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Where the Wild Things Are Reviews

  • Pablo 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    children's movies for adults

    "Home of the Beast" was adapted from the children's picture book of the same name published by American illustrator Maurice Sendak in 1963. This time, the eccentric director Spike Jones turned the picture book with only 10 lines of dialogue into a one-and-a-half hour picture book. Movie. The story...

  • Van 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    no savage love

    It's a bad boy movie, but almost everyone is a bad boy. Love is not something that can be taken, it also has its own space, and the desire for love sometimes makes people want to eat it. This willful self-destructive behavior can only make oneself lost.     Love is not in a broad field, usually she...

  • Joey 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    it's not just a fairy tale

    MAX's happiness during the snowfight, the cries of the little tiger on the table, and the curiosity in the forest told me that this is not a fairy tale, it is what I am experiencing, and it is the current situation of our children. After watching it, I found that I stayed with the child every day,...

  • Alexzander 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    Where the Wild Things Are

    Do you still remember, when did your childhood end, the sorrows and secret memories of those children who can't be understood by adults, those memories are a light and slow song of sadness, tears, hurt and love's moving , throwing tantrums and destroying , No one understands, so, then, clumsily,...

  • Hayley 2022-04-20 09:01:43

    I hope I never grow up

    This film is reserved for those who still have the innocence.... Those who think it is not good-looking may have forgotten that era and lost their resonance... In fact, this is a kind of It's a pity... Do you remember the days when you were wild and untamed? ? Always wanting to get more attention...

  • Keyon 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    where the wild things are

    The movie is as difficult to understand as the book. The basic story structure of the two is the same, and the film respects the intent of the original to the greatest extent possible. Movies fill in the gaps that are not accounted for in picture books. For example, Max lives in a single-parent...

  • Valentin 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    distance from the heart, distance from the sea

    "Home of the Beast" doesn't seem to be a children's movie, and I don't really understand it, but I vaguely feel that this is a story about inner loneliness.         Children are lonely in reality, and still lonely and helpless in the fantasy world. Max's quiet and sad eyes flashed from time to time...

  • Haylie 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    To the fourth movie that made me cry, "WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE" (WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE)

    What childhood was like, what we were like in childhood, what our parents looked like in our childhood, what our brothers and sisters were like in childhood, how we grew up in childhood. The bad boy's secret is that he's actually a good boy.     We in childhood are like MAX in the movie, naughty,...

  • Adam 2022-04-19 09:01:59

    the beast home i see

    Loneliness is the shadow of growth. When you turn your back on the light, you are caught by it. When you face the light, you cast it away. However, this loneliness is not more because of the betrayal, abandonment and isolation of others. Often, I expect too much, and this expectation exceeds the...

  • Jacques 2022-04-19 09:01:59


    At the beginning, watching MAX playing with dogs, eating snow, and then being bullied in a snowball fight with my sister's friends is exactly the same as my childhood. The feeling of being ignored is unbearable, very lonely, and I always want to break through this environment. Carol is another MAX,...