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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Reviews

  • Meaghan 2022-10-02 00:33:35


    The spirit of the times is moving forward . Monopoly everything is back in the box. Before you, there have been N people who have played it. The diseases that come and go are very rare. Like cancer, it is not inherited . Almost all babies need to be held and touched. Any training is bad. Violent...

  • Haylee 2022-09-10 08:22:03

    The beauty of documentaries

    In fact, I watch very few documentaries. The main reason is that I prefer to watch stories or movies with plots. When I was a child, watching documentaries like dinosaurs, animals, etc. is at best just for fun. But after watching these zeitgeist films, I found that documentaries also have their...

  • Kieran 2022-09-08 22:55:06

    A masterpiece that subverts conventional consciousness and broadens horizons

    The beginning of the film feels a little conspiracy theory, but if it is closed and deleted at this point, the audience is likely to have no idea what he is missing. Like the first and second films of Zeitgeist, this documentary is still unmissable, extremely precious, and a film that subverts...

  • Trevor 2022-09-08 20:14:28

    Worth a look, but be sure to watch I and II first

    About 2 million people are now held in prisons in the United States, most of which are owned by the private company Wackenhut, which is listed on Wall Street! And his profitability index is based on the number of people in prison! Not sure if you understand what that means? For individuals pursuing...

  • Briana 2022-09-08 19:08:19

    On money, markets, technology and consumerism

    1. Why does technology alone not necessarily change the world? in the era of market economy. The core of allowing you to recycle consumption is that after the commodity is produced, its validity period cannot be longer than the durability period. Consumerism is essentially based on the rapid...

  • Stacy 2022-09-08 18:39:11

    Towards a new order

    I have already watched both the second and the third. From the point of view of film production alone, it can be called a heavyweight blockbuster in documentaries. The second part is more brainwashed, and the third part is more theoretical. I'm a skeptic, and while watching the film, I keep...

  • Dorothy 2022-09-08 11:47:22

    Zeitgeist 3's copywriting is being updated

    When I was a lad growing up in New York City, I refused to swear allegiance to the flag. Of course, I was sent to the principal's office. Then the principal asked me, "Why wouldn't you take an oath of allegiance? Everyone does." I explained that everything America has, benefits from other cultures...

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

Director: Peter Joseph

Language: English Release date: January 15, 2011