Braulio Jacobs

Braulio Jacobs



  • A Cinderella Story A Cinderella Story

    Braulio 2022-12-31 10:09:10

    In this age where we strive to draw a line from fairy tales

    Before watching this film, Diao Erlang thought locally, "It's just a commercial light comedy, just a happy-ever-after."
    In the process of clearing the line from fairy tales, after watching this film, somewhere in my heart I couldn't help agreeing with sam - mediocre appearance, lack of self-confidence, shrinking in my corner and secretly longing for love. So when he saw Austen posting notices about looking for cinderilla, his heart was sour, he hugged his knees and cried aloud while there...

  • Ocean Waves Ocean Waves

    Braulio 2022-12-24 14:58:23

    different youth

    I deliberately chose Hayao Miyazaki's birthday to watch "The Sound of the Waves", and my mood was very subtle. At first, I felt very angry. It was inexplicable that love came. Muto was arrogant, vain, and arrogant. I like it, except for being pretty, it doesn't seem to have any merit. In contrast, I like Kiyoko more. She is the leader among girls. She has principles and will take care of other people's moods (Kyoko likes Matsuno, right? I'm crying). But calm down and think about it, Muto is not...

  • A Silent Voice: The Movie A Silent Voice: The Movie

    Braulio 2022-12-19 00:02:59

    The moon is beautiful tonight

    I watched the Japanese animation "Sound of Shape". It turned out to be about growing pains, about understanding and communication.
    A deaf girl was bullied, and the boy who bullied him later caused outrage and was isolated.
    Years later in high school, the boy went to the girl before he was about to commit suicide, apologized to her and hoped to be forgiven.
    But after seeing her, she gave up the idea of ​​suicide because of her friendly attitude.

    In their later...

  • Wayne Wayne

    Braulio 2022-12-07 14:08:40

    People don't talk much

    The protagonist Wayne barely swears in this fucking show. The goal is clear, if you don't agree, do it. Hearty!

    The love with del is so beautiful. Secretly like it, say whatever you want to say, escape together, run in each other on the road, increase the relationship again and again, the first love is so beautiful, the throbbing of youth is so wonderful.

    It's not that Wayne doesn't feel pain, but he doesn't care. He was...

  • Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer

    Braulio 2022-11-27 00:51:18

    human beings

    Since I occasionally started watching this TV series last year, I have been chasing the film until now. The heroine has changed a lot from being immature and scared in the first episode, to being mature and brave in the fifth episode, but they all attract me equally.
        This TV series always revolves around family, friendship, love, etc. It tells stories about emotions one after another. The themes are love and giving. This is probably the message that the director and screenwriter want...

  • My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday

    Braulio 2022-11-25 21:42:13

    Miki Supervision Saigao

    In the sun-filled carriage, the youthful shyness and tenderness that look at each other from afar are clear, is it really love at first sight? The reverse lifelines meet into a circle, and we meet you back from your future at the age of 20. The first time in the happy smile overlaps the last time in the sorrowful tears, with the phrase "see you tomorrow" to meet together, and go to the life that is destined to drift away.

    It has been translated into this in China, so just write...

  • Underdogs Underdogs

    Braulio 2022-11-24 23:04:56

    We all have a strong heart that needs to be awakened

    Although "Challenger League" is an animated film, it brings us more moving than joy after watching it. After reading it, maybe everyone has a protagonist of their own: but there will always be a resonance. If you have a dream, you must chase it. Maybe some cannot be achieved by your own strength, but through the power of unity, will surely achieve final success.
     When it comes to the film's high-quality screen shots, we have to mention the film's director, Juan Jose Campanella, who won...

  • Gaslight Gaslight

    Braulio 2022-11-15 06:29:35

    Gaslight Notes

    Just watched this film last week.

    The gender dynamics depicted in this film circles around the patriarchic abuse carried out by Gregory towards Paula. There are several patterns related to different aspects of the mise-en-scene that particularly makes the image of Gregory memorable to me. Per the performance, the actor of Gregory presents the manipulative nature of him through facial expression, lines, and blocking. Oftentimes, Gregory engages Paula in...

  • Escape from Pretoria Escape from Pretoria

    Braulio 2022-11-09 13:15:42

    "Escape from Pretoria"-Don't be a bunny with carrots

    Speaking of jailbreaking, movies such as "Shawshank's Redemption", "Prison in the Air", "Escape the Golden Cicada" and so on may appear in everyone's mind. The "Escape from Pretoria" we are going to talk about today is also a movie about jailbreak-related topics.

    Its starring role is the familiar Daniel Radcliffe, who is also the actor of Harry Potter. At first, the editor's impression of him was still that of the...

  • The Boondock Saints The Boondock Saints

    Braulio 2022-10-26 18:20:42

    Civilian Execution - The Boondock Saints

    It's another Spring Festival that is boring and wants me to kill people. Helpless to huddle at home and write something. I have seen many works by Quentin Tarantino. I think it is often more appropriate to call him a geek than a master. The reasons are as follows:

    1. The master's works are both internal and external, even if they are low-key, they are elegant; high-key is more artistic.

