Alexandria Moore

Alexandria Moore



  • Erin Brockovich Erin Brockovich

    Alexandria 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    strong empathy

    When Roberts was the most popular, I was still young, and I watched a few of her films, but I could neither see her beauty nor appreciate the director's good intentions. I had nothing to do yesterday, and reviewed her old movie "Never Compromise", an inspirational movie about women's independent growth. I really like this kind of inspirational movie that is natural and unpretentious. It gives people a kind of warm power. The sigh, or the old movie is good.

  • Dog Day Afternoon Dog Day Afternoon

    Alexandria 2022-04-20 09:01:18

    three-dimensional film

    Regarding the part about Sonny being captured in the end, but no one looked back at him, most of the comments when they saw the barrage were "Why should I watch it? I wish he died", and I have something to say. Is Sonny a bad guy? In a big way, of course. He took hostages, robbed banks, caused panic by shooting, lost money, and deserved to be captured. But is he really a bad guy? I don't think so. In the process of taking the hostages, he did not hurt anyone, tried to keep everyone safe,...

  • The Fast and the Furious The Fast and the Furious

    Alexandria 2022-04-20 09:01:12

    people, complex

    At the beginning, the starting point of watching this film, I just wanted to let the excitement brought by the speed also stimulate my nerves, my eyes, my hearing, the feeling is cool, that's it, that's all.
          With the plot As the development progressed, I began to be gradually attracted by the characters in the play, the head of the biker party, a tough guy, but by no means brainless, on the contrary, he was very self-controlled in his actions, I even thought he was a gentleman,...

  • Se7en Se7en

    Alexandria 2022-04-20 09:01:02

    "Banana" by David Fincher

    I remember reading a magazine many years ago, saying that there is an artist in Germany who has been painting bananas, all kinds of bananas, big and small, good and bad. Finally, in order to characterize the local tourism visual system, the local municipal council asked this artist to draw a bus-sized banana on the local bus.
    I thought, wow, it turns out that a foreign country can also draw a piece of the sky by painting a banana. Some people are like this, and they are obsessed with one...

  • In the Heat of the Sun In the Heat of the Sun

    Alexandria 2022-04-19 09:02:56

    The sun of beast-level director Jiang Wen

    Abandoned Garden/Wen

      Jiangwen once had such a crazy act: shutting himself up in a room to write a script, revising and polishing it repeatedly, surrounded by manuscript papers, books and instant noodles; writing very detailed sub-shots for a movie, and sketching; Breaking through the investor's budget again and again, and constantly adding funds, a 250,000-foot film was shot with a film ratio of 1:15, while the film ratio of domestic films at that time was only 1:3; Wearing clothes...

  • Downton Abbey Downton Abbey

    Alexandria 2022-04-19 09:02:33

    Downton Abbey that never fades

    I was a fan of our downtownabey before! This time the movie didn't let me down either. The big production, the scene, the telephoto or wide-angle lens is so beautiful (I don't know much about nonsense), in short, the picture is super nice! Seeing the UK like that makes me yearn for it. In terms of plot, it's okay, telling a story completely anyway, like watching a small TV episode haha.

  • The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

    Alexandria 2022-04-19 09:02:11

    Psycho vs Zombies! On the importance of dark circles!

    During the filming of the film,

    The setting plays a vital role.

    at the 83rd Academy Awards

    Tom Hanks Invited to Present for Best Art Direction

    He said:

    A movie wants to be a classic,

    the story must be

    Expressed in the form of visual concepts and designs,

    And brought to life by art directors and photographers.

  • She's Out of My League She's Out of My League

    Alexandria 2022-04-19 09:01:46

    No matter how good people are, some people don't like them

    If this story were put in real life, the female pig would have lost the following after seeing the male pig for the first time, but the movie did, so I had to watch it. Love is actually fair, but each person's value (appearance, social status, family background, education, career, talent) will increase or decrease the balance of love. Not confident. In an era like ours, who would choose to be together simply because you are you. Whether it's worthy or not is due to the constant comparison...

  • The Rider The Rider

    Alexandria 2022-04-09 09:01:08


    I was fortunate to see this film at the New York International Film Festival. New York is crowded and prosperous, and the moviegoers are dressed in decent and fashionable clothes. In comparison, this film shows another world, which is out of tune with the bustling city. In the end, the audience was moved and moved by this simple, pure and lovely movie. The picture is beautiful, showing the desolation and cool scenery of the current western United States. At a time when many people thought...

  • Mistresses Mistresses

    Alexandria 2022-03-31 08:01:02

    Collection of Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives

    The last time I was attracted to an American drama was when "Blood" was released last year. This year, I was deeply attracted by Mistresses. When I went to work, I was looking forward to going home from get off work to catch up on the drama. I watched the first season in 4 nights.
        In the American TV series, the female dramas I have seen are "Sex and the City" and "Desperate Housewives". The former is great love, I watched it 3 times from beginning to end, plus 2 episodes of the movie...

  • Seventh Son Seventh Son

    Alexandria 2022-03-28 09:01:06

    Review Seventh Son of bitch

    As a normal person, I think one star is the most pertinent evaluation of this film, because this film is said in a famous saying that watching it means not watching it, but not watching it does not mean watching it.
    In fact, the only feeling I had after watching this film was that I ate a bowl of 3D hot sauce.
    For the first time watching a 3D movie, I have lived a long life with my friends, which makes me regret a lot, why didn't I wait a few days to watch The Hobbit 3? According to...

  • Professor Marston & the Wonder Women Professor Marston & the Wonder Women

    Alexandria 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    what are we looking at

    Before watching the movie, many introductions said that although few people watched it, the average rating was high. As a film with a certain record nature, the SM-related factors are only for certain audience needs. If you watch this film for special interests, you will be disappointed.

