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Wit Reviews

  • Kennith 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    Know my heart

    Knowing my heart Wit is a quiet, cruel movie. It is almost Emma's one-man show, from the babbling children, to the resolute university professors, to the same wood-like patients, and finally the still life on the hospital bed. There is no suspense, from life to death, it is undoubtedly natural, and...

  • Ena 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    About life and death and others

    Emma is left-handed and hadn't noticed before. The beginning of the film is full of blurred backgrounds, and the first clear image is the doctor's face that suddenly flashes. The first paragraph is actually the sentence of death sentence. It’s like a conversation between a professor of medicine and...

  • Gideon 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    No man is an island

    Especially classic movies that require careful taste, Emma's acting skills and John Donne's poetry complement each other. The selfishness of watching movies is to know what literary research can mean to people. The film seems to show that literature is a kind of faith for Vivian, but at the end of...

  • Moriah 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    I want to know your heart

    Death be not proud                        John Donne        DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee   Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,   For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,   Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill me.   From rest and sleepe, which but thy...

  • Tiana 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    Seeing the tears on his face, but I don’t know

    I first saw this film in 2002 at HBO ASIA. In a month, this HBO self-made movie has been broadcasted six or seven times. The first time I saw it was about 11 o’clock in the evening, I was curled up on the big sofa in the dormitory, several roommates were asleep, and the dim spotlights were still...

  • Maudie 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    A retrospective film about the Western medicine system

    As a person who was almost killed by Western medicine, this film caught my heart. It deeply portrays all kinds of anti-humanity and zero dignity in contemporary Western medicine treatment, and treats people as completely machines;

    It also reflects some problems:

    1. The dilemma of cancer treatment:...

  • Mazie 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    This is a natural philosophy classwork for a serious preventive medicine student

    As an excellent and rigorous professor of English literature, Vivian Bearing, a single middle-aged woman suffering from cancer, her life in the hospital opened up to us.       Due to the change from Margaret Edson's drama, the main body of the film is basically supported by Vivian Bearing's...

  • Oliver 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    When Vivienne met John

    Pompa mortis magis terret, quam mors ipsa (It is the accompaniments of death that are frightful rather than death itself). — Francis Bacon watched "Wit" in the ethics class of the Faculty of Medicine of Peking University. The clinical workers in the film did not fulfill the obligation of informed...

  • Angel 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    Modern people must learn to let go of themselves and face up to the luck of being born.

    After reading it, tears kept streaming, but the thoughts and feelings that suddenly came to my mouth could not be described at all. This is a topic of life and death, I...

    When I saw Professor Benin say that she was afraid that she was afraid but she couldn't express herself in words, I felt the...