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We're No Angels Reviews

  • Adelbert 2022-12-19 06:24:02

    we are not angels

    The first time I saw Neil Jordan's film, not the famous "Crying Game", but this "I Am Not an Angel" originally thought to be a hilarious farce, in fact, maybe the beginning of this movie is a comedy, but the end But it's about human nature.      This film was made in 1989. At that time, De Niro was...

  • Daphne 2022-08-19 22:06:34

    We are on the road to becoming an angel

    If you like the classic comedy "Escape from a Tiger's Mouth", you will also like this "We Are Not Angels" in the same way, not to mention that the starring is the king of acting like Robert De Niro and Sean Penn. But for the two leading actors, this film is not their representative work. Even...

  • Kyleigh 2022-06-22 23:20:56

    A story about redemption

    The film explained to us the meaning of faith from the perspective of two prisoners who escaped from prison. I saw from them the indescribable kindness of their nature. This inner innocence is reflected in the two prisoners. Irony, people who go against mainstream values ​​have become angels in...

  • Scarlett 2022-06-22 19:22:53

    "We Are Not Angels"

    This is a movie starring De Niro in 1989. It's a light comedy. It is about two escaped prisoners, Ned and Jim, who came to a small town on the border between the United States and Canada during their escape. The yin and yang are regarded as the new priest by everyone. The police chased after them,...

  • Taurean 2022-06-22 17:40:45

    we are not angels

    The first time I saw Neil Jordan's film, not the famous "Crying Game", but this "I Am Not an Angel" originally thought to be a hilarious farce, in fact, maybe the beginning of this movie is a comedy, but the end But it's about human nature. This film was made in 1989. At that time, De Niro was...

  • Sigurd 2022-06-22 12:10:19

    Religion and Salvation

    I watched a small Christian gathering last weekend, and just yesterday I watched this movie related to Christianity. The contrast and impact are obvious. The scene in the movie is an American border town 71 years ago. In such an inconspicuous place, Christianity has penetrated deeply. Ordinary...