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Whiplash Reviews

  • Christy 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    Who cares?

    From childhood to adulthood, parents and teachers have always instilled in us the concept that "you have to work hard, if you haven't achieved excellence, it means you haven't worked hard enough."

    These words seem to inspire you, but in fact hide the desire for you. Parents and teachers don't make...

  • Kay 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    There is a fire in my heart, and the corners of my brows and eyes are full of stars ❤

    This article is excerpted from "The Mutual Abuse Movies Men Shouldn't Miss"

    "There's always someone to win, so why can't it be me." ——Athlete Kobe Bryant "died on January 26, 2020" Representative work: "Dear Basketball" An essay on "Breaking the Limit" story.

    (Sections 1 and 2 are about Yuzuru Hanyu,...

  • Andres 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    Andrew probably just doesn't want to go to rock band (laughs)

    Whiplash   heard that Whiplash finally has HD resources. Finished watching it overnight. I can't even comment on the translation of "Boom Drummer". Whiplash literal translation is good. Whipped, whipped, slapped.    The film tells the story of a college student who is not talented and has no family...

  • Priscilla 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    The process of breaking through the limit is always painful

    After watching this film, many people said that their mood is difficult to calm down for a long time, and I think the same is true for me. Many people are dissatisfied with the teacher in the film, and when I saw the teacher in the film, I remembered a teacher who once taught me.        He is my...

  • Ed 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    The road to the pinnacle of art

    I can only think of this vulgar name as a title for now. When I saw the first time the teacher was angry, I couldn't help laughing, and I automatically recalled the similar scenes when I was learning painting: crying students, angry teachers, continuous blows, from personal to total denial of...

  • Name 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    one of the greatest

    To be honest, as far as I am concerned, I am a person who doesn't work hard. In the second phase of the middle school, I even thought that "people who work hard are so fucking boring". But unfortunately, I am an art student. Of course, many people think that "art" has a soul. Even if you rub your...

  • Shana 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    Only the madman understands the madman via Zhu Hyun

    Introduction: Probably only madmen understand madness. The concept of this film is mostly extreme in mainstream film reviews, and many people feel that after watching it, it is crazy, and it is difficult for them to achieve it. Personally, I think this movie is right on my way. Maybe I am a very...

  • Ryleigh 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    I need a push

    "I need a push", I once boldly posted such a status on Weibo. When I posted this status, it was nothing more than hypocritical work without challenges, and life was too dull. I hope someone can give some inspiration, or give some hope. It's ridiculous to think that my life actually hopes that...

  • Frieda 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    they forgot how the music

    Not surprisingly, the music-themed movie "Boom Drummer" is on fire. Maybe it's the effect of the Oscars, or maybe people are tired of warm inspirational films and want something new and exciting. Judging from the outline of the story, it is indeed in line with the trend of an inspirational film - a...

  • Gretchen 2022-04-21 09:01:10

    There is no reason to criticize another non-mainstream extreme life

    I don't know how fast the drums are to be good. In my opinion, music is an expression, and the film is mixed with persistence, anger, and almost crazy emotional release. It's good to vent your emotions, but twisting yourself to pursue the ultimate reminds me of "Black Swan". There is no reason to...