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Warm Bodies Reviews

  • Josie 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    Warm corpse - the warmth that everyone experiences, depending on their attitude

    "Warm Corpse", warm bodies, in fact, warm is the core of the whole film, but the theme is lost on the structure. There is no other fear of losing the film, the bloodiest scene in the whole movie may be the opening part, plus the scene where the male protagonist eats the brain of the female...

  • Layla 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    Awakening of Remaining Memories

    Zombie movies are mostly bloody and cruel pictures, constantly chasing, running, dodging, biting and killing. However, this movie takes a different approach and gives a zombie a residual memory. This memory may only be fragmented fragments, or even the fragments may not be put together, but this is...

  • Winston 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    Did you turn yourself into a zombie?

    Zombies fell in love with a human girl, and ate her boyfriend's brain... tui! This male protagonist is a disgrace to the zombie world! If I were like him, I would never have fallen in love with one human girl, I would have fallen in love with many, many human girls! But there is one thing to say,...

  • Lenna 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    This movie is too dreamy

    But in a lot of zombie movies, the apocalypse movies are different, and there is inexplicable satisfaction in my heart. I was surprised by the heroine's father, because it was said earlier that he would probably kill R without listening to persuasion. (Maybe it has something to do with R's...

  • Haven 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    A lackluster Stockholm love

    The mind-blowing plot is completely Stockholm development.

    Love at first sight is still within the acceptable range; but the male protagonist has taken the initiative to eat his ex-boyfriend's brain in small amounts and many times! Well, he is a zombie is still within the range of my acceptance;...

  • Cletus 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    The male lead makes me want to see skins

    The male protagonist is narrating the whole process, and some of the complaints are really funny. The elements of the outside world + doomsday + hostile relationship are completely my favorite. After an hour and a half, it's easy to watch, and sometimes it's cute enough for zombies. It's a good...

  • Margarette 2022-04-21 09:01:39

    love is big

    If you are still mourning the love between vampires and humans in the "Twilight" series, then I tell you, this may be a bit outdated, and now this "Warm Corpse" tells you that it is not beautiful, agile or even clean. Zombies also have spring, and they can also fall in love. Once, life and death...

  • Annetta 2022-04-20 09:01:30

    The name of the thriller is actually a healing film hahaha

    If you are in a bad mood, you can watch the music and the plot will heal you

    It can be compared with the heart-pounding

  • Maximillian 2022-04-20 09:01:30

    "Warm Corpse" | The zombies here are a bit warm!

    "I'm very sorry for eating your boyfriend. In order to compensate you, I can only be your boyfriend." Very interesting and unique. The film is based on Isaac Marion's novel "Warm the Body" and is known as the zombie version of "Twilight." There is also a translation of the movie called "Flesh and...

  • Deontae 2022-04-20 09:01:30

    flesh and blood movie review

    This movie is about the zombies in the doomsday of life slowly thinking, team up to hunt for food in the city, and finally eat a person's brain and then have his memories, fall in love with his girlfriend and save her from taking She went back to the airport base. The heroine was very scared at...