    Aside from the reality, if you look at the image of Dr. Maslow created by the movie. What kind of message will we get? A gentleman, educated, learned, who sacrificed his wives "men" for the science of...

  • In the Fade In the Fade

    Alexandria 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    She endured all the despair of a woman

    She endured all the despair of a woman

  • Inferno Inferno

    Alexandria 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    scary cult

    Shoko Asahara, the leader of Aum Shinrikyo, was just executed in Japan, so watching this movie is very fitting! You will find that basically all cults have a brainwashing routine to tell you: I am here for you! So I can decide for you where your life belongs!

    For example the following statement:

    Humans on earth need to survive the fittest, so nearly half of the population needs to die for human beings!

    The earth is full of ugliness, let the earth be destroyed, and then...

  • Morgan Morgan

    Alexandria 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    Morgan's death

    2018 Update

    This article is indeed a bit long. It is too complicated to write all the fragments of my own thinking. In my life, I am especially able to associate it, so this film review seems to be rambling. But every detail is my true feelings when watching the movie, so people who don't have a lot of time should not watch it.

    Text segmentation ———————————————

    After reading a lot of comments, I feel that a lot of what they said is wrong, either it is...

  • Alexandria 2023-09-24 16:20:29

    Really good Sundance. . .

  • Alexandria 2023-09-20 18:27:14

    This TV station, this main creator, this cast, this setting, it will definitely look good, but it is very strange that it is not very good-looking. It's weird that hardly a single joke is funny after watching 3 episodes. I guess the problem lies with the screenwriter, and a large part of the jokes in this kind of show depend on the improvisation and chemistry between the actors. Maybe the tacit understanding between the actors has not been reached yet.

  • Alexandria 2023-09-14 19:49:04

    I didn't realize until I saw Glendale that sometimes what the eyes and ears get is not the truth. Why do you use your own moral values ​​to kidnap other people's actions for things you don't understand, and use your own moral values ​​to help those you think are weak, maybe what you see is wrong, who knows? --- always One day, you will know that this world is not only sunshine and roses, but also hideous and cruel.

  • Alexandria 2023-09-07 10:02:27

    For me, a film practitioner, arms are cameras, and the adventure of selling arms is making movies. The film's prediction of the audience's emotions is very accurate, and when the car drove from Jordan to Iraq and the subtitles were displayed, my heart sank. Making Albania look like a ghost and Las Vegas like an amusement park, the visual impact is also in place.

  • Alexandria 2023-09-06 17:16:54

    Auschwitz in the Balkans

  • Alexandria 2023-08-31 11:47:15

    The perspective of Orientalism is also drunk. When it comes to man and nature, it is the East (Japan). But it was really sad to watch the extinction of animals due to human activities in the first hour and the destruction of nature. In the second half an hour, what we can do is as vague as the conclusions of many left-wing books. Perhaps instead of talking about how people live in harmony with nature, it is better to talk about how to conduct environmental protection campaigns while fighting capitalism. Environmental protection and anti-capitalism should not be discussed separately.

  • Alexandria 2023-08-31 02:15:08

    Jason Statham, that's enough, don't make trouble...

  • Alexandria 2023-07-24 20:46:32

    The subject matter is very interesting, the gentrification of the three times, incidentally mentions the immigration history of different ethnic groups. The filming is too literary, the filter is too much, and I try to create a sense of oil painting, but I think it is more important to tell the story well. One hour before the whole film, I didn't know what to say, and there was no sense of substitution. The film seemed to be talking to itself, and the audience was confused. There are more and more movies in the United States that focus on the black community. When there is a movie focusing on the yellow immigrant community, it will be very interesting to make it.

  • Alexandria 2023-07-14 13:58:12

    2.5 stars, four stories describe the loss of American spirit from different perspectives, closely integrated with the current status of American society, and even insinuated the status quo of Europe in the first story. But the form of the movie has obvious flaws. Since it is connected by a dachshund, only the first and second stories are connected, and the connection between the third and fourth stories is lost. PS director should go and watch the story of Manhattan a few more times

  • Alexandria 2023-06-28 22:33:28

    It is more like an idol drama than a historical drama. I dare not say whether the heroine is acting like Victoria herself, but from the perspective of this drama, I feel that the heroine's performance is a bit exaggerated... Although the general plot is still in line with historical facts, the timing of the major historical events in the previous episodes was done. It's changed a lot...but otherwise it's a good show, and the BGM is good.

  • Alexandria 2023-06-26 04:40:26

    This uncle is a little familiar. . The acting praises a tenant who really reminds me of the downstairs. . It turns out that Spanish horror movies are so good~

  • Alexandria 2023-06-23 14:27:56

    There are so many movies like this, but the excellent graphics and editing of "Snake of June" still make it stand out. The background music and some of the surreal footage are also exceptionally well done.

  • Alexandria 2023-06-15 12:17:21

    It can be said that the text is very unsuitable for filming. To solve this problem, a large number of fantasy scenes with no relevance are added to show that this is a blockbuster with a budget and special effects. In fact, the core of the narrative is still a sports broadcast. The players have to constantly interpret the game process, which is quite complete in terms of the sense of substitution-a feeling of watching others knocking three houses in the dormitory...

  • Alexandria 2023-06-01 03:20:59

    Sound and picture, time and space, history and dreams are a grand and profound poem. It is about love, faith, pursuit and memory. Deep and sentimental, like a story that never ends.

  • Alexandria 2023-05-08 12:04:35

    Hahahahahaha the Sino-US war can kill you with laughter. Every time I explore a new area, I find that the Chinese flag has been planted. After finally launching a satellite, the Chinese ship has its wings clipped hhhhhhhh