Rocio Wintheiser

Rocio Wintheiser



  • Digimon: Digital Monsters Digimon: Digital Monsters

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:03:48

    No matter how many times you watch it, you will never get tired of the memories

    There are six Digimon in total, and there may be seven, eight or nine in the future, but my favorite is the first one. The first part is undoubtedly the most classic and the most special. The 8 children and 8 Digimon of the first part, fighting monsters and upgrading along the way, encountered many big bosses, from evil beasts, all the way to gorilla beasts, blood-sucking beasts, and ultimate blood-sucking beasts. , the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, and the final set of all the grievances...

  • W.E. W.E.

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:03:13

    miscellaneous. WE

    it is not a domination
     it is a form of possession

    attractive, my dear, is a polite way of saying a woman's made the the most of what she's got

    -all men are territorial
    -im not all men
    -but you're a man

    - wallis, you're the only woman who has ever shown any interest in my work.
    -Am i...sir?
    -please, call me david

    all for love and the world well lost.

    Get a life.

    -what it must fell like to be loved...

  • Belle de Jour Belle de Jour

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:02:51

    · Beauty should not be idle ·

    Catherine Deneuve.
    This woman is old and powerful.
    She was only 24 years old when she starred in "Beauty in the Daytime" by the surrealist master Lao Bo.
    It's hard to imagine how a 24-year-old girl will start her life after coming into contact with such a terrible story.
    "Beauty in the Daytime" is one of the movies that I regret after watching it.
    The other two are "Sodom" and "Irrevocable". I remember that I hurriedly threw them into the trash can downstairs before I...

  • Roma Roma

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:02:03

    fireworks in rome

    Read it in one go. Compared with the drama films I have watched in the past two years, this one is more profound. The thugs of the chaotic delivery room revolution, the delicate daily life, the complicated scheduling of the firefighting in the mountains and forests, and the shooting is also beautiful, and after the wildfires burn out, it looks even more lush.

    Compared with this one, the black and white of the Cold War is a bit rough and fierce. In fact, the extraction of colors allows...

  • Sense8 Sense8

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:02:00

    Season 1 Episode 2 I'd Love To Be Myself, But I Don't Know Who I Am

    The story unfolds layer by layer.

    But to refine the main line of this episode, I think it's just like the title.

    The first half of the episode borrowed the words of comrade Nomi in the play, as shown below: For a long time, I have not dared to be myself.

    That's true too, everyone on the show has the same problem with Nomi.

  • Roman Holiday Roman Holiday

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:01:45

    If it is true love, one day is enough

    In fact, each of us is an insatiable greedy person. When we can't have it, we will pursue it hard. As long as we have less, we will seek more. But as long as love is true, even one day is enough.
    Princess Anne played by Audrey Hepburn is a willful and rebellious girl who represents the image of the country, so she must be prudent and dignified, keep a smile at all times, without freedom, and there can be no mistakes. Over and over again, the beautiful Anne felt like a puppet, so willfully...

  • Green Lantern Green Lantern

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:01:24

    The perfect combination of short ugly poor and tall rich handsome! Dear, do you see the importance of success?

    So I want to say that if you put on a mask, you may be a hero, you are tall, rich and handsome, and some beautiful women will take the initiative to send you a shot. Once you take off the mask and return to the original ordinary person, you are short, ugly and poor!
    Since ancient times, beautiful women have loved heroes, that is, they know that the hero is the original short, ugly and poor, and the plot is inevitably a bit cliché, but we have seen the importance of becoming a talent, dear,...

  • The Book of Eli The Book of Eli

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:01:23

    American version of the book of socialism

    If there is such a movie, he can be invested by China Film, or Huayi, anyway, it is invested by a mainland film company.

    The film tells that during the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, an intelligence officer of our party, carrying an important document and a limited edition of "Ma Zhe" annotated by Engels, had to travel thousands of miles through an enemy-occupied area and send it to Xibaipo.

    The intelligence officer accidentally passed an enemy...

  • The Island The Island

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:01:21


    To tell the truth, if one day someone who looks exactly like me brings my widow sister to my house to find me, I guess I will try to make him disappear (laughter in brackets).

    However, if the male protagonist is killed by the main body after going out, and after returning to live with the widow sister for a period of time, the widow sister notices it, and finally kills the main body by hiding the sky and the sea, it will be interesting. Speaking of which, although the story of saving...

  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:01:13

    Why do you have to tell the same story seven times?

    Is this the sixth Harry Potter movie? um, yes. I went to see it this morning. The movie is very long, and at the end, I couldn't stand it anymore and yawned several times. It hurts to sit on the buttocks. To be precise, the whole body is sore. After all, it is not an easy task to maintain a position for several hours. Psychologically, I feel that this viewing time is as long as a century.

    At first, some of the little magic in the movie was quite attractive, making people think it was...

  • Braveheart Braveheart

    Rocio 2022-04-21 09:01:03


    This movie was one of the first films I was exposed to, about 11 years ago. In fact, what attracted me the most was the music of this film. As for its epic revenge and shocking unrequited love, I felt that the theme was too grand and some deliberately unreal. Maybe for girls, the tough guy image of Wallace played by Mel Gibson is also the highlight of the film. The division and union of Scotland has been a contentious point in history, from Roman times to the Scots-England War to Queen Mary of...

  • Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast

    Rocio 2022-04-20 09:02:16

    "We missed dinner time" Beauty and the Beast's no.1 in my mind

    I've only seen the US version before, and both are pretty good. I think this movie is so beautiful. The picture of Bell entering the deep forest, half the wind and rain, and half the paradise is really beautiful. The Castle of the Beast doesn't feel as gloomy as the fairy tales make me imagine, but instead I feel like a greenhouse garden with shimmering shimmers everywhere. There are too many stories about...

  • Rust and Bone Rust and Bone

    Rocio 2022-04-20 09:02:01

    Discuss some questions about the plot setting.

    As for the reason for choosing this French film, it is undeniable that it was initially attracted by its scenery at international film festivals. After watching it, I always felt that the film was a little awkward, and I fell into contemplation. Here are a few humble opinions. 1. The story premise
    of this film is worth pondering. The process of two strange men and women from acquaintance to love is enough to make people excited, not to mention some unfortunate factors? The theme does not...

  • The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

    Rocio 2022-04-20 09:01:26

    a bit bad

    This movie is quite disappointing. It is also a car game, and it is far from the crazy taxi series. I have seen a lot of racing movies. I saw a motorcycle theme last year. I forgot the name, it is really crazy, French crazy Taxi and express delivery are very good.

    Instant Fast and Furious, the first two levels are also very high. This one performed terribly. Reminds me that "Initial D" is a so-called drift with a Japanese background. Drift may be the highest level in racing...

  • Dances with Wolves Dances with Wolves

    Rocio 2022-04-20 09:01:19

    Different Westerns - Reading Notes

    Westerns have always presented elements of Indian culture, about the search for self-identity. Elements of an epic film: the grand scenes are exquisite and exquisite audio-visual experience, the perfect fit of American spirit and heroism.

    Anti-Western perspective, creatively select the perspective of Indians to interpret. When Dunbar is alone and in touch with nature, he uses a large overhead angle and an empty lens pan to show this sacred place. Photographer Dean Semler is known for...

  • Rocio 2023-09-19 11:54:59

    It's too sloppy, and it's also easy to hack the Soviet Union. . . Totally American narrative. . . Didn't do any homework. . . Replacing the bureaucracy with the FBI doesn't matter at all. . .

  • Rocio 2023-09-15 05:44:45

    On a certain video website, I watched the low-resolution version without subtitles. Except for the appearance, the plot and special effects are all bad movies...

  • Rocio 2023-08-22 20:30:20

    Look for words and street scenes that I am familiar with from the movies, and most importantly, see how other people's patriotic educational films are made!

  • Rocio 2023-07-31 16:46:31

    I watched it when I was a kid~ It's really good!!!

  • Rocio 2023-07-21 02:00:41

    Yes, very interesting. Nothing to watch.

  • Rocio 2023-07-19 06:00:54

    After watching it for less than 20 minutes, I was not interested in continuing to read it. Although I respect Zhang Yimou very much, I have to say that this kind of scarred film, the Cultural Revolution grief drama, is the least in-depth and lacking in creativity. No matter how neat it is, I will give it a maximum of 3 stars. Chinese intellectuals and people in the literary and art circles like to use the Cultural Revolution as a pretense of deep reflection, but they never dared to really face up to that era.

  • Rocio 2023-07-08 13:53:15

    Innocent people are always the most foolish. In this world, no one can love themselves more than themselves. do you know? So sometimes goodbye is not goodbye, but goodbye. If you don't want to kill each other.

  • Rocio 2023-07-02 02:05:22

    It's technically refined, but the story is really unsympathetic. A typical male aesthetic from a female perspective: the shape of the female character, the female character being stared and materialized, the white lady turning into a princess waiting to be rescued, and the thousands of years of living with Xiaoqing is nothing compared to a one-night stand with the male protagonist...

  • Rocio 2023-06-21 12:17:15

    The feature film is the same as the trailer, and you can watch the shootout explosion, including the underwater scene!

  • Rocio 2023-06-20 14:41:45

    It seems to look like a classic swallow

  • Rocio 2023-06-18 07:48:48

    It was fun to watch. But there is Lin Zhengying, plus one point!

  • Rocio 2023-06-18 02:28:21

    It's all conversational. . . can't stand

  • Rocio 2023-06-14 20:40:32

    How can the relatives who commented on one or two stars have the heart to do this, at least I think this movie is quite successful as a comedy, sincerity is bursting, I laughed from beginning to end

  • Rocio 2023-06-13 09:38:02

    This is a "no ending" drama. In the end, there is no result whether the real murderer is arrested and brought to justice. Jack's eczema is not good, Nasir's father's taxi business has not stopped, and Box has not retired... Nasir, a big-eyed boy with a normal little mistake, became Nasir with a cold and indifferent look in the world. As for how the cracks with the family, the relationship with the surrounding people, and the inner peace were restored, they all ended silently.

  • Rocio 2023-06-09 12:08:34

    This old man's work has been talked about~~ 4 and a half hours =. =