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Whiplash Reviews

  • Josue 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    The deal with the devil

    In layman's terms, this is a story of a young man who wants to become the best drummer. Who would have thought that I was terrified to watch, especially after the second half of the film I was pinching myself to watch it. It is not an ordinary inspirational film. It is true that the protagonist is...

  • Belle 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    Who cares about your dreams?

    A step away between excellence and the ordinary, greatness and excellence seem to be separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. "I want to be a great person." "I want to be one of those amazing people." Andrew, from a shy boy to a madman with only drums in his head, ruthlessly broke up with...

  • Esmeralda 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Random image, burst, life (title party)

    1. I saw the director’s interview before. It is said that there was a play about the mentor, but for the closed narrative, I deleted it. I think it's a pity.

    2. Following the above, personally, I would prefer to change the rhythm a little bit, add more of the previous girl's scene, and delete the...

  • Ericka 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    "Burst Drummer": a fascinating bowl of poisonous chicken soup

    When it comes to "Burst Drummer", you might think of sharp editing, a superb soundtrack, and a tough rhythm like a jazz that is getting better and better. Undoubtedly, this film is very enjoyable. However, there has been no stopping arguing about the core content of this film. Some people say that...

  • Lonnie 2022-03-15 09:01:01

    How to evaluate "Burst Drummer" is like how to evaluate the drum skills in the film.


    How to evaluate "Burst Drummer" is like how to evaluate the drum skills in the film. Drumming can be superb, but is it equated with superb artistic attainments? Similarly, the script, execution, and shooting of a movie can all be flawless, but does it mean that we spend more than 100...

  • Jackie 2022-03-15 09:01:01

    Either roll or stand firmly against the slap

    This article was written in March 2015

    If anyone wants to know what stories have happened to me, I recommend the movie "Burst Drummer". My story is the burst jazz drummer in the publishing world. I watched it for 40 minutes on the plane flying to Bologna to participate in the Children’s Book Fair....

  • Devon 2022-03-14 14:12:21

    What are the highlights and memories of "Burst Drummer"?

    1. For Andrew and the girl to break up. I express my deep understanding and agreement. Whatever you gain is what you lose. The important thing is that she can't comfort him or support and understand him on this path. In my opinion she. Not suitable and inappropriate.

    2. In the art business, I don't...

  • Shane 2021-10-13 13:08:25

    Jealousy and resentment can arouse people's fighting spirit, but love can bring people to a higher level.

    There are two insights from watching this movie. First, jealousy and resentment can inspire people's fighting spirit, but love can bring people to a higher level. At the beginning of the teacher’s words, Andrew was very concerned about a look in his eyes. He was concerned that he did not dare to...

  • Emmitt 2021-10-13 13:06:50

    The life of the despised place

    This is a movie that I can never judge impartially as a movie. Every minute of watching this movie, my neurons are rapidly mobilizing exactly the same memories. The newcomer who enters the industry with interest, the devil special trainer instructor, the mental breakdown under the pressure, the...

  • Antonette 2021-10-13 13:06:50

    I'm all for your good

    After watching this movie, I had a nightmare about the college entrance examination, so I couldn't help but want to say a few more words. I wrote in my short review of this film: If I were a student of that teacher, I would probably kill myself... Someone replied under my broadcast: You...