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Warm Bodies Reviews

  • Lucinda 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    R, who is neither ugly nor handsome and can't fly

    Eighty percent attendance has been on the Tips are kindly requested to line up to buy movie theater popcorn is good variety of Coke Zero food, you will eat very happy (Arcane Why my foreigner popcorn is salty !! really heavy mouth ah! !) about the story is this: Mensao zombie R (pronounced R R I do...

  • Anne 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    you are what you eat

    I accidentally saw the trailer of this movie a few months ago, Nicholas Hoult's broken thoughts, a very cute look, in fact, it is really cute. If at the end of the world, Wu Yanzu incarnates as a zombie and walks past your door and accidentally eats your boyfriend. It is said that Mr. Wu eats up...

  • Xzavier 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    Anticlimactic masterpiece!

    A zombie film called "Blood and Blood" released in the United States in February finally got 1280 HD in the past few days. I watched it in the mood of "Twilight" being rotten or it was rotten, but was accidentally caught by the male pig's feet. (Zombie) The lighthearted and humorous...

  • Tillman 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    On the Perfectability of Zombies: A Tribute to Rousseau

        Zombies are born cold-blooded, but are everywhere in perfection. How this change came about, I don't know. What makes this possible, I am confident that I can answer that question.        Zombies come from people, but because they don't have long-term memories, they don't know how they became...

  • Bonita 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    Love is the only thing that can bring you back to life

    When I saw the trailer, I really wanted to see it. I knew that this was probably the kind of romantic light comedy that teenagers would like, and I knew that it must be unscientific. How could there be such a handsome zombie=. = oh no, there are no zombies! But after reading it, I still feel...

  • Dereck 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    A Zombie's Journey in Search of Life

    A simple and kind-hearted zombie who just wants to eat human flesh (it feels a bit cultural and also has a black belly - how come there are so many records and trinkets), he ate the brains of his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend in an incident, so he has memories and feelings, and he has feelings for the...

  • Thaddeus 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    film as title

    I didn't have a cold with zombie movies before, I thought it was not good, I saw this movie by accident, everyone commented that it was very good, it was a very moving zombie movie, so I watched it with suspicion, it really did not disappoint , this is a warm zombie film like the title.     The...

  • Evalyn 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    Be serious and you will lose

    Zombie movies have always been the type of movies that you lose if you are serious. This film is no exception. A seemingly impossible love, a Hollywood happy ending version of Romeo and Juliet. This popcorn movie without any baggage never requires any thought. Nicholas Holt has been acting cute all...

  • Deja 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    Weird zombie plot

    The plot of Warm Bodies is normal. The unreasonable thing is that although R rescued Julie, R ate Julie's BF, and then Julie was able to become a new boyfriend and girlfriend with R. . . I don't know what Julie thinks, is it just that R is more handsome than Perry? Zombies turning back into people...

  • Tamara 2022-01-27 08:02:45

    cliché good body

    Youth and good body like Nicholas Holt, no matter whether it is hot or cold, fresh or rotten, I believe that countless audiences want to embrace him, so it is a great idea to choose him to star in "Blood and Blood", even if he plays It is a tough zombie, and it is more nimble than the five-square...