    2. The works of the masters must have box office appeal.

    3. Often times, when...

  • The Lazarus Effect The Lazarus Effect

    Braulio 2022-10-26 00:37:15

    What is the resurrection of the black technology against the sky?

    The title of the film is actually very good, using Lazarus Effects to refer to the coming back to life. Lazarus (Lazarus) is a character in the Bible who came back from the dead and became a miracle that made many people believe in Jesus (from Baidu Encyclopedia). However, in the film, the person (or dog) who was resurrected through the anti-sky technology is no longer the original person (or dog). The brain has changed, the soul has changed, the resurrected dog is different, and the...

  • Burden of Dreams Burden of Dreams

    Braulio 2022-10-19 15:15:28

    The madman's tribute goes beyond the madman, and reality is greater than reality

    i make films because i have not learned anything else.
    and i know i can do it to a certain degree.
    and it is my duty..
    because this might be the inner chronicle of what we are.
    and we have to articulate ourselves..
    otherwise we would be cows in the field.

    So you transported the whole iron ship to the top of the mountain. Fitzgerald finally gave up, he also broke up the boat, and he broke his confidence because the natives offered boats to the river gods...

  • To Rome with Love To Rome with Love

    Braulio 2022-10-12 04:06:31

    Cliché title, well-designed stories

    At the end, returning to the beginning of the story, I can't seem to get tired of this echoing method.

    #1 The boy from the Department of Architecture accompanied the old man back to the street corner where they first met.

    An architecture boy who explores the true meaning of love

    We are all the same, in our...

  • Only Yesterday Only Yesterday

    Braulio 2022-10-05 09:46:15

    Hand drawing is king

    The film comes from Studio Ghibli, which is owned by Hayao Miyazaki, but is directed by Isao Takahata. In this 21st century where computer CG is bombarded indiscriminately, it is very enlightening to revisit this old classic from 1991. The biggest key here is to carefully appreciate the subtle expressions of the characters' expressions in hand-drawn animation in that era, as well as the simplicity and innocence that have not appeared in the animation industry for a long time today....

  • Perfect Strangers Perfect Strangers

    Braulio 2022-09-30 23:13:42

    a familiar stranger

    I don't understand what the meaning of this movie is, it's a farce, and there are no surprises, I can guess it all. After watching for a few minutes, I realized that the subtitles were actually translated by translation software, so the fun turned to guessing the meaning through machine translation. It's like wasting more than an hour. But you can understand Spanish customs and ethics.

    Mobile phones are like human brains, which store too much content and...

  • Braulio 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    Don't push yourself in the car. If you don't agree with us, let's touch in reality. You can see if I touch you or not.

  • Braulio 2022-04-22 07:01:30

    MR Bean is always so cute

  • Braulio 2022-04-22 07:01:15

    I don't even remember where I watched it...on a flight to somewhere?

  • Braulio 2022-04-22 07:01:14

    In fact, Adam Sandler, as the male protagonist, is not very important. He is the one who wears the story. Those supporting roles have their own merits.

  • Braulio 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    Why did Vin Diesel appear last, it turned out to be a soy sauce!

  • Braulio 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    I watched it off and on, TOM is very interesting, I don't know why, every time I watch his films, I have a different feeling, the ending is so sad!

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:03:45

    Still the most interesting black and white silent film

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:03:19

    It's a bit similar to the ardent atmosphere of the work 6 years later, with a lot of the same actors, a pair of enviable CPs, a bunch of friends, frequent dinner parties, and a handsome protagonist in a wine red shirt!

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:03:15

    Suffocating while watching, praying for an early end, removing uncomfortable emotions, rhythm and details are great. The most impressive thing is: the person playing the music, who thought he reached the exit but found out that he was dead immediately, the lover who committed suicide, went back to find the captain of the company... Great script, I love it

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:03:08

    A zombie movie made by a few actors is a bit dull for two hours.

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:02:31

    In the last moments of Emma, ​​the mutual understanding with her husband, the farewell to her friends and sons, and the last look at her mother, which contained too much content, made me cry. I was deeply attracted by this kind of light emotional film, especially Shirley MacLaine who played Aurora. Such a strong and charming character was vividly portrayed by her. I'm frantically looking for a sequel to this movie...

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:02:30

    We are the masses. I was driven out of my viewing anxiety by this film.

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:02:23

    Must be a stick-making alien.

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:02:20

    Dog blood is to my liking

  • Braulio 2022-04-21 09:02:15

    I really don't know how to rate this movie. I watched it at the pig's house, and then the pig fell asleep. I think the Chinese elements in it were used well, and the Chinese actors acted well, so I finished watching it. Don't worry, CC and Xiao M, I know this is not sci-fi~ Gaha