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What Maisie Knew Reviews

  • Carson 2022-01-16 08:01:14


    It's still an independent little art. This film has to be calm and watched slowly to get more flavor. Adults often think that children don't understand anything, but in fact they see everything in their eyes, but they just can't express it. In the adult world, those helpless compromises, insincere,...

  • Janae 2022-01-16 08:01:14

    I have a stepfather and I am proud! I have a stepmother and I am proud~

    Hey mom... It's the first time to write a film review for a film festival. (This dog-blood title...) I’ll post on the blog later>

  • Moshe 2022-01-16 08:01:14

    Mech knows a lot

    This is the last film I watched at the 16th Shanghai International Film Festival. I hurried to Shanghai Daguangming Studios at 6:30, and had no time to eat, so I had to bring some McDonald's in. For more than ten minutes of the movie, I watched it while eating, and I didn't calm down and watch it....