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Who's Singin' Over There? Reviews

  • Dannie 2022-10-16 18:18:17

    Oh ~ it's good!

    Let's talk length first. Who says movies have to be more than 90 minutes long. Not to mention that Uncle Akey spent a little more than an hour, he was too special, and he even made a gimmick of smoking addiction. A lot of Eastern and Southern European movies are 7 or 80 minutes. This is 83 minutes,...

  • Elta 2022-10-16 16:21:13

    Allegory and Tragedy of the Absurd: He had a bad cough and didn't believe the Bible

    This is a hopeless world. This sentence is not written to prove that the world is hopeful. I just want to say that this is a world of pure despair. This is the truth of nothing and nothing. If you were living in a country overrun by soldiers, everything you did would be absurd. Some people are...