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You Are Not Alone Reviews

  • Lia 2022-10-28 18:36:31


    expressed a lot. What I remember are the unstoppable sexual buds, the life situation in the boys' dormitory, the school education in Denmark in the 1970s, the beautiful teenage feelings, the bullying of the children by the social youth, the open and secret struggle between the students and the...

  • Jordyn 2022-10-22 01:06:09

    Unfinished sunshine

    The little couple Jin and Bo are showing their affection. It's hard to see how they are painting their bodies, taking a nap in the forest, having a picnic and having fun... Bo repairs a bicycle for Jin, Jin sees Bo being bullied by gangsters and quickly asks for help, it's still in the...

  • Myrna 2022-09-21 07:49:21

    White, beautiful, long-legged teenagers

    Principal's son Kim? and student bo?. This is a boarding school. Compared with other boys, bo is slightly fat, with curly hair and a small belly. Also long legs. This is the two of them listening to their classmates tell a story, and Kim unconsciously put his hand on Bo.

    Bo took Kim to his secret...

  • Pinkie 2022-05-11 23:18:30

    Destroying the three views, the director once committed sexual abuse to the teenage actors during the filming process.

    As the first Danish film about love between men, although it has an indelible contribution to the history of Danish film, the film behind it is disgusting.

    In 2018, actors Janek Lesniak, Michael Kennedy, and Anders Lund Madsen who participated in "You're Not Alone" said that one of the film's...

  • Angus 2022-05-11 22:14:41

    that era

    Flared trousers, tights, and the boys had long, over-the-shoulder hair, typical of the 70s, with an indelible mark of the era. Sexual liberation, rock...even these terms seem to come with the picture. The story is simple, focusing on trivial things that happen between boys at a boys' school in...

  • Zackary 2022-05-11 21:45:54

    Thoughts on Du er ikke alene

    The reason why I decided to watch this movie: How can I resist the temptation of beautiful teenagers? I have to say that the teenagers in Denmark are so beautiful/shoulder-length or long hair/so beautiful that they can't tell their gender/for me who is severely face-blind/at all It was after most...

  • Nadia 2022-05-11 17:53:22

    You are not alone

    The curly hair of Denmark, the scenery of Denmark, and the familiar Danish music, mixed with this group of hormonally troubled beautiful teenagers, is simply a very lively youth concerto. The scale of the film is really surprising. This group of teenagers, whose average age is only thirteen or...

  • Weston 2022-05-11 17:18:49

    as a teenager again

    You must love others as you love yourself . There are two boys who have no guesses . There are other boys who are playing around. 14?15? His voice, beautiful teeth. A boy with brown curly hair and a baby face, but he has a stable personality, a tall figure, and a deep voice that does not match his...