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What Maisie Knew Reviews

  • Joesph 2022-03-27 09:01:16

    love is action

    The biggest feeling this movie gave me is that the child is not just born, it is not just a matter of material satisfaction, and it is not just about talking about love, the most important thing is action and dedication. Many parents think that I gave birth to the child and that I gave life to the...

  • Maybelle 2022-03-27 09:01:16

    the cost of raising a child

    You either have no money to have kids, or have the money but too busy to actually care about your kids.

    Since i just broke up with my ex a couple months ago after our discussions on marriage and child-rearing, I felt so much when I was watching the movie. The major conflict of our argument: how...

  • Jessie 2022-03-27 09:01:16

    Don't Ignore Your Children and Lovers

    If you're going to have a child, be sure to figure out what you can and should do for him. For a child, the greatest happiness is to have a complete and harmonious family, if you can't give him, at least give him more love in action, not just pledge eachother how much you love him all day long. If...

  • Haskell 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    Actually I know everything

    In fact, I personally strongly urge those who want to get married, who are planning to have children, and who are already parents to take the time to watch this movie... When the song "Feeling of being" sounded at the end, I couldn't hold back my tears. Because my own family is like that. It seems...

  • Martina 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    my two stories

    The first time I wrote a movie review, I just saw a few sentences written by Douyou, which touched my heart inexplicably, so I wanted to write something, my thoughts were very chaotic, and I only wrote to myself that this is a very slow movie. After watching the movie, I also want to tell two...

  • Marietta 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    please don't do this

    I don’t know if this is a common phenomenon, that is, when the husband and wife divorce, the father will speak ill of the mother in front of the child, and the mother will speak ill of the father in front of the child. I know that the child must have quarreled long before the divorce. I've...

  • Norberto 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    Grow up overnight, but so

    Once I write a movie review, I feel hypocritical, and I can't describe my true feelings at the moment. I really like the title of this video, What Maisie Knew, also likes its Chinese literal translation, what does Mech know. In English, it is more like a question sentence, but in Chinese, it is a...

  • Jordane 2022-03-26 09:01:11


    Seemingly calm eyes and actions, in fact, everything is in the heart of the child. For the child, peace and love are the greatest gifts, while for the parents, the child is a mirror. The dark side is completely refracted. Therefore, children are a gift from God to their parents, and they are also a...

  • Erica 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    Messi's world

    I watched the movie "Messi's World" under the previous paragraph tonight. I don't like the Chinese literal translation of the name "What Mech Knows", and it doesn't reflect the content of the movie at all. This film is mainly about seeing the people and things around me through the eyes of a little...

  • Adrien 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    Children have tolerance that we don't

    This is my first time writing a movie review. I saw a good movie before, but I didn’t dare to write, for fear of spoiling it if I didn’t write it well. This is really unstoppable.    Perhaps it is because he has not had the experience of living with his parents, and is especially sympathetic to the...