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Wit Reviews

  • Norberto 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    Been assuming that was me

    At the age of 30, I went back to school from scratch in a foreign country. I picked up the days of living between diapers and exams. It was originally a doctor-patient relationship class between three tests. There were tests before and after, and the teacher had to be in the middle. There is a...

  • Frank 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    Death dont be proud

    What the film describes in detail may not be clear from the name, because the word wit may only be understood after watching the film and looking back at the topic. It is probably a woman's anti-cancer history, but many of the details are intriguing. The first detail is the name of the protagonist,...

  • Holden 2022-03-24 09:03:27

    patients & physicians

    "Professor Bening, you have cancer, ovarian cancer, stage four." "You need to receive a full dose of chemotherapy." Bening, a female professor who studies classical poetry, has lived a smooth and bright life since then. The road immediately turned into a dark and deep unknown tunnel. Professor...

  • Clinton 2022-03-24 09:03:27

    Live with kindness, death is not the end

    In the 95-minute viewing experience, "Spiritual Ward" touched every nerve in me, and felt pain, helplessness, fear, despair, and a little warmth and comfort together with the protagonist. And the meaning of life and death lingered in my mind for a long time, and this spiritual journey towards death...

  • Santina 2022-03-24 09:03:27


    At the beginning of the film, it is almost like a dialogue with people, as cold as this cancer patient, she accepts her illness with little surprise. She's in therapy, the only wave in the first half of the movie is facing her former student, it's embarrassing to give her a pelvic exam, she feels...

  • Alan 2022-03-24 09:03:27

    a life with full dose

    The rhythm is propped up almost entirely by John Dorn's verses and the actress' close-up micro-expressions. Who was John Donne? "No Man is an Island". Of course, Emma Thompson is the actress who held up half the sky on "Luncheon Song" alone, and that part of the test has already been passed. A life...

  • Thora 2022-03-23 09:03:10


    What do we do when we feel that death is coming? A literature professor gave her own answer in the last moments of her life: accept it because it won't help, fear will make us more miserable and accept it death will no longer accept this short sleep we will have eternal life but Is that really the...

  • D'angelo 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    Cherish health

    I was on the shuttle bus, and I watched it at home one after another. The process of watching is very psychological and full of emotions.      Fear is the fear of illness. No matter how strong a person is, he is nothing more than a trivial defeat in the face of illness, especially cancer. Seeing...

  • Monserrat 2022-01-19 08:02:14

    The one that broke my tears

    Emma acted too realistically. At the end of life, she was alone and quietly. When she finally had a bare head, so thin that she seemed to have only a pair of pupils, curled up and listened to a friend reading the story of the little rabbit and slowly stopped breathing, I finally broke down...