena 2022-10-01 05:54:17

    1400W budget, just ask who can do better

    The film is based on the award-winning novel "Aniara" by Nobel Prize winner Harry Mattinson. I also don’t know whether to call it a novel or a collection of poems, because the whole book is written in poetry, a science fiction story that is linked one by one. So the original book itself is very difficult to understand (don't try to read it below Swedish 2, your head hurts), but the advantage is that everyone will have their own different interpretations, which leaves more room for the...

  • A Man Called Ove A Man Called Ove

    Rowena 2022-09-29 13:08:52


    When Ove got home and sat alone by the closet to smell his wife's clothes, I immediately thought of "The Rumor" by Xi Murong.

    "They say you're old

    hard as rock and extremely cold

    But no one knows that I'm still you

    The deepest and softest corner

    with tears and untouchable"

    Sonia is so beautiful, she was lucky when she woke up. The story is so cruel.

    Ovi seriously fights, seriously sues, takes seriously, loves the world, is so heartbroken


  • Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn

    Rowena 2022-09-22 07:58:08

    Not bad.

    I really can do it in the domestic animation. University is spent with this game. The character of the elf archer is exactly the same as the one I used at the time. Graduation, but when I remember that time, I really feel very good, even if it is played in this game now, it's pretty good, I just saw the poster and thought it was not as beautiful as the CG in the game... But after watching the movie, I felt This can better reflect the characteristics of the characters... In addition, I really...

  • Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus

    Rowena 2022-09-14 18:55:19

    Is this a movie, sorry for the name of the movie

    I was deeply attracted by the name. When I saw the name of the movie, I just thought that it must be an American A-level blockbuster. I have always wondered. American blockbusters have always been my favorite. Visual movies, when will another Transformers movie come out, and it turns out that it's fucking rubbish. Don't stop at all, you will be disappointed when you see it. The only bright spot may be that the Japanese scientist is the doctor in the Red Alert 3 uprising... If the special...

  • The Voices The Voices

    Rowena 2022-09-14 18:50:00

    Bright room

    The saddest movie I saw today. Take medicine and you will see the real room, full of blood, meat, cat and dog feces. The girl's head will not open her mouth to speak, she will not smile at him like a friend. Mr. Cat and Mr. Dog kept silent like ordinary pets, stopped giving advice and stayed with him. A lonely world, a crazy world. To escape loneliness, throw away pills in the sewer.

    He was a good man, but he killed a lot of people, and if not stopped, he would kill more. The...

  • Branded Branded

    Rowena 2022-09-10 14:00:06

    A cup of green coffee, savor it in your spare time

    A friend recommended it yesterday, so I watched it. Objectively speaking, this is a movie that takes a little patience to watch. Unlike those commercial blockbusters that can grab your nerves in the first 5 minutes, the rhythm of this Russian film is a bit slow, and it doesn’t seem to have much audio-visual enjoyment. The foreshadowing of the story took nearly an hour, and I waited patiently for the owner of the vegetarian restaurant to appear. Only then did I understand what the director...

  • Warrior Nun Warrior Nun

    Rowena 2022-09-04 23:46:34

    Comments are all about talent

    Coming here is the same as going home, everyone talks funny, professional, it is impossible to be professional, and it is impossible to be professional in this life. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Coming here is the same as going home, everyone talks funny, professional, it is impossible to be professional, and it is impossible to be professional in this life. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !...

  • Rowena 2022-03-24 09:01:08

    It was funny at the beginning and a little boring at the end

  • Rowena 2022-03-24 09:01:06

    I don’t like this series because my childhood was broken

  • Rowena 2022-03-23 09:03:21

    The plot seems to be tense, and it has been chasing and killing from the beginning to the end, but in fact there are no twists and turns. A random novel in a horror and suspense magazine on the bad street ten years ago is better than this.

  • Rowena 2022-03-23 09:02:52

    I have never read Sha Lao's original book, but this movie is very interesting. . .

  • Rowena 2022-03-22 09:02:44

    Ma Dongmei. Ma What Mei? Ma Dongmei. Ma Dong what? Ma Dongmei. What winter plum? ——So, are everyone controlled by their minds like this? Not scientific.

  • Rowena 2022-03-22 09:01:44

    The males are called crows and the females are birds. Then the redness of a cardinal can be explained by the analogy of the redness of a lunar eclipse. It is not self-corrosion, nor is it eaten by foreign objects, but the viewer's spirit is clear and self-covering, unknowingly with the indistinctness of the red dust, the illusion of blood-stained haze, it is just a delusional delusion. Frozen Toad Soul, would you rather have a momentary sense of transmigration? Therefore, it is known that the so-called mind escape is not the study of espionage, but the art of the director. The twists and turns are bizarre, not the plot of blasphemy, but the heart of desolation.

  • Rowena 2022-03-22 09:01:35

    classic! so funny! The alternative comedy is indeed the pioneering work of the Coen brothers. It is quite stylish!

  • Rowena 2022-03-21 09:01:23

    Sure enough, the later works of Marvel are getting better and better. It looks like a movie ticket can travel Venice and Prague and smell the scent of Dutch turmeric flowers. The solemn background music is also delicious. When the audience is seriously tired of the aesthetics of the Super British film, the drama is increasingly thinking of anti-routines, and it is proud of deceiving the audience to enter the game. The allegorical meaning is commendable, especially in today's world. News is always lying, and most people believe everything. And you who don't have superpowers want to step out of the sky full of deception, to see the gorgeous colors of the world, and to kiss the real skin of your lover. (Double Easter eggs are very interesting)

  • Rowena 2022-03-20 09:02:58

    Although it is not as good as the Qinghei Guard in the evening, but God, you are all the light~~

  • Rowena 2022-03-20 09:02:28

    There is no British family story that Mike Lee can't stand up. "Mr. Turner" was the most suitable one to watch before.

  • Rowena 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    I totally understand what the film is trying to convey, but I can't accept it. Playing crazy and acting stupid due to idle egg pain can't change the world, not even myself. The short-term happiness brought by irrational venting can only be followed by deeper pain. After all, you are not crazy, and you have no courage to die. You must continue to live with reason and pain. This is the price you came to this world.

  • Rowena 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Do you think Huba is ugly? I really can't see how cute a radish is!

  • Rowena 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    In the morning, I met an old lady in Beijing who was leaning on the old and selling the old, and she was in a terrible mood. After watching this film, a lot of fun. Look at the world, look at nature, and look at the face of the old woman's petty citizen. The anger has dissipated, and all that is left is sorrow for her-four-fifths of her body has entered the loess, perhaps, tomorrow will be hers All day long. Those who are as sad as her, have been stuck in a cage made by her acrid, ignorant, ugly, and mean.

  • Rowena 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    There was no death of blood, mute girls and elephants in my childhood

  • Rowena 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    When I read it, I remembered what I liked to say in the previous public account and marketing account, "The middle class is now well-dressed, comfortable and rich, but as long as they encounter a little thing, they can immediately fall into hell, and because the contrast with the previous is too great, it will be extraordinarily large. Pain" and so on. In fact, it's the same in every country... Sin, personal morality, and self-righteous justice have been discussed all the time, but it's done well, and it just happened to humiliate the prosecutor's sinner who just watched it the day before yesterday.