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Where the Wild Things Are Reviews

  • Jovani 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    There is no need for language between families

    Max finally got on the boat home, and Carl only roared like a beast when he saw him off. I don't think there is any need for language between family members.     Looking back on our childhood, we also longed for unbridled chasing and play like Marx, longing to sleep with friends, longing to be the...

  • Eliezer 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    We've all been grumpy and lonely

    In the poster, a big man hides behind a tree trunk that cannot completely cover his body. Maybe he doesn't want people to see the depths of his heart, maybe he just wants to hide for a while. When I was a child, I didn't need much space to satisfy my fantasies. I had fun with it. A small toy could...

  • Nola 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    Everyone has a country

    The cover photo of the movie is beautiful. . . One that I take for granted is an animation. . did not expect. The beginning is the restlessness and unease surging under the calm music. A lonely child, he has a small kingdom in his heart. In the kingdom, his mother and sister are all around him,...

  • Crawford 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    There is a child in every man's heart

    Because of love, I will build a city for you. So it's a movie about a man's love. Talk about how a man loves and wants to be loved. (Serious spoilers, don't blame me when you see it) max is actually very pleasant. Mom had a bad day and he danced in space. Mom smiled and said, tell me a story. He...

  • Archibald 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    Let's understand the dreams in the hearts of children

    Some people say that this film is boring, but I read it with the word "boring".. When I first started watching, I already felt that MAX was a lonely boy, and his feelings made me very infected . Like him, he lives in his own heart. Because of loneliness, he always looks for him. When I saw her...

  • Elouise 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    How to heal yourself from loneliness

    "The Home of the Beast" is about "how to heal itself from loneliness", a boy's lonely inner world, the movie is a bit nonsensical, but that is the child's world, imaginative, many adults may not understand, which reflects the lack of education for many adults, right The upbringing and education of...

  • Chance 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    And where the wild things are?

    "There are some tall houses, very, very tall houses. They can walk. And some vampires. One vampire bit the tallest house and cracked the roots of his teeth. Then he lost all his teeth and he started crying. The rest The vampire asked him, why are you crying, aren't those your baby teeth? And he...

  • Wilburn 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    There's a wild world in everyone's life

    The first thing we have to admit is, to compare with the novel (it will be better to name it a story book), the film does have a really great expansion in the plot. On the one hand, it explains the experience of Max in real life in more detail, on the other hand, there are more stories happened in...

  • Eldridge 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    I like that you have a big mouth that woops when you're happy and woops when you're angry

    This world makes me unhappy, so I have to cross the ocean and never come back. What kind of world is outside this world? Will there be a partner standing on the shore waving me vigorously at the end of the sea line? What are they like? Is it cute and kind? Until the moment I met you, I wasn't sure,...

  • Holden 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    It's lonely

    I liked this story and thought that I was such a violent and terrible child when I was a child. At that time, I didn't know that it was because of loneliness, and I didn't know how to express and vent my negative emotions.

    As a result, I always feel that I am sick and live in the shadow of my own...