Evangeline Rempel

Evangeline Rempel



  • Sex Is Zero Sex Is Zero

    Evangeline 2022-04-19 09:02:46

    Many men named Eun-sik, who love and love, become Han Sang-woo.

    Many men named Eun-sik, who fell in love with them, became Han Sang-woo.
    Many men, when they first fell in love, did everything with their heart, tried their best, tried their best, and tried their best for the sake of their beloved Women can smile happily, keep working hard, and lay down all their dignity for the woman they love.
    In fact, every man is Eun-sik, at least, at the beginning.
    When in KTV, I saw Eun Hyo and Han Sang Woo When chatting with a concubine and a concubine,...

  • Throne of Blood Throne of Blood

    Evangeline 2022-04-19 09:02:12

    Spider's Nest: A Labyrinth of Ambition and Desire

    Spider's Nest is a black and white film by Akira Kurosawa in 1957. The theme is adapted from "Macbeth", one of Shakespeare's four tragedies, but Akira Kurosawa moved the stage to Japan during the Warring States Period. Readers familiar with the themes of Macbeth's play should roughly guess what the theme of "Spider's Nest" is about. I saw the name "Hashimoto Shinobu" again on the list of movie screenwriters. This person is the screenwriter of "Rashomon". Because of "Rashomon", he formed a...

  • Inside Llewyn Davis Inside Llewyn Davis

    Evangeline 2022-04-19 09:01:50

    If there is no hope

    The Coen brothers have always been anti-types, filming the non-mainstream, the struggle of small people, the blue-collar class, the loser, and the inherent absurdity and uncontrollability of human nature. Usually they put their characters or shooting perspectives into the trend of an era/big event. If the audience does not have a deeper understanding of the social background at that time, they often cannot see their excavation of the plot story, which is also their Compared with the world's...

  • Shrek Forever After Shrek Forever After

    Evangeline 2022-04-19 09:01:35

    You and me in Shrek and Shrek.

    The Shrek series was the first animated film series I watched. Talk about you and me in Shrek and Shrek. 1. Helpless. The first contact was a sentence recommended by Zhu Wei, an English teacher for postgraduate entrance exams - it was Shrek's reply to Donkey in the fourth part: Why doesn't being your best friend entail me doing everything I don't want to do? This sentence It's really meaningful - sometimes people are faced with the helplessness given by the closest people. 2....

  • The Patriot The Patriot

    Evangeline 2022-04-19 09:01:20

    American Revolutionary War Slave Faith Revenge Militia

    An elected Congress can trample on our human rights like a king. Moderation may well be fear in disguise. War is inevitable. Why do teenagers want to fight so much? Why is the bayonet on it? Why can't the U.S. beat the British? The guns of the year were really difficult to use, with low power, short range and slow reloading speed. I used it in Assassin's Creed. The wars of that era were too unattractive. Anne's eyes are so beautiful. Pastors also went to war. Do not fight positional warfare,...

  • Pay It Forward Pay It Forward

    Evangeline 2022-04-18 17:34:53

    May put it forward

    A tearful film.

    There are too many things in this world that make people trapped in place, and there are too many people in this world who are unwilling to take that step, and there are also many people in this world who dare to take that step. Human beings are innate to fear the unknown, and human inertness is also innate. I remember a passage in "Reminiscence of Time Like Water" that people are always addicted to a law, machinery, and a life that doesn't require thinking. This is the...

  • Yves Saint Laurent Yves Saint Laurent

    Evangeline 2022-04-18 09:01:20

    Yves Saint Laurent: Insist on being yourself

    I watched this film entirely because Starpat knew that Jiang Sida had watched it, so he watched it.

    Saint Laurent said that fashion was never mainstream art, not even art.

    Star said that only by setting boundaries with all popular fashions can they show their uniqueness.

    Saint Laurent has his own understanding of fashion, and his partner Berger fully supports his career and gives tolerance in life.

    The last frame of their old age - Berger looked at Saint Laurent's...

  • The Collector The Collector

    Evangeline 2022-04-06 08:01:02

    some thoughts

    1. The male protagonist has obvious psychological problems, and believes that the intimate relationship between the two sexes must be understood in depth through prison (kidnapping). No room for personal freedom at all.

    2. The male protagonist imprisoned the female protagonist, just like imprisoning those butterflies, in order to realize his dream of collecting. But those are all lifeless, all dead.


  • Reminiscence Reminiscence

    Evangeline 2022-04-04 09:01:08

    A family of good actors is possible! A family of good directors/screenwriters is delusional!

    Mixed Chinese and English, fluent in Chinese, yes!

    The director/screenwriter is: Lisa Joy, the wife of Jonathan Nolan , the brother of the famous director Christopher Nolan (a well-known screenwriter and half-hearted director), is the first...

  • Before Midnight Before Midnight

    Evangeline 2022-03-28 09:01:02

    Excerpts from long lines of an old woman

    When I think of my husband, I miss him so much, the feeling of him lying next to me at night.
    Sometimes he would put his arm across my chest and I would not be able to move, even holding my breath.
    But I feel at ease, complete.
    I also miss him whistling down the street.
    Every time I do something I think about how he does it.
    It's getting cold, so put on a...

