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Whiplash Reviews

  • Kathleen 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    You say this is inspirational? I mean this bowl of chicken soup is poisonous!

    If you say this is an inspirational film, it's great, it's hard to feel the same way as a spectator! Fletcher, the conductor and mentor of the band, if he was a little optimistic about the protagonist from the beginning of the film, after arriving in his music room, I decided that this was just a...

  • Vito 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    Is it really wrong for the boss to play rock and roll?

    Every year to get the Oscar nomination list, the circle of friends in the major circles of friends will set off a bloody storm about who won what award, and then the bet is happy, and the lucky ones are willing to admit defeat.         Indeed, as soon as you see some movies, you know what they are...

  • Janelle 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    I don't agree with this value

    It is true that learning an instrument is very boring. I have also learned the piano, and when I practice, it is almost... But I think Andrew is too utilitarian about playing drums. No humane practice. You could say he worked hard for his dreams, yes, but I didn't see his love for drums in this...

  • Issac 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    Cool movie! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    I looked at him from the little boy into a tough guy. He continued to be the determination of One of the greats. He is really cool, ah, ah , listen to my reminder, I will control the audience ! Resolutely replaced his idol! In the future, whether it is jazz or whatever, you must hear every...

  • Sigurd 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    Not all excellence comes naturally

    Before watching the movie, I saw several people on Weibo saying that the blood spurting from the drums does not mean that you are playing well. Fletcher forced away the students who didn’t know if they were out of tune to show that their ears were good. It's not important or something. It piqued my...

  • Reid 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    @popping drummer (first review)

    "Blacking Drummer" La La Land director Damien Chazelle's 2014 word-of-mouth masterpiece, also won the 87th Academy Award nomination. The film begins with a rapid roll. After the drum beats, the camera slowly advances towards the protagonist from the perspective of Fletcher, the devil's mentor. This...

  • Lon 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    go to his chicken soup

    When you get older, you will find that in the end, it is often not the most talented people.

    To be successful, perseverance and persistence are far more important than talent. You have no other way than to push your limits.

  • Laila 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    Psychological Films Wrapped in Musical Films: On the Physical and Physical Changes of Long-Term Abuse

    The Chinese translation of the burst drummer misleads people. This is an inspirational film for the growth of campus music; but in fact, the original name Whiplash means "whiplash"; this film is a psychological film; it is about the psychological changes of people under extreme abuse and the...

  • Amely 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    Just please don't mistake this story for reality...

    Supplementary score, a good story in the secular sense. But I think the most important thing to say is this: this film is not realism, but a secret and refined romanticism. (This is probably why it is easy to understand why this film will be marked with an inspirational tag). If you need a little...

  • Albert 2022-04-20 09:01:06

    What are the highlights and memory points of "Boom Drummer"?

    Background: I saw that many online commenters are dissatisfied with the teaching method of the commander and think that for most people, hard work is actually useless in life, and hard work is only the driving force for surviving in this mediocre world.

    【About education method】