  • Jules and Jim Jules and Jim

    Evangeline 2022-03-27 09:01:14

    Zu and Zhan

    The feeling of the second brush is very different from more than 10 years ago. I remembered the touching ballad after reading it, the scene of the three people running across the iron bridge and driving into the lake, as well as the delicate and harmonious triangular relationship between these three people. In fact, from the context of the entire film, Jules and Jim, as mentioned twice in the film, are like Don Quixote-style masters and servants, seeking common ground while reserving...

  • Truth or Dare Truth or Dare

    Evangeline 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    A person's fantasy or a group of people's symptoms

    This movie expresses the inner world of a patient with a split personality. If the heroine is the main character, then the others are her sub-characters. There are often scenes in the film that show hallucinations and delusions. For example, the words "Truth or Dare" are engraved on the car, and other people in the scene say they have not seen it; the boy sees such words engraved on his arm. , when others looked at it, he said he didn't see it, and then he said he didn't...

    We can see...

  • The 5th Wave The 5th Wave

    Evangeline 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    Bully us for not seeing the movie?

    What a mess, it's a waste of time. I thought I would watch a story about a little loli saving the earth similar to Independence Day, but what happened? She is indeed a story of a little loli trying to save the earth, but that tough plot, my mother, what's going on?
    Alien species can launch tsunamis and make electromagnetic waves malfunction. Human beings can use up all the skills in minutes, but they can't deal with some survivors. Need to expect human soldiers to come out? The handsome...

  • Temple Grandin Temple Grandin

    Evangeline 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    Temple Grandin

    The film is adapted from the personal autobiography of Tempo Grandin (Claire Danes), an American animal scientist and a doctor of animal husbandry who suffered from autism since childhood. It tells about Tempo's unique growth experience.
    Tempo was diagnosed with autism by doctors when he was four years old, and his mother tried various methods to get Tempo to speak. In order to let Tianbao have a normal life, her mother sent her to a boarding school to study. Here, Tempo met Dr. Carlock,...

  • Unfriended Unfriended

    Evangeline 2022-03-25 09:01:13

    The more free, the more transparent

    The Internet is a magical space. In fact, people are still active in the end, but the carriers are different. In fact, cyber violence is not new, it corresponds to the people's hearts under the Internet. Like or not like, forward or not forward, how to evaluate, etc. In fact, in the code of conduct in the circle of friends, you can still see the relationship and attitude of a friend in your circle of friends towards you. Under big data, it is more necessary to be cautious in words and deeds,...

  • Evangeline 2023-09-30 19:13:19

    Marcus is so handsome

  • Evangeline 2023-09-17 16:07:41

    come on get some REAL actors and actresses!

  • Evangeline 2023-09-17 10:27:29

    A woman in a cage, a deliberate revenge. The Nordic hot-tempered tough guy partnered with the Arab warm man, assigned to the marginal department, specializing in difficult and unsolved cases. This series is good, can have

  • Evangeline 2023-09-15 15:52:01

    The car chase at the end was amazing, and the heroine died as soon as she got up! ! What a setup! ! Is it really a pure agent film! !

  • Evangeline 2023-09-13 22:27:40

    After watching the preview, I didn't want to watch it at all, but in the end I watched it for Mira...

  • Evangeline 2023-09-11 14:22:42

    I'm tired of Will Smith as a hero, this movie is completely clichéd, with only his and Charlize Theron charisma left.

  • Evangeline 2023-09-11 08:57:53

    It's not more creative or better than the first one, but why do you feel that the director's filming of the male lead is so charming.

  • Evangeline 2023-08-21 12:34:57

    Nima, I really shouldn't watch horror movies with blood and meat flying all over the place! You shouldn't look even if there's a man around! Tell you to buy tickets cheaply! Deserved!

  • Evangeline 2023-08-20 16:05:22

    The same theme is much better than NYC 22, why was it cut so cute...

  • Evangeline 2023-08-14 12:52:17

    The so-called "recommendation" of 4 stars is well deserved. Cool, intense, interesting, and novel; in terms of imitating the game's clearance mechanism, trial-and-error gameplay, and infinite streaming, it is not the first time, but it does not lose any predecessors. The title Boss Level is obviously a game term or its variant, and neither the mainland nor Taiwanese translations have anything to do with the game, which is ridiculous. Details: It may be the first time that the concept of baijiu and Chinese swords (a Han sword changed to a single-edged sword, a Qing sword with a widened blade) appears in the American commercial and entertainment blockbuster. It is difficult for Americans to distinguish between Japanese swords and Chinese swords There is a joke. Coupled with a Chinese restaurant and a Chinese fencing champion (Michelle Yeoh, but training with kendo props, hanging Sanskrit or Tibetan vertical banners, what the heck), there are stone lions and replicas of terracotta warriors and horses on the set, I believe this is to please the Chinese market, Decent and fun. The villain hates liberals, but Zheng Ken will misunderstand Yang and the male protagonist when they exchange eyebrows and eyes. The stereotype that white men are attractive and yellow men have no sex appeal; coupled with the old routine of black people playing professionals, liberals can’t see the beam in their eyes

  • Evangeline 2023-08-10 23:32:53

    A small device for indoor scenes without exception

  • Evangeline 2023-08-09 13:05:52

    A father's love is like a mountain, and a mother's love is like a lamp (sun) light.

  • Evangeline 2023-07-30 11:34:46

    julian moore is more handsome than cate.

  • Evangeline 2023-07-29 15:35:55

    Outdoor movies, from connotation to scenery to actors' performances, are very general. The score is inflated. April 27, 2015

  • Evangeline 2023-07-24 16:19:04

    The picture is beautiful, that's all